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Everything posted by CapeDave

  1. OK, today is the day! I am going to call Ford (they did not get back to me) and bring it in and tell them I do not want it back until it is fixed and I want a loaner. I cannot believe I buy the most expensive Edge they ever sold and they are not jumping all over themselves to give me a loaner. I mean really, that is insane to me. I drove it out of state for the holidays, the message had not appeared for 3 weeks and the steering was fine. As I pulled up to my motel 4 hours away, the damn error message appeared and has not disappeared since and the steering is misaligned about 10 degrees to the left. I had to drive back like this. Not a confidence booster I assure you Also, the heated steering wheel feature stopped working completely. Which was one reason I bought the car. Along with the heated seats which I cannot use because I need a cushion on the seats because they are so uncomfortable and poorly designed (but that is another thread). I would rewind this deal in the proverbial heartbeat if I could.
  2. I totally feel your pain! This really sucks. I have to go on a road trip, and although all seems fine, I hate that this damn thing could go awry at any time. Other than this ( I have not seen the warning in a few weeks, fingers crossed) even though I know that does not mean the issue has gone away. Damn this sucks!
  3. I hope it works and is a permanent fix for you. Thanks for the number as this gives me more knowledge and ammo when I take mine in to get "fixed". I would really like to see at least a free payment from Ford as this is a real and true pain in the ass. Supposedly, mine is the "clock spring" fix, but I am thinking that maybe they did not know about this fix at the time they diagnosed the issue. Thanks again, welcome aboard, and keep us posted
  4. Best of luck. Let's hope that is the last of this nonsense! Could you give us a little more detail on the "software update" by any chance? Thanks. I am going to be bringing my car in soon and I really want to go in knowing as much as I can about this issue and it various fixes.
  5. Well, I tempted the steering gods and they responded. After 3 weeks with no error messages, they are back! As before, on, off, all over the darn place. Steering itself is still OK,. My dealer has called me and at least expressed an interest in getting it fixed, YAY! The part has been in for awhile. I am guessing that I have the Clock Spring situation, as that is the part they ordered. I want to be more hands on with this repair than usual and want to see that part they are replacing. I would actually in this case actually like to watch, but I am sure that is impossible. I know I hate it when people watch me fix their computer. But in that case, there is no way out, at least if I am onsite Still, I want to know what they are doing to my new car that I am paying top dollar for. Dave
  6. Welcome aboard. Somehow, together, we will solve this 100%.
  7. Whew, this is quite the thread OK, I am going to taunt the gods by saying that somehow, my issue is solved. Over a week having changed the setting back to normal/normal and no error messages! So that is two weeks total with no error messages. If this does not tempt the gods, nothing will I truly hope it is as I have some driving coming up. I really want to avoid the whole steering wheeling pulling off and replacing if at all possible. However, I also want the issue fully and completely solved. But I, again, want it done correctly the first time. I will report back with any updates. Thanks for all of your help. It makes being upset with my new car much easier to "handle"
  8. I got the 18's for the same reason. Also came with the same tires. I run mine about 31/32. OK, but would still like a softer ride. I think I need the front seats to be built like a waterbed Soft and floaty.
  9. I checked and it would seem my build date was June of 2016. Car was delivered July 18th to my dealer. No more error messages yet since the change back to "normal".
  10. For the record, I switched back to normal/normal for the adaptive steering setting. I will be interested (for lack of a better word) to see if this brings back the error warning. Also, I called the dealer today and asked them and they said that yes, a part had come in. How nice of them to let me know! Ouch. Due to all the new info here on this thread, I really want to make sure that my car gets the correct and final fix the first time around. I feel like I know more about it than them at this point. Also, I feel the need to get solid info about what EXACTLY they are going to do to my car. Usually, I drop off car and pick it up, neither caring nor thinking about what exactly they did. However, I have never had a situation like this that is so damn disconcerting, again, for lack of a better word (that I can say in public )
  11. Glad you got it back and it is working. For me, another day with no warning lights, and I still cannot help but think that is due to the setting I changed. I still want 100% resolution. I will need to call the dealer as they have not seen fit to call me. I mean how many Edge''s could they have sold with this issue? They can't make a computer notation to call me and say the part is not in and they are still trying to get it, or what have you? Sheesh.
  12. Thanks much. I appreciate your info. I do not want to mess with the beast, and I understand that suspension is certainly a package deal. But if there were something, and it looks like tires in this case, I would be open to it. I have heard many good things about Bridgestone Duelers, now headed to tirerack to check them out.
  13. Thanks for your responses. I am sure that I have, to a degree, "confused" shocks with springs to a degree. Interesting that one person said Ford uses crap springs/shocks and then another immediately disagreed My sister had an older edge, 2011 or so, and the ride was much software than mine. So, I know for a fact they stiffened it up. I am old 64 and yes I like a softer ride Just the way it is. I would replace both shocks and springs if I had part numbers and knew that it would actually accomplish my goal. Also, I am seriously considering a tire change. I am currently running at 33/34 pounds. I am sure I could go to 32 but I think that would be about it. I had just put a set of Coopers CS5 Ultra Touringon my RX350 before I traded it (ouch, I hate when that happens) and they were amazingly quiet and much softer. I will cross reference against the Bridgestone's mentioned above. Thanks again for all your input. The one thing I do not want to do is go off half cocked and mess things up even worse
  14. Yes, I wondered if there was no change due to the overall malfunction or if my driving conditions made it hard to notice. I am going to leave it as is mainly to see if the error message never pops up again. Then at least I will know that changing the setting did at least have that effect. Whether it "fixed" the issue by changing the setting, well, that is a whole nother story
  15. I believe my current setting is SPORT, but under the NORMAL heading. There is also a heading SPORT that has normal and sport options under it. I am going by memory. FYI I could not tell the difference between normal/normal and normal sport.
  16. Freaking ouch! Sorry to hear that. Both for you and for others with this issue, me included. Am I unsafe? This is really more than I bargained for when paying approx 44K for a new car. My life is worth way more than the loss I would take by just walking away from this car. I am going to call my dealer tomorrow and see if I can get any info from them. Ironically, I changed the adaptive setting to "sport" and that is roughly when I stopped having the warning light. But I still have no peace of mind.
  17. Amen! This is such a weird over the top situation. I wish there had been a Lincoln dealer near enough to me to try those cars out. I may even see if I could trade the Edge for the MKX at the dealer 80 miles away. Sure, I would take a hit, but life is so damn short. I also do realize that the MKX can have this same issue. But at least a loaner. But an 80 mile drive to get it
  18. I so agree with your last 3 sentences! Especially "You should get a free loaner at a minimum and I believe they should offer buybacks voluntarily after a certain amount of time without having to go the lemon law route." Wouldn't that save us all a bunch of wasted time and energy. I was not offered a loaner. And told no when I asked for one.
  19. I think I have 18 inch wheels, so as to have the most rubber for smoothness of ride. Meh, still not smooth enough for me. Before this, I had a RX350 but guess what? Same issue. It is kind of like I feel a jolt every time I run over a painted line on the road. That much "road feel" is just not necessary at all
  20. My Edge is great on smooth roads like a decent highway. Trouble is, 97% of my driving is on local roads. frost heaves, potholes, etc. And I swear that it feels like I am driving a damn cement truck over the smallest of road imperfections. I see this is an issue with many SUVs these days, and it probably speaks more to our sad infrastructure than anything else. And yet, if putting in some upgraded gas dampened shocks would help with the situation, I would love to know it. Ford came so close with this car, I would really like them to make it the way it could be. Thanks, Dave
  21. Good work getting a new car! Although a sedan is different than an SUV Or did I get that wrong and it is a permanent loaner until yours is fixed? If that is the case, also great work. I have now determined that I also want no clicking (I really do not want to hear my steering unit making noises as it "figures out" the correct ratio, and funnily enough the clicking is mostly heard when driving straight and a constant speed) when and if they are ever able to actually fix my car. I really do not have the time nor temperament for multiple "fixes" that do not work. I would rather wait until they really know what the issue is.
  22. Mine was on almost constantly for about a week. Now has been off for about a week. Before that, it was on intermittently. Anyways, welcome to the club, sorry it has to be under these circumstances. The good news is it seems like the issue is identified and a fix will be in place shortly.
  23. As a possible separate or possible combined effect, I am wondering if the new part will still click? I am not happy with that sound at all. Yes, it is a gentle clicking. It is weird because it sounds like 2 plastic cards of the type that used to be on keychains that are clicking against each other due to the motion of the car. Reminds me of the GM fiasco with their totally useless key switches. When I hear the clicking, I actually look down there to see if the "keychain" is causing the noise. Sheesh, when will they make cars with parts that work???
  24. I guess I am going to have to call my dealer. They were supposed to have ordered a clock spring, but I am hoping they are at least as on top of this issue as I am and that they may be waiting for a new steering wheel that is the new and correct part before they call me. If I do not see the error message today it will be day 4 or maybe 5 without the error message.
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