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Everything posted by 037

  1. I'm about to get the full Z23 kit for the Continental, waiting for a discount, currently $340
  2. I don't think I'm planning anywhere as much power as you guys, I am pretty much done. Was floating the idea of an intercooler but LMS couldn't care less, so I left it alone.
  3. I think the wheels will come off.
  4. 80k a year... Sounds like a new car every 2 years. That's a lot of driving, your insurance myst be crazy.
  5. Then came the 3.0 and got 420/477 on e30 and the world swooned. Still slower than the Edge but I'm working on it. The Edge is definitely very quick for the tiny displacement compared to the muscle cars and an excellent value for those who enjoy a large 5 seater with a huge trunk.
  6. Stock 2.7 on a good day runs 14.2, 14.0 if you are me. I would say cracking into 14s is impressive.
  7. Ordered a set for Conti off ebay... We will see.
  8. Anyone know if the systems are different Lincoln to Ford? I only get 3.0 not 3.1
  9. Used a card reader and formatted a flash card to fat32, that did the trick, thanks
  10. I can't find an easy way to hit fat32, only exfat which is what Ford wants me to do, or NTFS. What did you use to format fat32? I'm using a 64GB SanDisk extreme USB 3 drive
  11. Patience is over rated, I will try to run Big Red this Sunday, wanted to go today but that didn't happen.
  12. Are you guys formatting the flash drive to exfat? My SanDisk extreme flash drive isn't even being recognized to start the update. What's the trick to get it going, just the basics. Plug and wait did not work. Does it tell you that it's in progress?
  13. With that setup you should be hitting lower 60ft unless your tune is limiting power in first gear.
  14. Any wheel hop? What mods for traction, rmm, springs, big fat summer tires, tranny mount?
  15. My 1.82 was on summer 245s x4 and around 45f. Not sure how you are running stronger tires but not getting faster times. At the very least you shouldn't have a traction issue or run faster, I don't get it.
  16. If you are fighting for traction at 100f I don't think it would be better at 45f.
  17. On E30 Conti went 420/477 a good 30 awhp over 93.
  18. Fun, maybe useless fact. My Continental dynoyed 300 awhp at LMS on 87 and tuned was in 350s, simply cause that's the gas I had in the tank at the time from the used car dealer.
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