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Jimmy Mac

Edge Member
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Everything posted by Jimmy Mac

  1. Sorry CV27 and AKIRBY. I didn't see your posts until after I made my second post. It's wonderful to have fellow owners come to the rescue! I'm loving my Edge but it is still a challenge to correctly use all the features that it offers.
  2. OK!! I think I've figured it out. If I want to use the Intermittent Mode, I need to turn Rain Sensing off using the left steering wheel control.
  3. My 2015 Edge's rain sensing wipers seem to work reasonably well. However, yesterday they were being a tad contrary so I tried putting them in the intermittent mode so I could control the delay between wipes. Unfortunately, even after reading the owners manual, I can not figure out how to change my rain sensing wipers from automatic to intermittent operation. Can anyone help me with this?
  4. I'm embarrased to admit that I found Global Open Windows in the Owner's Manual's index. (Pages 78/79) Anyway my Edge is working as the Manual suggests. I don't know why Ford decided to call this a GLOBAL feature when it only opens the two front windows. Seems they missed the opportunity for a much more useful feature that would have both opened and closed All the windows. Thanks for coming to my aide WWWPerf...
  5. I'm kind of overwhelmed by all the features of my recently purchased 2015 Edge Titanium. I've tried to use the Owner's Manual to answer my questions but it isn't very owner friendly (or comprehensive). Anyway, my current question regards the listed Interior feature listed on the Window Sticker - Global Open Windows. I gather from Ford's video that some models key fobs can be used to open all the windows (including the Vista Roof) by simply depressing the Unlock Button for a few seconds. This does not work for me. By expermenting, I've found if I depress the Unlock Button twice and then depress and hold the button down a third time, the front two windows will lower. But the rear windows and Panoramic Vista Roof remain closed. Can anyone who has been more successful using this feature give me some advice? Also, has anyone been able to globally close the windows from outside the Edge? [ 2015 Edge Titanium AWD 3.5L, Equip Gp 302A, Driver's Package ]
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