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Edge Member
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Everything posted by ypnov

  1. bought my Edge a year ago - April 2007. The day I received the car noticed strong dashboard reflection in the windshield (beige coloured dashboard) with lines reflected from the dashboard crisscrossing the windshield..... In direct sunlight the windshield becomes a mirror..... making the car unsafe to drive. complained to Ford customer service just to be told that they will do nothing about it... the dealer (Yonge-Steeles dealership in Toronto, Canada) told me that this is "the nature of the car".... went to "tint" places and was told that tinting the winshield will not help. So, I'm stuck with this car (for next 3 years until my lease runs out) - hating it because of it and hating Ford for lousy engineering.... most likely my last Ford...
  2. buoght my Edge in April 2007. Did 22000km. Driving 70% city an 30% Hwy. My average gas consumption is....18.2 l/100km.... this is a horror story!!!!!! yes, most of my driving is in the city - but still.... the Edge being the smallest SUV that I ever owned it definitely has the worst mileage. My previous car was Pontiac Montana AWD - very heavy car. Same driving pattern gave me 16l/100km and that car was much heavier than the Edge.... at least I think so, Edge being so much smaller. I am a very solid driver - I don't accelerate and don't brake hard. I am planning to take the car to the dealer asking to tune it up but don't have high hopes.... I'm used to hear from the dealer that all the probems that I encountered with my Edge are the "nature of the car.....
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