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  1. My issue seems to be solved. Wasn't done intentionally but I pushed the magnet in front of driver's side B pillar out of its nest on the liner. The noise immediately stopped. BTW I am missing those B pillar area magnets 1 of 3 magnets, middle ones are missing on either side. Can anyone confirm if it is by design? The base of part# seem to be 50980.
  2. If I buy only few bottles of vine then I put them over there so they don't slide all over the trunk.
  3. Mine are snapped for sure, tricky to remove if needed.
  4. How would you expect Sync to play your songs without searching for them first? Building commands for voice control could be deactivated in settings if needed.
  5. Official Ford's position on downgrading is "It is not possible". No dealership would do it neither paid nor under the warranty. One more thing - itIt is pretty much DIY job but I've heard about several people had their APIMs (the actual "brain" of the system) bricked during the process. Would you take a risk? I won't unless I have a spare APIM.
  6. That website is quite misleading. Chose Ford, check supported services. Then check GMC. Now you have an idea. But once again - I personally saw Travel Link on 2016 Ford Explorer (MFT/Sync2) and 2016 Ford Escape. Here is the screenshot of the first one:
  7. BS. It is available on old MFT (pre-2015) and on Sync3. Update 3.8 kills it, original 2015 MY 3.7 did not have it from the beginning. It is not dealership's issue, but Ford IVT to blame. Moreover, I am aware that some pre-2015 MFT owners were able to get Travel Link back by downgrading their MFTs back to 3.6 So whatever Ford officials tell us regarding this matter is nothing but lies.
  8. Google for Ford PowerShift, a dual clutch AT developed by Getrag. BTW Getrag has been recently acquired by Magna International Inc. (TSX: MG, NYSE: MGA). Go Canada Go! LOL
  9. From what I saw in my case it is the magnets where they are attached to the liner (not to the roof) have some slack. I'm going to seal the place with a drop of hot glue once it is warmer outside.
  10. Exactly my source of noise. 2 magnets next to B pillar
  11. Never had magnets rattle until yesterday...
  12. A6 uses bleeding edge 2012 maps data...
  13. True, I saved $6900 as well, yet when I see even cheap 2016 SE with Sync 3 my teeth make weird sounds...
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