Hi all...I was wondering if any of you have been told or maybe experienced trouble finding wiper blades...The clip on my driver side blade broke and I needed to replace a blade that was only 3 months old ...Ok, so big deal, right?
Well the auto parts store near my work said the edge changed the style of the wiper arms and most standard blades won't fit them. So...It was snowing today and I had to borrow a friends car to run to the Ford Dealer which is only 15 min from my work but still ticked me off.
I talked to the dealer and bought both the driver side and passenger blades, that cost me $41...The thing that I'm also wondering is why when they replaced my blades in oct, they were 24.95 installed?
The blades they replaced were motorcraft and said motorcraft on them.
WW*2001*P - $9.98
WW*2401*P - $12.98
The blades I bought today are motorcraft but don't have motorcraft on the blades like the ones above.
WW*2040* 130 BLADE A - $18.98
WW*2612* 130 BLADE A - $19.00
So whats the difference, I'm confused. Oh and also the driver blade they installed on my car the first time, was about an inch shorter than the ones i purchased today.