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  1. I have a 2013 Edge Sport and am about to sell it and pull the trigger on a 2021 ST. Are there any issues I should check out/beware of when shopping? Any recommended accessory packages? My 2013 had BAMF issues and the entertainment system always switches sources randomly. Also had some power steering issues. What are the 2021 STs known for good/bad? TIA, Todd, from Denver
  2. Thanks a bunch. It also fits the Edge!
  3. Do you have any advice on how to get the trim pieces to stay put on the moonroof? Mine keeps popping off and getting caught in the track. I temporarily remove them so I can actually use the sunroof, but I would love to find a way to keep them in place. I’ve used electrical tape before but even as thin as that is, it gets caught in the track as you can see the tape residue in the picture
  4. Thanks man. Mechanic still has it. Fingers crossed.
  5. It has just over 90k miles. Thanks for the info. The hose has been replaced 2x and the o-ring 2x too.
  6. Hi, My 2013 Sport keeps having power steering issues. Specifically, the hose erupts where the o-ring meets the pump. It happens only on hard left turns, like in a parking lot or making a u turn. This has happened 3x now. The mechanic keeps replacing the o-ring, but since it keeps happening it feels like the problem is either in the pump, where it connects TO the o ring or the relief valves in the steering system are stuck closed (I don't know the exact term). Is this a know issue and is there a known fix? Thanks, L
  7. Hey everyone, this is my third Edge Sport. Two have been totaled by idiots in Denver, so I decided to go for a third one since my luck has been so good. My biggest complaint is the Sync software continually losing sync with my mobile devices. I’m not sure at the moment what version of software I’m running but is there some version I can install that is more stable? I will do a factory reset on the system and sometimes it retains connection for a few weeks but it always ends up failing and never finding Bluetooth sources again. The other issue I get regularly is when parked in idle for a long time the car shutters and the service select track warning comes on. I have noticed this does not happen with the climate control turned off. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  8. For sure. I even mentioned that I missed it, even though its plainly stated. I made a mistake and assumed. Just trying to help the next person that half-assed readsthe directions.
  9. Here I am trying to be helpful. Fuck me, right? Just saying...
  10. My pleasure, especially seeing how much help you guys provide. Just a note on the switch replacement process. The new switch wire color DOES NOT match the old wires. Even though step 14 says this, I missed it. (I edited that part so no one else can miss it) I followed the above procedure to the letter. When I was done, the switch seemed to be in the toggled ON mode, until in shifted into park. When in park, it still said SHIFT TO PARK, until you toggled the shifter trigger. I connected the new switch to the old wires, matching the old black wire to the new black one. Then the old red wire to the new red wire (obviously). And the old blue wire had to go with the new green wire, right? Nope. Turns out the black is pretty obvious, but the new red wire goes to the old blue wire and the new green wire goes to the old red wire. Not at all intuitive. Good luck!
  11. I have to do the fix now and copy/pasted the DD2000GT solution into MS Word and cleaned it up for printing. Set the parking brake Start your car and move the shifter into drive (you need to do this so the console cover can move back away from the dash face-plate) Turn the car back off. Remove the center console with the cup holders. Remove the two side trim pieces by pulling straight up. Remove the 6 screws holding this cover down under the trim pieces with a Torx T-20 bit. Separate the center console from the dash face-plate - this also pulls straight out (towards the shifter) and is kind of difficult so pull carefully but aggressively. Pull straight up on the console from the rear closest to the storage box and it will pop loose and up. You will not be able to pull it up much due to a few wires still attached to the console, but it is more than enough to get the job done. Working from the passenger side, locate the existing microswitch mounted to the shifter towards the front. Pry it away from the shifter using a thin blade flathead screwdriver and un-route the wiring so you can pull this switch out enough to work with it. I cut the leads off the old switch where it was soldered in place and I had enough wire sticking out that I could splice the new one in easily. NOTE - Leave just a little of the wire coloring on the old switch so you can match the wires up to the new switch leads as the colors are not the same. Take the lever off the old switch and press it into place on the new switch, Re-mount the new switch to the shifter by pressing the posts into the appropriate holes on the shifter base. NOTE - install the switch with the lever down and the leads on top. Put the console cover back into place just enough so you can operate the shifter. Start the car and test your splices before putting everything back in place in case you need to pull it back out and fix the wiring. After you’re sure everything is fine, put the console back together in the reverse order you took it out. Smile that you finally fixed this annoying problem for $5 and less than an hours work! *EDIT The forum broke the MS Word formatting, of course
  12. I pictured the old school steering wheel cover. Like this https://www.google.com/search?q=old+school.steering.wheel.cover&safe=active&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS590US590&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih7unguu_ZAhVBH2MKHVuGD48Q_AUIEigC&biw=375&bih=591#imgrc=96sBJxlE7pMAWM: Smart idea. Thanks
  13. Hey there, I just got a used 2013 Edge Sport (66k mi) and has a few little issues. The Ford logo flaked off big time on its first washing. The steering wheel is also heavily delaminated. I was thinking I would black out all of the chrome on the car anyway with some vinyl wrap. I guess I could just do the ford emblems also. How difficult is it to put a new emblem in the grille? Do you have any better ideas? As for the steering wheel, I have no idea. https://imgur.com/gallery/bxYeN Thanks,
  14. You guys rock. Got a used 2013 and it got this sickness. Thanks!
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