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Everything posted by onyxbfly

  1. What a great find! Never knew something like this existed. How's the battery life? Maybe I'll get this for my brother for Christmas and I can finally get my pressure washer back!
  2. That is very odd. Perhaps the Powertrain Control ECM needs to be properly calibrated with the correct firmware for your VIN. It very well may be a programming issue. Unless you know what you're doing I wouldn't suggest making any power train modifications using FORScan or any other OEM or aftermarket programmer. I would suggest taking it back to wherever you had the work done and tell them your issue/ concern. It should be a relatively simple fix.
  3. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Great Pic! I would definitely get that framed!
  4. You do not need to fully disconnect the battery. The negative terminal can be a pain to get to. You only need to disconnect the positive lead.
  5. His ST is so fast that it flipped his avatar! That's what happens when you put the s(POR)t back into the ST!!
  6. Omar posted an excerpt from the owners manual. Here is a direct link for the post that is earlier inthis thread.
  7. Have you checked to see if there are any TSBs for your transmission? I know that the STs came from the factory with some transmission bugs that were sorted out with a few firmware updates. You have the same transmission and from what I understand the issues were not exclusive to the ST.
  8. Thanks to everyone for painting a broader picture of the inner workings on how the Intelligent Oil Life Monitor system works. I now understand why it can not be changed to a set interval.
  9. Unfortunately it is not an option on any Ford that I have seen from 2015+ Took the words right out of my mouth. I completely get where you're coming from. I was under the impression that the dealer would have to prove that your mod voided the warranty. More importantly your warranty is only voided as far as that particular mod is concerned. You add a rear view camera and your PTU goes out....Your rear view camera doesn't have anything to do with your PTU and thus they can't void your warranty for it. This is one of those times where Ford dropped the ball.... I wonder if Ford would say my turn signal indicator warranty is voided because I increased the number of flashes to 7 as opposed to 3 or 4 whatever it ships from the factory. Not changing your oil is considered failing to maintain your vehicle properly. I wonder what Ford would say to someone if they changed their oil once a year or 10k miles and their engine died. I am good friends with an Amsoil distributor. He says that their oil is good for 10k miles with the use of their filter. I asked him over pool and drinks if Amsoil would cover the repair if an engine died during the 10k mile period due to insufficient oil. You're going to burn some oil during the course of 10K miles. He looked me dead in the eye and said they're supposed to honor it but they would fight you tooth and nail and you would probably spend more fighting it then getting it repaired. I'm pretty sure that Ford would think along those lines.....Maybe Ford knows something we don't.....Maybe their oil is good for 10k. Personally I won't be the test dummy. Sounds a lot like their lifetime PTU fluid.....
  10. How so? I would like to change it to a lower interval. The factory default is 1 year or 10K miles. I drive between locations for work. Some high way but a epic shit ton local streets and or stop and go etc. I prefer to err on the side of caution and change between 3-5K miles.
  11. I do not have any issues on Firefox, Edge, Chrome or Opera. Drop @akirby a line and see if he can reach out to one of the sysadmins on your behalf.
  12. Would anyone know if you can change the oil change reminder via FORScan?
  13. https://drivebright.com/shop/ford-edge-led-drl-kit-with-built-in-led-turn-signal/
  14. I believe that @Perblue has the UP FMIC on his ST. Maybe he can tell you if there is any fitment concerns on installing it on a ST.
  15. What trim level is your edge? IIRC if its an S/ SE then you will not be able to upgrade. I forget the reason off the top of my head.
  16. Reach out to @snmjim and @Special_K! They will sort you out!
  17. Exactly why I haven't fooled around with it. I don't know the last time, I listened to public radio and even when I do its via carplay or android auto.
  18. Sweet! I was walking one of my coworkers through it this weekend! He was having troubles with the the names of the files corresponding with the autoinstall.lst.... Then he asked if I would do it for him.... I asked him what if i was wasn't available to do it for him again in the future.....give a man a fish... eat for a day kinda thought.... I remoted into his PC and brought up the website and walked him through it... He was done in a hour and half..... He then had the audacity to ask why didn't I tell him about the website.... I didn't have any first hand experience with it. He asked what If he bricked his APIM.... I told him he would have brought lunch and a case of beer and I would sort him out. Luckily that didn't happen! But when I left for work this morning there was a case of Shiner's on my steps! To answer your question I have not upgraded the firmware for the APIM. I have the tools, just never got around to it! Lets see what the weekend brings!
  19. https://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/29896-ultimate-performance-big-intercooler-new/
  20. Another FYI..... Buyer can not use your programmer unless it is unlocked and re-maried to their edge. SCT charges $150 for this which essentially brings the price to retail. Not thread crapping just want you to be aware if you don't get many responses the price/ unlock/ re marry process could be part of the problem. Used programmers are usually priced at the price point that makes it comfortable for the seller and buyer.
  21. Welcome to the forum, please share some pics... we never tire admiring new member or even old member's pics!
  22. You would have to be the first. You get to improve or restore life to a dying MFT/ SYNC2 unit. I guess this could be a cheaper alternative than swapping in complete SYNC3 kit.
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