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Everything posted by onyxbfly

  1. I wish there were aftermarket sport suspension options available for the edge.
  2. Kewl Beans enjoy your vacation. Or if your traveling for wk enjoy the scenery/ change of pace/ environment while it last!
  3. Thanks for transcribing the part number into laymen terms. I did not know what the individual parts of the part number meant. The site you linked me to has a ton of diff options on one page. I wonder if they bothered taking a look at it before launching it. Took me a while to find the ones you referenced. My choices are either the ones from autolumination or Dan at Daytimebrightlights. But to be honest the more and more I look at the front of my edge I'm not sure if they're something I want or something I need. I needed brighter headlights so I did the HID and DRL and Puddle lights from Dan. Apart from the aesthetics there doesn't seem to be any benefit from changing the bulbs. Its something that I may do in the future but right now I think the idea is on the shelf. Thanks once again for taking the time to break down the part number.
  4. Thanks for the info. I haven't decided on type 1 or type 2. I'm not opposed to using resistors. I was hoping for a updated link for the bulbs (it didn't have to be from vleds, just something that someone had purchased recently) because there seems to be a lot of choices available. Thanks once again.
  5. Don't have a sport but shaving the rear emblems does make her look sexier!!! I'll have to do that when I get some time.
  6. I recently ordered the 6000K HID Headlight, The DRL, The DRL Courtesy wiring harness, and puddle lights from Dan at http://www.daytimebrightlites.com
  7. Looks a lot better than the craptastic one that Ford puts out for the 2013 Edge. SMDH
  8. My cousin and I recently swapped vehicles. I drove his 2014 Murano, and he drove my 2013 edge SEL. I found that putting around town, driving local same roads going to the same locations same speed etc... I found the Murano to be better on gas mileage. On the highway the mileage was pretty simmilar. I actually enjoy the way the Edge handles over the Murano. They are very simmilar vehicles. If you can get the sport the sport trumps it hands down.
  9. Thanks for the heads up. I usually go with Rain X or Bosch. Ironically enough it rained within an hour of changing the blades.... Deff an improvement. Thanks for sharing!!
  10. Which deductible did you decide to go with?
  11. 2 week old 2013 Edge SEL Tuxedo Black fully loaded with everything except my key/ push to start, lane assisit and paddle shifters or tow mount. Not sure of the package and configuration I got her with 19.6K miles. I paid 28K and change for her. My only regret was not getting a sport but damn I love this car!!!
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