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Everything posted by Chipster

  1. I disagree with the "let it burn" philosophy, but having said that there is probably not too much a small fire extinguisher will do. I do think however that a small extinguisher has its place in a car's emergency kit as there is a chance that it might make a big difference in a fire situation if caught early. I keep one in mine. One thing to be aware of is the recall that Kidde has on some of their small units. One of my Kidde units was recalled and they did a great job of exchanging mine. Here is a link for that recall: https://inmarmarketaction.com/kidde/Kidde284US/
  2. I just read / watched the attached video pretty interesting... https://jalopnik.com/heres-how-mobil-1-decides-engine-oil-can-last-20-000-mi-1821604891
  3. I did not pull it out, but after some detailed looking and folding seat backs I don't think it will be a good idea to remove the bottom. I might be wrong about this, but with the seat bottom gone the back of the seats might not have the support needed to prevent the seat backs from being over extended forward. Mikula I think your approach may be a better idea, but I am not sure I want to go to that much trouble. My dog doesn't care and if she is fine with it I guess I am too.
  4. Thanks Ben.You are exactly right! Believe it or not, I picked her up from a local shelter after a hard early life and she seem to know that she's "a looker" as she flaunts it whenever she has an audience. Come on guys post up your pictures!
  5. I wondered how many other Edge owners shuttle their dogs around in their Edge? This is Ruby headed to the local dog park. Let's see your's in your Edge.
  6. Now you got me! If the spare well has its cover would the cargo area be flat to the back of the front seats? As you know well this is what it looks like now.
  7. That's nice work! Did you by chance see if the back seat backs will lay flat after the seat bottom is removed?
  8. An odd question I know, but I was wondering if the back seat backs will lie flat with the bottoms removed? I don't have kids but do have a big dog and find that I hardly ever have the back seat upright, so that's why I am interested. If you have removed it, would the seat backs lie flat and what was involved in that removal?
  9. So the waste heat (in the cooling mode) goes into the interior of the car?
  10. Peltier device. I learned something new, thanks! And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks... If you really want to get "Edgy" can someone explain how it does what it does?
  11. I don't see much in the way of exterior profile changes, but maybe the interior will be improved along with added technology. https://www.motor1.com/news/185984/2019-ford-edge-spy-shots/
  12. I did, but there is a plastic flange on the filler tube that the hole in the cover has to be pulled over. Here are a couple of pictures of the 2 gen engine bay and the undersides of that foam cover. The tape marks on the back of the cover indicate the push fasteners of which there are only two. The front of the cover is held in place by the flange on the oil tube filler.
  13. I am having trouble getting the foam cover off of my 2016 3.5. I found two attachment points and it moves pretty easily, but I can't get it over the oil fill tube. Is there another fastener that I am missing? Any pictures of a 2nd gen 3.5. with the foam off? It looks to me to be a bit different than Norm's picture indicates.
  14. A veteran to veteran THANK YOU for your service!
  15. Just discovered these kids. Gives me some hope that rock and roll as I like it does indeed have a future!
  16. Go to the bottom of the page to questions & answers.It is held on by self tapping screws.
  17. https://www.amazon.com/Auto-Ventshade-20529-Carflector-Shield/dp/B01FMO6GSI#Ask
  18. I would add that those self tapping screws go into holes that already exist. The instructions that come with the AVS piece explains all.
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