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Everything posted by Chipster

  1. I placed a similar thread in the ST sub-cat. but thought the topic it was worthy of a stand alone thread here in the audio forum. I know that the B & O is new to the Edge so after you have had yours a while and have experimented with it please add your experience with its operation, tonal quality, settings, etc. etc. Please go into some detail. And as before...?
  2. Chipster


    My test....Seems pretty easy.
  3. Can someone critically compare the B & O system to the 12 speaker Sony system? Please go into some detail. You know... "Play that funky music white boy!"
  4. Not according to this: https://shop.ford.com/build/edge/#/config/Config%5B%7CFord%7CEdge%7C2019%7C1%7C1.%7C.K4A.....NON.ST.%5D
  5. Here it is? https://www.motortrend.com/news/ford-edge-rs-interview/?sm_id=organic_fb_MT_trueanthem&utm_campaign=&utm_content=5bbf576c04d30132955e298a&utm_medium=&utm_source=
  6. I preface this question with the fact that I am the owner of two Ford vehicles (one of which is headed into the dust bin of automotive history) as well as the owner of Ford stock. (closed today @ $9.27 per share ) I am concerned about the direction that the company is headed. What say you after watching this? https://www.autoblog.com/2018/09/26/jim-hackett-metal-tariffs-ford-profits/
  7. https://jalopnik.com/ford-lost-1-billion-of-profit-thanks-to-trumps-metal-t-1829336824
  8. I did not think it was possible to out-Fox FOX (Fake News) talking points but you managed to do just that in two paragraphs. Congratulations! How about doing some home work and get factual data to back up your weird world view. Meanwhile the whole world is laughing at this blow hard potus. (Lower case intended)
  9. FYI: https://www.autoblog.com/2018/09/12/2019-ford-edge-awd-or-100-percent-front-wheel-drive-665932/
  10. I guess for Ford the most important consideration is: Would they sell more units of a well balanced, lowered, stiffer, and a bit more powerful Edge which had a ST affixed to it, or will the demand for a badge engineered "could have been" suit the bean counters & customers just as well? As we here know all too well, either way this is going to be an expensive vehicle. Will it be worth it?
  11. I'll say up front that I don't get the idea of a so called performance version of the Edge, but ignore that. My question to you is; Given what we know about it, what do you think Ford should have added / subtracted from it to truly improve its performance from your point of view? Also, what does performance mean to YOU? What exactly do / did you want this vehicle to do / be?
  12. Thanks All Hat, back on topic! So again, how much is all of this going to add to the price of a new Edge, and is Ford going to eat it or will we? (As if there is any doubt)
  13. I made my own, but use an additional drop cloth when she goes for a swim.
  14. I don't recall any responsible group inviting the Russians to take part in our elections before. Of course now that he has said there is nothing illegal with collusion he has set the stage for his base to disregard any proof of that when it is delivered, and it surly will be.
  15. https://www.autoblog.com/2018/07/29/bmw-raises-price-x5-x6-china-tariffs-trade-war/
  16. I was wondering if this new import tariff will have an effect on the MSRP pricing on the 2019 Edges? Given that this vehicle is built in Canada I figured its price might be affected, but I also wondered if that added expense would be ID’ed as such by dealers?
  17. Whine reviews?(spelled correctly)
  18. I should have bought this Honda to keep my S2000 company.
  19. What the hell happened here? From riding lawn mowers to the Southern Cali. 60's land grab. That's today"s internet for you. Now let's bash BOZO the POTUS!
  20. I am pretty pleased with my 2016, but I wish the sound system sounded better and I wish the back seats would fold flat.
  21. Here is the selection I finally made. Got the mulching kit also...
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