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Everything posted by Chipster

  1. I don't think paint will stick to galvanized metal, so no. There would be a series of other possible paint prep. primers used.
  2. A picture from my 9th SOS days in Nam. Two 02-B's coming home from a Psy-Ops sortie. This one is one of my favorites...
  3. Can you explain the components of this powerplant from front to back? I am interested in the mid-section. Are those some sort of exhaust headers that feed...What? I see what looks to be a primary gear box at the back end, but what about the assembly just aft of the exhaust header? Great picture!
  4. Pretty informative, be sure to watch the video. https://jalopnik.com/take-a-look-inside-acuras-special-nsx-paint-booth-1834197925?fbclid=IwAR1ISoMA0GzUKRROdn8IqSEi6u12TepGVotvBjbFPRpVmosunT1qCTjQTao
  5. This was my 95 S-10 Blazer in Teal. I really liked it, and as I said before would like to see an Edge in the same color.
  6. I would like to see Highland Green on an Edge myself!
  7. I have found the same to be true for my 2016 and I too have replaced my battery. Since there are periods of time where my Edge sits in the garage I went ahead and use a Battery Tender Jr. float charger hooked up to it when I know it will not be used for several days.With the quick disconnect provided with the unit it's a quick job to connect or disconnect for use. These new vehicles can do really weird things when battery voltage drops below 12.5 + - volts.
  8. Bill, you mention that the canoe only weighs 50#. Don't forget the wind load while in transit may double that. Those foam blocks will turn into sanding blocks with the least bit of grime between them and the vehicles clear coat.
  9. If you were so inclined to purchase a 2020 Edge what exterior color that is NOT offered now would you like to see made available? While you are at it, what color interior would you want in it? As for me I would like to see how a Teal Green would look on an Edge with a saddle interior.
  10. So Beavis & Butthead have grown up and gotten real jobs as auto reviewers? Well, they do seem to make some valid points.
  11. As I recall the "after initial assembly" fix was a crapshoot, with chances pretty slim that a complete "fix" was possible. I guess you will have to go through whatever process is offered and get legal help when it is required. Maybe a good first step is to see if this vehicle was recalled for 15B21 and if any attempt was made to remedy the issue. I suspect there are a fair number of these 2015's out there with this same problem. Sorry to hear that you happened to buy one. Good luck and keep us posted on experience going forward.
  12. How about a review of how these worked out for you that have bought these aftermarket units?
  13. If you happen to be a facebook member type in (Jacob Remmel Photography) in your search menu for a fantastic Jan 10 video of this aircraft.(F-35) It is unbelievable!
  14. Just found this. Turn it up! Turn & burn...
  15. Seemed to be down for a couple of days with some strange security warnings this morning. What happened?
  16. Have any of you anglers, paddlers, dog owners, or others taken the extra step of investing in at least front seat covers for your Edge seats? If so, what did you buy, how do they fit and how have they worked out for you?
  17. Any owners care to share their thoughts about their new Edge?
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