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Everything posted by Chipster

  1. dt; Look @ the pinned post on the top of this page for some replies to your question. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/18423-post-15b21-leak-repair-follow-up-report/
  2. Vadimus had a replacement installed with a "B" part no. back in Nov and his last post indicated that the new piece is moisture free. So now the question becomes; Is there a new and improved part or did he just get lucky with the replacement part he received? It will be interesting to see how many additional owners with this problem report their observations in this thread.
  3. I agree, but Ford tried to re-flash our car a couple of times before enough people were having the same problem and did the customer satisfaction notice to replace the TB.
  4. Sadly, if the root cause is the TB then no amount of re-flashing will fix the issue. I went through that experience with the TB of a 2010 2.5 Fusion. Finally Ford realized that my car (and most other 2010's) required both a new TB and new re-flash. After the new TB and re-flash were changed we have had zero problems with the scary engine stall while driving problem.
  5. If you have a thing for all things automotive this video is about as good as it gets. It contains epic proportions of eye & ear candy. Do yourself a favor and watch in full screen mode and @ an elevated volume. Enjoy!
  6. I am interested to know if those of you that bought a Sport primarily use the "paddle shift" for transmission function, or do you use it only occasionally and mainly leave it in "D"?
  7. Any more issues / problems with condensation drips within the light assembly?
  8. I just got this off the configure site and am hoping it is not really "this green".
  9. FYI 2016 Edge: http://shop.ford.com/build/edge/?gnav=header-suvs#/select/
  10. Denicio; I will be interested in hearing you reviews of your new V-6 Edge. Please consider posting your thoughts here: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/18914-your-2015-edge-review/
  11. Denicio; Congrats, which engine did you get / select?
  12. I was curious to see what sort of inventory was available in the Richmond Va. metro area and checked the websites of 5 dealers within that market area. I was surprised to see that there were 69 Edge vehicles on hand, (collectively as of 11/28) and more available in their "extended inventory" which I take to mean they can be moved from other dealers in the region.
  13. I should have also asked which trim level, driveline, and engine you selected or were interested in. I guess you can add that below, if you are so inclined... I am leaning heavily towards a FWD SEL w/ 3.5 V-6 and tow package.
  14. Where are you regarding your ownership status?
  15. Maybe, but if your car falls into that 1% it's not good news. It would be interesting to know what the daily / weekly production run totals are to figure out what sort of numbers make up that 1%. I suppose if they catch the defects @ the plant it's a "no issue" sort of thing, but if the new owner has to discover it / them it becomes a more significant issue.
  16. The uncertain thing is; Is another 8 weeks going to provide enough time to get the "corrected issue" 2016's out by then? Especially if this hold is for something proving difficult to rectify.
  17. It is all VIN related unless you have a specific problem.
  18. Let's talk about this decision five years from now...
  19. Bingo! When I find a good resource of info. about something I am interested in I pull up a chair and hang out awhile. The more I learn about this new Edge the better informed I become about which options I purchase and those which I omit. For better or worse, all cars today are "fluff" delivery systems. Gone are the days where long lasting durability counts for much in today's market place. Mega sun-roofs,multi screen vehicle connectivity systems, auto-stop, 9 speed auto. trannies are just problems in waiting.(IMO) I am not sure what the designed life cycle of all the ecm's, ecu's, and bcm's are that control these features, but you can bet you will see some sad times about the time that the long term warranty expires. I just try to buy a vehicle with as little fluff as I can, but these days it's not an easy job. Fluff is everywhere!
  20. Can we get a second verification of this? If they are jammed up with 2015's being held what will that mean for 2016's when that production run starts? (thought to be started in Dec.?) Also it begs the question of what is causing the hold up? I have been told by Ford customer service that 2016 demos will be available for customer inspection Jan 16. Of course I realize that this is just a target date, but it's a date none the less.
  21. I think age does have a lot to do with the "flavor" (for the lack of a better term) of the individuals that contribute to it. I don't spend much time in / on the other year groups on this forum, but what I do see seems to me like reasonable discourse. The key to any forum is exchange of good information and a group of contributors that are willing to suffer what on the surface seem like "stupid" questions or replies. As has been said by much smarter people than myself "there are no stupid questions only stupid answers". As far as I can tell in my rather short tenure here this group seems to have created a good environment for thoughtful discussions. I believe A Kirby does a good job at light handed moderation, (which I know can be a thankless task) as well as providing great info. for the forum as a whole. Good on you AK!
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