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  1. Are there any proven driveability or performance issues associated to getting this TSB done? I see where there were possible Cat. issues, but were they proven to be caused by the lack of this reprogramming, or were they as a direct result of the reprogramming? What about your MPG following the reprogramming, better, worse, about the same?
  2. I just checked mine and it is still open: Recalls * Reprogram powertrain control module Recall Incomplete Description Reprogram powertrain control module Campaign# 24E10
  3. So you think it was pulled for everyone that got the letter?(I haven't checked yet) How do you know?
  4. Interesting! I'll have to check mine. Congrats. on the clean smog check. To everyone else that got this letter and that has not had this reprogramming done: Does your vehicle still show that this reprogramming still needed?
  5. That strikes me as a significant decrease.What were your avg. speeds? What about your MPG for urban or non interstate driving?
  6. This begs the question of how many owners unaware of this issue have had to replace their CAT's on their dime? Additionally, just how far out of Fed. or State emissions spec. is it in this "as manufactured"state? If this is in fact a problem why haven't we seen owners complain about failed emissions testing in years past?
  7. Thanks for your reply, but sorry to see the issues are experiencing. Make sure you keep us posted on what happens next. Anybody else having issues after this recall reprogramming?
  8. This recall certainly begs the question of how many have, or will have, to have their cats. replaced as a result of this issue?
  9. I am a bit suspicious on how Ford got away with (I assume) being out of allowable tailpipe emissions for so long before doing anything about it. I would have thought this forum would have been full of people that live in states that require emissions check complaining as to their vehicle failing that test. That didn't happen, right? What changed?
  10. That is a good question! What is your average daily MPG? Mine is a little over 24 MPG in around town driving and a little bit better doing over the open road driving. I wish I had an idea as to what the end result will be after the recall work in terms of drivability, and performance.
  11. This seems to be focused on 2016 3.5 equipped Edges but I am not sure about that. I am wondering if this so called software "fix" will degrade performance and or long term drivability? I expect it's too early for anyone here to have had the recall performed, but when you do (if you do) please respond to this thread with any changes you might notice with your Edge. Seems odd that it only seems to be targeting the 2016 model year and that if there were an emission issue that it would only be known about now?
  12. Tim; I found that if I moved the FOB far enough from the hitch / trailer when I unhitched the trailer I didn't have that problem. I lay the FOB in the floor of my boat before I fool with the lights,chains, & the un-hitching of the trailer.
  13. One thing is for sure I don't want another two piece lug nut!
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