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Kevin Su

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  1. That looks like the Yakima Ridgeback 4 I got. Since they are very similar, I assume it will have the same issue with the sensors.
  2. autom8r, would you mind posting pictures of your roof rail / rack? Does the factory roof rail come with sufficient details for a novice to attempt the installation? Thanks!
  3. I just installed a Yakima bike hitch rack on my Edge. The first thing I noticed is that it pretty much rendered the backup and cross traffic features useless. For the Ford engineers who happens to be crawling through the forum looking for improvement ideas: Could you add a way to teach the sensor system to understand the new 'norm' so that people can add attachments to the rears of the vehicle and still use the very useful backend and cross traffic features?
  4. Been researching more about using the chains and now am having concerns about possible damage to the aluminum wheels. If anyone has any real experience with low profile snow chains / cables. Please post and share your experiences.
  5. Thanks for the responses. I'll order a set of SZ435 Super Z-6 and see if that'll low profile enough for the 20" tires.
  6. I have 245/50-R20 tires on my Ford Edge Titanium FWD. The user manual seems to suggest NOT to use snow chains or any external traction control devices on anything other than 235/60-R18 tires. Does anyone know the reason why? I need a good story to tell my wife why I can't take our new SUV out for a snow day with the kid on the mountains. If the information on the user manual is misleading, has anyone installed snow chains on their 2015 Ford Edge with 20" wheels - Both 2WD and 4WD models? Which one do you have and what's your impression / recommendation? Thanks.
  7. Look like the sensor consists of two pairs of wires that runs alone the length of the bumper: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/130852-hands-on-wii-like-sensor-plus-a-gentle-kick-opens-ford-escapes-liftgate. In that case, there is really no real good way to just 'cover up the sensor' to disable the hands free feature. Hopefully someone from Ford sees this post, and makes available a software upgrade to allow just the hands free feature to be disabled (e.g. just ignore the sensor input)...
  8. Kevin Su

    2015 Edge MPG

    I have logged ~2200 miles on my v6 Titanium. I got between 18 and 20 with the same driving condition / octane I had reported earlier. MPG seems to have improved slightly since I took delivery. The onboard computer is fairly spot on with the MPG numbers. I was using trip-1 for long term MPG number, and trip-2 for the MPG number between refills. The two numbers tends to agree with each other (eventually), and the long term trip number tends to agree with the number from the fuel-consumption display. The numbers also agree with the 'old school' calculation of dividing the # of miles between refills, and the amount of fuel refilled.
  9. I have been dealing with various noises in my 2015 Edge Titanium V6 since day one. The latest been a high pitch rattle in the front cabin. Initially I thought the rattle was coming from the passenger side, near the A pillar. I managed to eventually track down the central console cup holder as the source, much to my surprise. The high pitch rattle goes away whenever I put pressure on the cup holder. I plan to schedule a service visit with the dealer to see what they can do. Has anyone else experience a similar problem with your Edge?
  10. Sort of a big deal when the wife is the one who triggers it... The hands free feature is a talking piece for me, but a potential 'decapitator' in my wife's mind. I know one of the sensors is under the bumper, around the hitch receiver, but it wasn't obvious to me when I looked in that area. Does anyone have a picture showing the exact location and appearance of the sensor?
  11. Accident could happen just that one time you forgot to take the fob out of the pocket. And it's not a great feeling to tip-toing around the back of the car worrying that you might trigger the sensor ... Does anyone know where the sensor is located and how to reliably disable it without having to cut wires?
  12. I believe it's the hands free option that caused the gate to close in all of the instances. This happened once with me and twice with my wife. In all three cases, we were doing something in the cargo area, with the fobe in my pocket. I was within three feet in all occourances. The hands free is supposed to be relatively fool proof, according to the manual. However, it is apparently quite easily triggered. This is not as much of a safty concern if the obstruction detection is smarter or more sensitive, or if there is a way to disable the hands free feature. There is a way to disable the power lift gate all together. However, the door is quite heavy to operate manually. Besides, what is the point of paying for a power lift gate if we are forced to have to disable it?
  13. I believe it's the hands free option that caused the gate to close in all of the instances. This happened once with me and twice with my wife. In all three cases, we were doing something in the cargo area, with the fobe in my pocket. I was within three feet in all occourances. The hands free is supposed to be relatively fool proof, according to the manual. However, it is apparently quite easily triggered. This is not as much of a safty concern if the obstruction detection is smarter or more sensitive, or if there is a way to disable the hands free feature. There is a way to disable the power lift gate all together. However, the door is quite heavy to operate manually. Besides, what is the point of paying for a power lift gate if we are forced to have to disable it?
  14. Not able to open the gate is not an issue for me. My problem is with the gate coming down on it's own when you are working to organize the cargo area, or when there are little kids playing near by, potentially climbing into / out of the cargo area. This is a safety issue that needs to be addressed. Has anyone else in this forum have similar experiences / concerns about their 2015 Ford Edge?
  15. I have a 2015 Titanium with hands free liftgate. While this is a good feature, it seems the sensor could be triggered unintentionally by shifting your feet near the bumper as you work near the rear of the car, or intentionally by little kids as they like to imitate adults. Either way, it could be a safety hazard. I know the gate has an obstruction sensor. However, I hate for anything to happen due to a faulty obstruction sensor, and I am not keen to find out what happens if it was my kid or my wife's head or neck at the edge of the closing gate. There is a way to disable the power liftgate, but I really only want the hands free feature disabled. Does anyone have similar issues or concrns? And do you have a clean and reliable way to disable the hands free feature (e.g. blocking the sensor)? Thanks.
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