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Everything posted by MKX70301

  1. When I make music CDs in itunes, I just select the "audio CD" format in the preferences for burning. I start with protected ACC songs I purchased from itunes and it always comes out playing just fine in the car CD player.
  2. Your music files must be compressed or low quality MP3's. I have never put that many on a single CD, so I can't say if itunes can handle that or not. If you have the better sound system in your car, you might consider a larger or higher quality MP3. Of course, you will not be able to fit as many on your CD as before. You can adjust the preferences in itunes so that when you rip your original music CDs, you can select which level of quality you want. This will affect file size. If you purchase songs from itunes, you can either do one of two things. You can either use the protected ACC format or you can convert it to a nonprotected MP3. Either way, it will play. For your other MP3's you have, you will have to import them into itunes. You should be able to find that command, then navigate through the dialogue boxes to select your files. In itunes, you just create a playlist with the songs you want, then burn it. At some point, it will tell you if it won't fit on a CD. You may be able to figure out from the size of the playlist if it will fit or not before you try to burn. There are lots of tips and info on the apple web site. Good luck.
  3. I have never thought of putting music into folders on a CD. What is the advantage of doing that if you are playing them in a CD player? Don't you expect the music to just play one after the other? Why not just put them all on the CD without bothering with folders. Maybe you should try another bit of software for making your CDs. Itunes works just fine for me and for millions of people.
  4. For your remote starter, does it cause anything else to function a little bit differently? For instance, the remote starter I have on my 2000 town car, uses a different fob and some of the functions are different that those on the factory key fob. I don't remember the specifics now, since it has been several years since I last used they original key fob. I do remember the dealer telling me before the install that things would be a little different. So, how well integrated is your remote starter? What percent of remote start attempts are successful? For me, I would say only about 70% are. The rest of the time, I have to keep trying, even while standing right next to the car. I hate to get that double beep on the horn that singles a failure.
  5. I finally caught my local dealer with a few MKX's on the lot. For so long, any MKX they obtained sold the same day, sometimes only after a few hours. I thought the transmission shifted very smoothly, much more so than my 2000 town car. Without the tachometer, there were some shifts I would have completely missed. I think the acceleration is very good. I didn't get to really test the breaks since I wouln't dream of doing that on a new car test drive. I live in the south and today it was 90 degrees outside on a bright sunny day. I was happy to try the cooled seat option. I was dissappointed though to discover that only the horizontal bottom part of the seat and not the vertical back portion cools. Other than that, it works. The MKX I tested was black with a dark interior. I could see a mild reflection on the windshield but I don't think it would be a problem for me. I actually have slightly more of a reflection on the windshield of my town car and it has not been something I notice very often. Overall, I was a bit disappointed with the quality of the interior trim. This is hard to pin down to specifics. It is just an overall felling when I compare the MKX to my town car. There seems to be more plastic. I was especially disappointed with the way the back of the front seat looks from the rear seat. Why does the seat track show so prominently on the floor from the back? This is not attractive at all. For me, two of the big positives of Ford products that will go a long way in my decision about what car to buy next are the exterior keypad and the tap up and tap down feature on the cruise control. There are 2 very important items for me personally. The MKX has been described as having a car like feel. For me, it still felt like a truck. This is just the feeling I had from sitting in the driver's seat. Maybe it is the way the dash and center console look. I am not sure. Maybe it was because I was sitting so much higher or couldn't see the front hood. Anyone know if the remote start option will remain as an after market add on or if it will become a factory installed option for the '08 model? I am one step closer to deciding.
  6. You want some ideas. Here's one. I think it is irresponsible to put your bumper at the level of the side windows of some cars. It is a safety issue. There should be some kind of uniformity of bumper height so cars can be designed to off some protection from front and side impacts. I know you are not interested in my opinion, but I don't think it is attractive either.
  7. What exactly are you asking about? If I read between the lines, I suspect you are asking whether or not it is a good idea to purchase the dealer "installed" paint protection or sealant or whatever they call it. My feeling is that this is something like a good wax job and a high profit item for the dealer. However, I am not sure what kind of product this is exactly. I actually got it on my last car (2000 town car) just because the dealer did some nice things for me and since I actually got a very good price, I decided to do something nice for him. Did it look nice, yes it did. Was it worth it, prob not. Can someone on the inside tell us exactly what this product is?
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