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Everything posted by WingNut

  1. Not sure what the right term for them are. The problem is the senors that sense side impact / traffic are too sensitive. I come to a stop at a stop sign, the right one starts beeping for no reason. Stop at a traffic light...same thing. I disabled the "Cross Traffic" option in the side panel of the cluster and I thought that did it. When I started the Edge this morning, it was enabled again. So I disabled and on the way to work, the sensors will still acting funny.
  2. Same here. While I don't use it everyday, it has come in handy a few times while my hands were full.
  3. I knew I recognized your AV from either AFM or TMS forums. I have an '11 GT and '15 Edge Sport. Great combo.
  4. They are awesome. I have a set and recommend them highly.
  5. You may want to specify the color. Also..I have a weathertech box you could have (cost of shipping of course) that mine came in.
  6. On my '11 Mustang the camera stopped working within the first 6 months. Had it replaced and no problems since. Once in a while a defect will pop up. That just happens...not Ford's fault. If you think it is a S/W issue, reset the system to see if that fixes it. If not, take it to a dealer who will swap in a new one.
  7. It is your dad's car so you can't really do a thing about it...nor should you. The price of depending on someone else for transportation.
  8. You would want to remove the factory protector (if installed) first. And make sure the area you are applying it to is very clean.
  9. The one you bought is the way to go. I have a White 15 and haul my bike in the cargo area all the time. I now have 3 scratches on the bumper from the pedal hitting when pulling it out. I try my best to not touch the bumper, but sometimes sh*t happens. With the OEM version, those scratches would still be where they are right now. With the one you bought......it would have never happened. I will be getting one. And below the paint is black on the bumper. So those scratches are very visible.
  10. Agree. Like I said before...for me it was worth the peace of mind. I never worried about my last vehicle the entire time I was making payments on it.
  11. They told me the muffler is what they replaced.
  12. Some racks come with anti-sway straps and what not. I'd do some crazy wrapping to keep it off the paint LOL
  13. If the weight is on the bumper, I am fine with that. So that the top straps are simply there for stability and not taking much load.
  14. I did find this thread and PM'd the OP to see how it is holding up. A little concerned about any weight on that spoiler. Yakima does say they are compatible with the right anchors. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/18259-2015-sport-trunk-bike-rack/
  15. I'm super picky about my paint. It wouldn't mounted unless the car was clean and the pads were clean. Any areas where 'hooks' are grasping a painted panel I'd use some 3M film to protect it. I did the same for my roof rack mounting points.
  16. Current Edge is a lease. If I keep it after lease, then I'll get a hitch. But for how investing $300+ (Hitch and rack) in it may not be worth it. Even though I could keep the rack and possibly resell the hitch.
  17. I don't have a hitch and would like to get a bike rack. If you are using one, which one are you using?
  18. I don't think their is an option w/o the sticker....that I know of. I think this is some safety measure that came from saw lawsuit that is required to be posted on their visors. I think the best route would be to see if a local fabrication shop can fit new fabric on the visor
  19. I don't like rain sensing. I prefer to just handle the wipers on my own.
  20. I notice the same thing too with the door handles. You have to be really careful not to touch the top part that you use to lock the door. If so, it seems to cancel things out. I'll grab the handle, hear a click, and it is locked. Try again..nothing. When I'm washing my car with the fob in my pocket, it'll lock and unlock over and over when I'm washing around the handle. If you spray water on it with the key in your pocket...it'll lock and unlock. It really is a buggy system it seems. Used to have a Lexus that had the same technology that worked perfect each and every time.
  21. I usually use a razor blade or putty knife to get it started. Then put a towel down on the dashboard and spray the leftover goop with WD40 (Or spray wd40 on a cloth). That usually takes that goop off real good. Then I'll hit it with a glass cleaner a few times to get any residual mess.
  22. I don't see how weatherstripping would help this. Not in the current design. I too notice a lot of road grime getting between the door and the car. The good thing though, the paint on the inside below the door opening doesn't get any grime on it. So if you rub your pant on it, no issues with them getting dirty. When I wash (weekly) I always make sure to do a quick wipe down of the inside of the doors to remove as much grime as possible. Once in a while hit it with a spray wax and/or sealant to help protect it.
  23. FYI...after it leaves the factory you will not be able to use the FOB that comes with vehicles that already have Remote Start. Any post-factory install of Remote Starts on the Edge will require a separate fob that goes on your keychain to control the remote start.
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