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  1. This is the one I am talking about. It is a Chinese EDGE.
  2. Has anyone ever seen a model car of 2011–2014 EDGE? Closest I could find is the 1:43 007 QoS version (based on 2008 version) or the 1:18 2015 version. Anyone has any idea where I could find a car model for my favorite car? Thanks in advance!
  3. I just heard that my distant friend's sport car caught on fire in the highway, and there was nothing he could do other than watching the car burning. It occurred to me that maybe I should get a fire extinguisher for my car. However, I don't know which one I should get, my vehicle is 2013 ford edge with 3.5L engine. I know this is the Mods forum, but with all kinds of extremely flammable liquids in the engine area, thought you guys might be better equipped to answer the question. Thanks in advance!
  4. Did you delete your car from your phone as well?
  5. They have two options, "Ford" and "Ford Truck", but "EDGE" can only be found under "FORD TRUCK", not "FORD". Not really a big deal, just looks a bit fishy. Thanks a lot for your input!
  6. I am not sure the correct term for it, we usually call it property tax. It is the one you have to pay every year because you own a car (or a house, boat etc).
  7. Just curious. They categorized my edge under ford truck...looks kinda weird to me. (I'm in USA, and I know they have the "Ford" option which they did not use)
  8. That actually makes sense. I always thought that fluid was water when I was little.
  9. Mine was fixed under this recall, not sure if the 2010 model has something similar. Source of the file: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/12738-warning-light/ ABS AdvanceTrac Warning Light tsb 13-01-15.pdf
  10. Well, this post might look like a joke to some people (and I hope they did have fun), but I am actually serious. The reason I am asking is that I read on my manual that the part number is ZC-32-A while this thing is no where to be found, not even amazon , and fordpart website says that they are no longer carrying that item. The reason I did not go to Walmart is that the winter is really cold in here ( I once had a coca-cola can exploded due to the low temperature), and there is this little warning in the user's manual "WARNING: If you operate your vehicle in temperatures below 40°F (5°C), use washer fluid with antifreeze protection. Failure to use washer fluid with antifreeze protection in cold weather could result in impaired windshield vision and increase the risk of injury or accident." Yes, I am aware that this might just be another Ford's trick to get you to buy their product. But I wash my car regularly and hardly ever use the washer fluid, a few bucks more every year for a peace of mind is not too much a price too pay. Thank you very much for the new part number and detailed explanation! Best regards!
  11. Thank you very much! My local ford dealer is next door to the Lincoln dealer, guess I will check out that one.
  12. Hi, I have a ford edge 2013 Today when I open the engine hood, I notice the blue water is nearly dry. Does anyone know what part number it is on the fordparts website? Any please please please stop telling me to go to the walmart...I just want to know the part number for ford/motorcraft. Thanks in advance!
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