It's not surprising that Edge sales are up strongly - a great many Chrysler Pacifica drivers and prospective owners abandoned by Chrysler's exit from the higher-end quality Crossover market have been looking at the Edge and MKX. As the 2004 Pacifica model leases expire, these customers return to Chrysler to be told by their dealers that there is no replacement product unless they are willing to go downmarket to lower end, boxy vehicles now being offered by Dodge (even the re-done Chrysler vans have a boxy look, much like the discontinued GM vans which must be really hurting Chrysler's van sales). My dealer remarked that although overall Dodge Chrysler sales are up at his dealership which is now focusing on entry-level, low-pricpoint vehicles like the base Dodge Journey and Caliber, he is unable to retain former Pacifica owners who are moving to either the Edge/MKX or Asian products since they don't see the boxy Chrysler products as anywhere near the quality or style of the discontinued Pacifica.
As a Pacifica owner looking for my next vehicle, the AWD Ford Edge/MKX look great and I'm glad my Chrysler dealer suggested I take a look - I'd miss the 3rd row seats when the kids friends need a lift, and on sub-zero days, I'm sure there would be complaints about the lack of 2nd row heated seats in the Edge which my older children love in the Pacifica on cold moring trips to school. My only other concern might be the nav system... once one has become familiar with the Pacifica's nav integrated into the speedometer which is easily viewed, it will be hard to start looking off to the side for navigation - perhalps Ford might consider moving the nav screen directly in front of the driver?
There's no question I'd buy an AWD Edge/MKX today if there was a hybrid model available which maintained the trailer towing capabilities of the regular Edge. With gas prices skyrocketing, long trips up to the cottage in the Pacifica are becoming very costly, so I'd bet Edge sales would truly skyrocket if Ford brings out the anticipated Hybrid Edge soon.