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  1. Just what I was looking for thanks WWWPerfA_ZN0W, 2Close your install looks good, I just bought a 20" LED Bar that I am trying to find a good way of installing it on the lower front grill. But there isn't much in that area to really mount the brackets. I am going to install the bar behind the grill so it doesn't get stolen easily, the bar output is 250WATTS 1500Lums Super Bright and not to be used at all times, I live in Miami, but on the out skirts closer to the everglades, I see a lot of Jeeps and F150+ with them mounted in different configurations. So I bought mine for 2 reasons, (A. to use as a super fog beam. B. To turn on when someone with a super led bar in on coming with their bar turned on, blinding me. you can call it light wars lol) I already made the wiring harness and switch placement, I just can't find a way to mount it yet. how did you grab it to your edge? Did you use mounts or rigged it to the frame? My bar has some good weight to it.... depiction of where I want to place it thanks NX
  2. What's up Forum guru's! Been enjoying my Edge sport!!! I already did the BrightLite HID and front markers' mod kid, great product. But now I am trying to add a 20 " Super Bright 250watt/1500lums LED Bar to the front of the Edge, I am thinking of placing it behind to the lower front grill under the front tag plate, but noticed that the grill is not removable as in one section. The whole front bumper has to be removed, but then I noticed that there really isn't any frame or mounting points in that area also. Just checking to see if any one here might have a suggestion or has seen someone else try what I am doing. I have attached pictures so my idea is better understood. any pointers would be great. Thanks and Be Well. The LED Bar is going to be on a switch, not to be used at all times, FYI
  3. All I have is the Purchase contract printout. I have never recieved any documentation via mail regarding the ESP warrenty packet. main concern is about the rear camera that was defected at purchase, and the ESP claims its covered thanks for the feed back. Be well
  4. Yes indeed, a lesson learned - Here is the breakdown on my contract CPO Premium ESP $1680.00 Basic Maintenace Plan - $695.00 Safe Guard Tire and Wheel - $349.00 Dent Guard Protect - $349.00 A total just for maintaince features: $3073.00 And they are telling me I have to pay for oil change? WTF to the max! lol thanks for the reply
  5. What's up all!! About this Topic, my Edge is due for its 80,000 service, I purchased the Top of the line ESP Premium Packaged 100,000 or 3 years/ I was told it covers a bunch of items, more then a bumper to bumper plan/ I also bought the tire package and dent protection. I was impresssed, Today I called to make an appointment and also to ask about my ESP coverage since I never recieved any documentation about the ESP or other coverage I payed for. When I bought the truck I noted to the sales man that the rear camera is blurry, the allighment was pulling to the right and the passenger seat had issues. He said, don't worry, after you make your first payments, you can bring the truck in and they will fix the issues under the ESP. No problem. So when I talked to the service agent on the phone I explained the issues at the time of purchace and he said we won't cover the allighment you havve to pay; and as far as the rear camera issue, that might no be covered. I told him to call my sales man to verify, and he replied...... oh I would have to fill out a form and send it to corp and wait for them to reply... WTF/ I am confused on this ESP crap I payed $2600 for....... https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ij9seduuxxhpbz/2015%20PremiumCARE%20Brochure.pdf?dl=0
  6. Pushing My EDGE to is fringe limits in technology did think of.

  7. Just ordered the DRL's and HID upgrade 6k cant wait ti get them . stoke.
  8. Not at all, the insurance company told me it could of taken a few months to close the claim, However, its not an expensive unit, it cost about $400. its called a MOB4. I beta test for various CCTV companies and help improve their products. Plus Miami is a crazy place with high crime. it was more for security
  9. Man by the time I get home after working on computer scripts and coding on my 8 monitor multi-task server and come one here late at night to replay, it just all looks like binary LOL yea. I might of miss-posted under the wrong thread. In my delusional state of mind from staring at multi-GUI's a for 12 hours my bad, I will delete WiZ
  10. I agree. I tried to hook up a 500 GB hard drive to the USB port and it didn't recognized it... I even tried it on the to head mount screens... fail. But I notice that the XM/Siris does record live broadcast, so I wonder where it gets stored.
  11. Just wonder if its worth adding a Tran cooler? Or if its even possible. I don't know if there are capped off hose's for it. Any replies would be appreciated.
  12. Yea it looks like an easy project to swap it out. but did you replace it with an OEM (Factory) camera? Usually the grid lines are just an overlay image; does your assist sensors work at least? If you installed an OEM camera I would try to run the sync update again, it might reset the grid and it should appear. I deal with CCTV cameras and they now come with the grid feature, and to activate it or disable it, there is a wire on the camera that you cut since the grid in not in the camera software. But I will ask the dealer when they fix mine and pass along what they say. thanks Eddie Miami

  14. I do custom CCTV systems for high end clients. The FLIR CCTV cameras are now in the public market and price is dropping fast thanks to china. you can get a HEAT BLACK WHITE CAM for about 1200$ now http://www.cctvoutlet.com/Cameras/Bullet_Cameras/Outdoor_Bullet_Cameras/thermal-imaging-camera-perimeter-surveillance-TM3.html SPEC SHEET http://www.cctvoutlet.com/SPEC%20SHEETS/SPECTIC-TM3-052413.pdf
  15. This is why http://youtu.be/f_y6rDRXaBs I live in Miami, people here do NOT know how to drive. I guess K-Mart had a blue light special on drivers licences Miami is a melting pot of non-us residents and increasing. The accident in the above video would of been a my word against her word battle lasting months to close the claim since it was a total loss. The lady had the same insurance provider I did and she told them that it was my fault, I was speeding. So when I sent in the video capture. It contradicted everything she said happened and the claim was resolved in a matter of days. Since i have a solar panel, the DVR recorded 24/7 with ability to remote log in to watch my car in bad areas. Besides all that, it has proven cops wrong when pulled over for so called speeding, and I have captured some crazy DUI's with it. I work in downtown Miami a block away from a very very bad HOOD. better safe then sorry. And the FLIR, well that's just good to have when driving in the everglades or if parked somewhere blacked out getting my groove on lol But yes, the dvr is just one RCA output for the 4 screens. I wish there was an easier way of bypassing the safety on the edge. Here a DUI http://youtu.be/EpgIAC3k2LM?t=1m2s Here is the FULL GUI DISPLAY with Telemetry http://youtu.be/yQc8MykYcPA thanks for your input in this thread. I have much to think about now.. ... lol
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