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About Always_smile1st

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  1. My 2007 Edge SEL FWD also has a whinning whistling noise. Dealership not able to give me an answer on why.
  2. Thanks. I don't think I have the tow package.
  3. Can you tell me what this forum is for maybe I have the wrong idea? It does appear you know or claim to know what people should post about. Did I look at my Warranty Booklet? I guess you have jokes? What procedures are you referencing maybe I didn’t follow that one.
  4. Your right, I'll do better next time. Why did not reply to this post if you can't help our have something positive to add.
  5. Sorry for the late reply. I've been off the board. I would say the car drift not a pull. My edge has not died on my but I'm scared it will
  6. Tell me . What would you do if you just purchased a new car and having all kinds of problems?
  7. If that's the case. Why does the paint job on my NEW 2007 Ford EDGE SEL purchased this year in Texas have the same issue. it is also black
  8. I agree with you. Why did Ford allow such a bad paint job to enter the mkt for the customer to only have it repainted at a bodyshop. I have the same problem. I guess 34k does not buy quality anymore. I thought it would have
  9. I also have a black edge that looks like this. IT is missing paint all over the place.
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