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Everything posted by meatgel

  1. That's exactly how I feel! This is the first car I've gotten that wasn' totally dependent on what loan I could afford. This is the first car that I bought after reading about it for months, knowing exactly what I wanted ... and then getting the EXACT car I've always wanted! :happy feet: Yea for Us!
  2. My Edge came with 2 year/24000 mile "free" oil changes at every 3000 miles. Why don't they do it at 7500 if that is what is recommended. It can't be the money, because it is all imaginary anyway (built in from when I bought it). They would save money if I only came in at 7500 mile intervals. Also, I feel like I'm missing out on something I "paid" for if I stretch it out. :wacko:
  3. I was worried I was the only one who was gonna put outrageous milage on my Edge. I bought it on March 20, 2008 -- not even a month ago -- and now have 2295 miles on it. The dealership expects me to do my 3000 mile service on May 19th! Ha! I wish.
  4. I don't have a Blackberry Pearl, but I do have a HTC Mogul that wouldn't pair. I would try and it would seem to connect, but then get kicked off almost immediately. I took the Edge back to the dealer to see if I was mucking it up somehow. They pair 2 different phones to the system while I sat there. Mine still wouldn't pair. Called Qwest (my service provider) and they sent me a new phone ... the bluetooth stack was the problem. Anyway! Now all is fine and I love it! You could be having a bluetooth stack problem as well. Have you paired your phone to a computer or anything? If it is a stack problem you probobly can't pair to that either. If you can't pair any other phone to your sync, it could be the stack in the car. Hope that helps. Tammy
  5. I hope this isn't a dumb answer, but I found that to be a problem when I bought a 2004 Pontiac Montana (which I traded in on my wonderful Edge). Anyway, I had no problem after I tinted the front windows. Bought my Edge March 20th ... tinted the windows March 29th. It really made a difference for me. Hope that helps a little.
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