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About mightydog

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  1. Here is some nice info on that http://www.ford.com/crossovers/edge/
  2. Anyone getting better MPG now?
  3. I think that the dealerships say you need to change these things way to early
  4. I found some info for you. I love this site it is very informative http://www.ehow.com/how_8389358_tighten-loose-gear-shift.html
  5. Let me guess you want them in black?
  6. Is there a setting that you can adjust to run for longer?
  7. mightydog

    "Blacked" out?

    I found some photos of the black out grills http://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-FreeCause-shopathome_001&va=ford+edge+black+out+grills&hspart=FreeCause&hsimp=yhs-shopathome_001
  8. mightydog

    Lighted Emblem

    Do you have a photo of it?
  9. Would not want to be in NV now, way to hot
  10. Is this a common problem? Seems like alot of people are having this issue?
  11. I have not had any issues with oil
  12. Hi I love Las Vegas. What part of NV are you from?
  13. The things I have heard have been all good. what are you looking to get done?
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