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Everything posted by enigma-2

  1. Well for my car and an extra $35k belive I'll turn the headrests around, add clip-on drink holders and manually check the tires. Would be nice if the ratching headrests could be added though.
  2. Even tilted all the way down it's still not low enough? Does moving the steering wheel in or out fit better? My wife is short (5'-3") and she likes to raise the seat all the way up, drop the wheel angle all the way down and bring it out about halfway. Says she feels conformable with it that way.
  3. I would suspect a broken belt. Some tires don't like changing the direction they rotate. Way to check is to rotate tires front to back and see if vibration changes.
  4. What change you like to make on your Edge or MKX? Like to change my 09 MKX headrests to the newer adjustable rypes. Like to add additional drink holders in the back doors (reason is, when we take the kids with us, grandson baby seat blocks the only drink holders and no place for drinks for the backseat passengers). Like to have direct readout on individual tire pressures instead of DOT minimums. So what would you add?
  5. Just for fun, after stripping the badges, you could add some unknown brand of badge such as Terrafugia TF-X (flying car that takes off like a helicopter and flies like a plane). Could prove interesting.
  6. Perhaps FoMoCo changed suppliers?
  7. The power liftgate does not operate correctly — reverses during the power close operation 1. Circuitry 2. Power liftgate latch 3. Position sensor 4. LTM 5. Power liftgate rod 6. Pinch strips 7. Mechanical binding Pinpoint Test D: The Power Liftgate Does Not Operate Correctly — Reverses During the Power Close Operation This pinpoint test is intended to diagnose the following: * Mechanical binding * Power liftgate latch striker alignment * Power liftgate latch * Power liftgate motor * LTM * Wedges * Wiring, terminals or connectors D1 CHECK THE MANUAL OPERATION OF THE LIFTGATE Turn the power liftgate OFF (disable) from the message center. While manually opening and closing the liftgate, check the liftgate for: liftgate/wedge alignment. strut operation (struts should push open liftgate when beyond half open). power liftgate rod (should move freely while manually opening and closing liftgate and should be securely mounted to the liftgate and bracket). power liftgate latch (should latch completely). Does the liftgate open and close correctly? D1 CHECK THE MANUAL OPERATION OF THE LIFTGATE Turn the power liftgate OFF (disable) from the message center. While manually opening and closing the liftgate, check the liftgate for: liftgate/wedge alignment. strut operation (struts should push open liftgate when beyond half open). power liftgate rod (should move freely while manually opening and closing liftgate and should be securely mounted to the liftgate and bracket). power liftgate latch (should latch completely). Does the liftgate open and close correctly? Yes If the liftgate reverses near the midpoint of travel, GO to D2 . If the liftgate reverses near or at the latch, GO to D11 . No REPAIR as necessary. ALIGN as necessary. REFER to Liftgate Alignment in this section. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the LTM self-test. There's only so much you can do without special equipment. My guess is mechanical misalignment or possibly the wedges are off. Follow procedure above and see if you can sense any binding or misalignment. Watch how door interfaces with wedge on each side.
  8. I kicked it around and finally decided to subscribe. Really enjoy picking up news channels such as CNN, FOX, etc. One of my favorite channels is Willie's Roadhouse (old country hits), pop hits from the 50's & 60's, few others. Comedy channels when I'm bored.
  9. Chuckel. It's off topic, but this reminded me of something. I was in the Marine air wing and when new guys reported for duty who had an attitude, I would send them out to other sqadrons to pick up a 5 gallon pail of "rotor wash" or a few feet of "flight line". Lost one guy for three days.
  10. Time before last took my MKX in for an oIL change. Asst service manager ran over and started to check my car over. "Tires ok, wiper blades ok, oh, oh wait, your rear window wiper is worn out. We should put a new one on." I then informed him in a rather loud voice that I had replaced it only a month earlier! That stopped his little game and had no problems after that. All dealers try to sell their product. But I would get a second opinion as this seems a little suspicious.
  11. I would lean towards the fan sensor being bad. If it happens only at idle and low speeds, it's definitely the radiator fan. (At highway speeds there's enough air flowing through the radiator the keep the engine cool).
  12. Hey EDST777, when I click on the video it reads "video is private" and doesnt play. Only thing left would be the large actuator. Could try disconnecting it and see if that's what is pulling the door down.
  13. I had problems at first, finally pulled the car out into the street and was able to make the link work. Needs a perfectly clear path to the satellite. (Had problems when in the garage and when under a large tree. Great reception in garage after initial linkup.)
  14. Reading the reviews on tirerack.Com one got 44k (and felt that had they been rotated during the first 13k would have gotten 50k), and the second got 49k. Have these one my wife's Sebring convertible and expect 50-60k. Excellent tires, quiet, smooth and excel traction. Tire pressure & rotation are key factors to longevity.
  15. Sunshade has to be open fully before the moon roof will open. At least that's the way it works on mine and the cars I've played with.
  16. Never heard of using brake cleaner, but several have reported good results using electric contact cleaner. Has to be sprayed directly on to the switch contacts. In a previous thread in these forums, one posted photos of exactly how/where to spray.
  17. Love my MKX. Owned many Fords, but my Lincoln is pure luxury. As for Edge & Murando, which one is offering the better deal?
  18. Nice. Great choice for a retirement car. I'd recommend you consider Weathertech all around. Put them in my MKX and never regretted it.
  19. Cool. How did you attach it to the instrument panel?
  20. My guess is new struts are not sufficient. (Did you use OEM or go aftermarket?) It's the side struts that lift door and keep it open. Purpose of big strut is to start lifting procedure to point where side struts can take over and lift to open.
  21. Service manual says ok to use silicone spray. Don't use anything heavier like chassis grease or it will dry out and gum. I like to wipe my rails down with alcohol to get squeaky clean, then silicone.
  22. There is a top and bottom to the net. Top of net is open, bottom closed. Top loops go into upper connection points attached to side panels. Lower outer loops connect to small "tabs" moulded into back panel. Lower inner connectors connect to steel hoops on floor.
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