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Everything posted by enigma-2

  1. Kind of sounds like it's not moving all the way. Think I would start be spraying WP40 all around the latch area and operate it several times.
  2. Check your GPS fuse, #26. It's in the 2nd column from the left, 4th from the bottom. It's a 5 amp fuse. To test, you can substitute another 5 amp fuse from #31; which is an unused spare. The spare is in the 3Rd column, 2nd from the top.
  3. The phone's audio is switched to the bluetooth port. The problem is, the car'Stadio is not playing this bluetooth audio. (I know I can switch it back and play it through the cell, but would rather play it through the car's audio system). Beginning to think that this can't be done on gen 1.
  4. D/l a graphic from: http://www.patriots.com/fan-zone/fan-downloads and downsize it using Photo shop or simular.
  5. Problem is, I also use the phone when in the car to connect to the radar detector. (Connects to the cloud and displays on map location of all police units running radar in a 50 (or wharever) mile radius. Phone tracts the detector and mirrors voice on overspeed, etc.
  6. Was driving home from a day shopping, and thought I'd watch CNN and how the voting was going. Flipped on CNN and as soon as the cell phone picked up CNN (linked to my cable supplier) the bluetooth linked with the head unit and the audio went silent on the phone. (Had live video, no sound.) Apparently my audio is being channeled to bluetooth. To pickup audio, I used the CNN feed on Sirius. But I would like to have the feed from the cell phone as there's a 30 second delay between the cable video feed and Sirius. How do I get the audio feed from my cell (gen 1).
  7. Actually it actually gets better. After 65 there's Medicare and you can get a complete overhall if you need one. Sorry to hear about the catarac. I hope you can get insurance to cover. Now days, the surgery is simple, quick and relatively trouble free. All of us "middle age" guys all have cararac's. Price we pay for getting so smart. lol
  8. Wonder how it will affect gas mileage?
  9. One suggestion I could offer is to make certain that there is no other wifi devices nearby. Your car may have paired with a wireless printer, speakers or router and is attempting to connect with that device. Delete everything the car is paired with (including your spouse-s phone), make certain there are no other wifi devices in the area and try again. I would also look to see if your phone recently updated. New system updates can either help or hurt bluetooth phones. Try pulling the battery on your cell for a minute and try again. Try pulling the fuses on your radio and try again. Here's a good place to start: http://www.smartmobilephonesolutions.com/content/how-to-fix-bluetooth-android-cell-phone
  10. Darn must have missed the video. (lol) What's the C-tec?
  11. You are correct, thanks for correcting me. Found the information here: http://www.guysoflidar.com/usa-laser-jammer-laws.html I had talked to a friend who's a cop, he told me that, if, after he stopped someone for speeding and they had a laser jammer installed, he could charge them with attempting to break the law by speeding by evading. (Something along those lines). Not just here in Indiana, but any state. He also said same laws could be used with radar detectors, if it could be proven that the intent was to speed and evade the police. (Lasers have only one purpose, to evade. His words, not mine). In any case, I also feel that they are either ineffective or unpractical. If you have the best one instalked, and the beam hits a part of the car which is not being monitored (windshield, side,rear), your screwed. Radar detectors work, I run a Passport Max2, works great, displays where other detectors are getting hit on the map so you are tipped off before ever entering the area. I believe you could add Nebraska to your list.
  12. Hey thanks. Interesting that gels loose their power below 32°. Really looks like it comes down to costs vs. longevity return.
  13. This whole thing sounds a little fishy to me. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) You try shoving a crevis tool up there?
  14. Try ebay. Just checked and prices start at $150 for a complete, used mirror assy.
  15. Is "bedding the pads" the same as "burnishing"? (A few hard stops from 45 mph?)
  16. enigma-2

    Leg Pain

    Would it be possible to move the seat back further and therefore drive with your legs in a more straight forward position? Or possibly lower the seat causing the leg to contact the side of the consul rather than riding up and over? (Just thinking out loud.)
  17. Perhaps you could avoid blocking the sensor's by using an elevated bike rack? Another advantage is these will parallelogram out to allow to hatch to open while the bikes are still attached for easy access to the cargo space. Here's one example of what I'm talking about (click on the video to see how it works): http://www.etrailer.com/tv-review-softride-element-parallelogram-hitch-bike-racks-2015-toyota-highlander-sr26248.aspx
  18. I get fast starts at -5° using an older 650 CCA. (09 MKX, fully loaded, battery getting red diode on Solar BA-7, charge system gets green diode.) Wonder if the extra cost of an 850 CCA is worth it. Can you make an estimate of how much longer than an AGM would outlast a lead acid?
  19. Nice! What do you think about Escort Live? Kind of interesting to see a radar hit pop up from another driver from another part of the driving area, isn't it? What did you go with for the mount? (I'm running the Max and decided to stay with the standard mount. It looks like you went with the Blend mount).
  20. Laser jammer's are illegal in all states. A good radar detector is worth considering, still legal in most states.
  21. Look at the right-hand haft shaft seal. Others have reported that oil was leaking at the PTU, collecting on the heat shield and dripping down on the exhaust manifold.
  22. According to the package, the operating range is 7-15 volts, 100-1200 CCA.
  23. Haven't taken mine in yet (no gas smell, no leaks). My local dealer told me it's usually one day (they will give loaner if it goes over) for a FWD, and up to three days for AWD. Reason for up to three days, if tank is found leaking, they impound car until new tank is received and installed. They have FWD tanks in stock and have to order AWD tanks. Said they didn't expect to find a faulty AWD tank. Different I guess.
  24. If you search for speakers for a 2013 edge on Amazon, you get several 6x8 that pops up. Example: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0032FOKAQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?qid=1455320478&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=2013+ford+edge+speaker Probably was too deep.
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