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Everything posted by enigma-2

  1. Doesn't have to the emblem, does it? http://m.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Expedition-Edge-Overlay-Emblem-Decal-Punisher-Black-Chrome-3PC-Kit-/171900848049?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/FORD-9-BLACK-OVAL-POLISHED-BILLET-ALUMINUM-GRILL-TAILGATE-EMBLEM-BADGE-TRUCK-/322016379601?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Oval-Black-Billet-Grille-Tailgate-Emblem-5-75-Defenderworx-98203-/262080310242?nav=SEARCH This one would look great on a white Edge http://m.ebay.com/itm/Accessories-Car-Decoration-Batman-Logo-Emblem-Badge-Decal-Sticker-Black-Style-/322033415871?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/Accessories-Emblem-Badge-Logo-Black-Skull-Pirates-Caribbean-Decal-Sticker-/322032588817?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/Superman-Supergirl-Black-Style-Emblem-Logo-Badge-Auto-Accessory-Decal-Sticker-/222047659059?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/Chrome-Car-Accessory-Black-Bat-Symbol-Emblem-Badge-Logo-Decal-Sticker-Parts-/222047570822?nav=SEARCH This is "cute", a shark find for the roof http://m.ebay.com/itm/Black-Car-Vehicle-Dummy-Top-Roof-Shark-Fin-Antenna-Aerial-Air-Decal-Sticker-Cap-/331805815862?nav=SEARCH Red instead of black http://m.ebay.com/itm/Front-and-rear-oval-emblem-STICKER-DECAL-OVERLAYS-Fits-2008-2015-FORD-EDGE-/171841673674?nav=SEARCH ET http://m.ebay.com/itm/Alien-ET-Car-Sticker-Emblem-Truck-Decal-Badge-Black-Eye-Metal-2-1-White-Oval-/121746373617?nav=SEARCH
  2. Doesn't have to the emblem, does it? http://m.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Expedition-Edge-Overlay-Emblem-Decal-Punisher-Black-Chrome-3PC-Kit-/171900848049?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/FORD-9-BLACK-OVAL-POLISHED-BILLET-ALUMINUM-GRILL-TAILGATE-EMBLEM-BADGE-TRUCK-/322016379601?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Oval-Black-Billet-Grille-Tailgate-Emblem-5-75-Defenderworx-98203-/262080310242?nav=SEARCH This one would look great on a white Edge http://m.ebay.com/itm/Accessories-Car-Decoration-Batman-Logo-Emblem-Badge-Decal-Sticker-Black-Style-/322033415871?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/Accessories-Emblem-Badge-Logo-Black-Skull-Pirates-Caribbean-Decal-Sticker-/322032588817?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/Superman-Supergirl-Black-Style-Emblem-Logo-Badge-Auto-Accessory-Decal-Sticker-/222047659059?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/Chrome-Car-Accessory-Black-Bat-Symbol-Emblem-Badge-Logo-Decal-Sticker-Parts-/222047570822?nav=SEARCH This is "cute", a shark find for the roof http://m.ebay.com/itm/Black-Car-Vehicle-Dummy-Top-Roof-Shark-Fin-Antenna-Aerial-Air-Decal-Sticker-Cap-/331805815862?nav=SEARCH Red instead of black http://m.ebay.com/itm/Front-and-rear-oval-emblem-STICKER-DECAL-OVERLAYS-Fits-2008-2015-FORD-EDGE-/171841673674?nav=SEARCH ET http://m.ebay.com/itm/Alien-ET-Car-Sticker-Emblem-Truck-Decal-Badge-Black-Eye-Metal-2-1-White-Oval-/121746373617?nav=SEARCH
  3. Don't know this stuff, you would want a lubricant that doesn't attract dirt and doesn't get gummy with water or cold. Anything "like" silicone would probably be ok, I would guess.
  4. Integrated Diagnostic Software. Had to look it up. https://www.motorcraftservice.com/Diagnostic/Diagnostic
  5. It's a wonderful anyone can figure it out. Here's how it reds "With the buttons facing the rear of your vehicle and the key ring up, place the intelligent access key into the backup slot." Glad you figured it out.
  6. Former Marine Airwing, Avionics CH-46. Also flew as a door gunner in Nam. Whenever I travel I sometimes have to walk on the tarmac to reach the aircraft. The sounds and smells of avgas burning takes me right back to those days.
  7. Just guessing from reading your post, but I'd say you fried the smart junction box. That's where the headlight electronics are located. The headlight switch is just a switch (with LED backlighting).
  8. Referencing the owners manual, page 126. Make certain your climate control is turned on (button H). Make certain the A/C button is off (button G). Set the temperature to lower than the outside temperature. (Down to 60Ā° to keep the outside air continously flowing, otherwise the air will slow or stop when the cabin temp matches the outside temp). Or take it off automatic by manually setting the fan speed.
  9. I wish. My 09 has soft, squishy brakes. Ah .... NO! No, no, no. My 09 seals the cabin area tightly. That is NOT normal. Your car has a leak around the rear doors. I would start by checking the rubber weather seals. Try using a dollar bill, shut it in the car door and wiggle it around the door seal. It should not move easily. If it does, the seal has gaps and is letting in air and water.
  10. Ummmm, after looking at page 72, I believe that it's actually on the inside "front" of the compartment. Do you see a slot on the inside front of the compartment?
  11. FWIW, I check my cabin filter to see if dirty (this was last year), and found piles and piles of shredded foam rubber laying on the filter. Have no idea as to where it came from (suspect the asst. service mgr. did it - guy didn't last and he always seemed to by hustling repairs not needed). Anyway, it IS possible that there is a blockage in this area
  12. Plug n play http://www.oemautopartsco.com/products/2011-2016-explorer-edge-myford-touch-sync-gps-navigation-upgrade
  13. Plug n play http://www.oemautopartsco.com/products/2011-2016-explorer-edge-myford-touch-sync-gps-navigation-upgrade
  14. Ok. By chance, did you switch to recirculate to see if the air flow improved? If it doesn't I would suspect something in the core causing the blockage. (Or one of the doors not actuating properly.) Another way to isolate is to remove the cabin filter and leave the filter door open. If it improves, it's allowing air to bypass the engine intake and, yes, I would then suspect it. If not however, it's still being blocked lower in the system.
  15. You can color your existing bulbs by using several coats of Dupli-Color Metalcast Yellow. There's an excellent discussion on fog lamps at http://www.danielsternlighting.com/tech/lights/light_color/light_color.html
  16. I would think that synthetic grease would last the longest. The service manual recommends silicone spray. I use a super silicone, a mix of silicone and Teflon (think that's what it is, haven't used it in a while).
  17. You talk about your, like my friend talks about his; with TLC. (Smile). His doesn't have an automatic control however, he uses a thermometer and manually opens and closes the vents to regulate heat. Is that a feature on the newer grills?
  18. I wired my radar detector to the mirror wiring with a commercial wiring harness. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006074LT8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 They make them to fit different vehicles and years, to fit specific equipment. Is simple and easy, you just push the harness wires into specific locations the back of the mirrors wI ring connector, and use the two wire ties provided to anchor the harness to the mirror. (With microphone): (+) is pin #1, blue with orange stripe, (-) is pin #10. Wire color is black. Pos is on the accessory delay circuit, fuse #41. When looking a face of connector with release tab down, pin 1 is lower left, pin 10 is upper right. (Reverse of looking at back of connector). Without microphone: (+) is pin #1 (blue with orange stripe, (-) is pin #2 (without lighted sunvisors) or pin #3 (with lighted visors). Connector has 7 wires and is numbered 1-7 starting from left when viewed face on and release tab is on bottom. You can find the correct harness at their website: http://www.mirrortap.com/?gclid=Cj0KEQjwwpm3BRDuh5awn4qJpLwBEiQAATTAQef_byFHwAnKPSE7fz0phXDuO8319hy0IWvpk3PUhBIaAht48P8HAQ Ford Edge and Lincoln MKX use .080" taps for 2007-2009 and .050" for 2010+. If your mounting something other than one of the current detectors, you could either modify an existing harness with a dofferent connector or make your own (not hard, two wires & a connector). You could also contact Mirror Tap and see if they would be willing to make you a special harness (perhaps if you furnished the correct connector). Need to use a stiff wire or solder wires to a pin of the right diameter to be able to push into connector next to existing wires.
  19. Sorry, thought I had posted this on the "lounge". As for the egg, they are great. (Rather expensive however). Always wondered how they compare to a Weber. Have a friend that has dinner parties, makes really delicious gormet pizza on his, using a pizza stone. There's something about charcoal that just tastes better. When he's done, he puts the still hot brickettes in his fire pit and we sit around drinking great Italian wine and solve world problems. Two thumbs up on the egg.
  20. Well this is the Lounge and we can talk about anything off topic, so here goes. Next to my MKZ, my favorite thing is... food. Tonight's supper was chicken breast and stir fry. We marinade our breast's in Weber's Southern Whiskey marinade mix. Oh my that's good. Anyone else care to share a favorite food tip?
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