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Everything posted by enigma-2

  1. Ya, I feel your pain brother. But.... be damned if I'm going quietly. Even if I have to spend the evening cuttled up to a heating pad and a bottle of Tylenol. Why I remember when I .... wait, I forgot. lol
  2. Unfortunately you would have to meet specific medical conditions to get the exemption. If not the fine is usually $150 and you would be required to remove and have it inspection by the court. Removal runs around $200. BTW in Indiana, most shops will not install illegal tint, and if they do, they will got out of their way to inform you that the tint violates state law (to protect themselves). If it's a question of heat, there's a 5% tin that works good. If for being afraid (looking cool) good luck. You may only get a warning. But why tempt fate? It's illegal in most states and everyone crosses state lines. One other consideration, most car dealers know they can't sell a car with illegal tint and will reduce your trade in by the amount to have it removed.
  3. Unfortunately you would have to meet specific medical conditions to get the exemption. If not the fine is usually $150 and you would be required to remove and have it inspection by the court. Removal runs around $200. BTW in Indiana, most shops will not install illegal tint, and if they do, they will got out of their way to inform you that the tint violates state law (to protect themselves). If it's a question of heat, there's a 5% tin that works good. If for being afraid (looking cool) good luck. You may only get a warning. But why tempt fate?
  4. No worries, only works within 30 ft. so you would always be able to see car.
  5. Thirty minutes in a closed garage is more than enough to produce deadly amounts of carbon monoxide. If you are concerned consider installing a carbon monoxide alarm on the living side of the door that leads to the attached garage. I just replaced mine (every 10 years) and the new ones have both alarm and voice. Nice! Anyway, $30 and your protected, just in case.
  6. The website is under construction and you would need to email them for info. Is there any possibility you could attach the plate holder with a pair of heavy gauge cable ties? No holes to drill and can always be removed later without leaving marks. Just checked on my 09 and it's easily doable but I don't know about your 16. And if not, you could always duck tape it to the bumper. Should hold for a year or so.......
  7. Make certain that all of your files are in the root directory of the jump drive. As far as having a file with zero bytes, that's probably the problem. Possibly a bad download or bad extract.
  8. I can't answer for the 2016, but on my 2009 MKX, holding the remote unlock for 2 seconds, causes the the front windows to fully open and the power roof to pop up. There is no global close. I assume it's the same on you 2016, so that would be SOP.
  9. Hey thanks. Did you actually get your rebate back as Wal Mart is not one of the listed authorized retailers? Looks like Menards is on the list, believe I'll buy there. The offer is good for up to 10 qts and $24 rebate.
  10. If your interested in just a straight replacment, here is one example ($35): https://www.am-autoparts.com/products/mirror-puddle-light/AM-2221229271.html Also there are many different LED and laser copies offered on Ebay.
  11. I had a broken motor mount on an older car. Some noise and vibration like you described. Had the mount replaced with a NAPA version and it was terrible. Very noisy and bibration. Had them take it out and replace with Motorcraft. Like new. My opinion, motor mount broken.
  12. In Indiana is only 30%. A friend told me they will not stop if they suspect too dark, but they will test if they stop for some other reason. (It's for an officers safety when walking up to a vehicle they just stopped. He said he takes this very seriously and had no problem in issuing a citation for too dark). BTW, cars have different laws. than SUV's. Here's Indiana law on tinting: http://www.tinting-laws.com/indiana/
  13. I'm not familiar with this. What exactly do you mean by getting the "full vehicle wrapped" with white pearl? Is this a vinyl film that your covering your car with?
  14. Runs around $150 on the Ford map website: http://ford.navigation.com/product-list/Catalog/Catalog_Ford_Edge_2011/en_US/FordNA/USD Or around $100 on Ebay. The latest version is A7 for US & Canada, or B7 for US & Mexico. Here's a link to one one ebay, but you should be able to find for less: http://m.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Ford-Lincoln-A7-Map-SD-Navigation-Sync-Card-Explorer-Edge-Taurus-Mustang-/231909497199?nav=SEARCH
  15. One other point of consideration is installing aftermarket speakers will affect the car's Roll Stability control.
  16. Hey Gary, FYI in Illinois the maximum tint you can use is 35%. Here in Indiana, the cops use a small photo gauge that will actually measure the percent of tint. Here's a link to the IL law: http://www.tinting-laws.com/illinois/
  17. I feel your pain. Ever since i got my MKX, I have the same problem with the ball retriever.
  18. In.my last car, 5 years and 7 years. All depends on how much their used. Don't buy battery ahead of time. They have a shelf life. If they go dead, you can still open the door using the key. (Remember when ...)? On my 09 there is no indication when they're getting weak. Just wait till they don't work and replace.
  19. Not safe to repair rim if the bead is cracked. Can only replace with new. Try Ebay. http://m.ebay.com/itm/22-FORD-EDGE-SPORT-PVD-CHROME-WHEELS-RIMS-2011-2014-FACTORY-OEM-3850-EXCHANGE-/201244327223?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/2011-2012-2013-2014-Ford-Edge-OEM-Factory-BT4Z1007E-22-Polished-Wheel-Rim-3850-/262368923118?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.com/itm/FORD-EDGE-22-FACTORY-OEM-POLISHED-AND-BLACK-WHEEL-RIM-2011-2014-3850-/141812073154?nav=SEARCH
  20. I thought the button was electrical only. Didn't realize it was also mechanical. If pressing the button doesn't work, you could drop the back seats and crawl back far enough to pull up the cargo cover where it butts up to the back seat, and reach under. If you have a small battery charger, hook it up and press the button.
  21. Two thoughts (based on 48 years of marriage). 1. Your wife is always right. 2. Even if she's wrong, she's right.
  22. Open the tailgate. The two screws are located on an extension on the assembly. After you remove the screws, the tail light is removed by pulling straight out. You may have to wiggle and massage the assembly to get it free. But it will pull free eventually.
  23. enigma-2

    engine cover

    Was looking at a 2016 MKX today. Thick foam *and* chrome letters. (I'm jealous). Darn, now where cam I buy chrome letters?
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