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Everything posted by enigma-2

  1. Two thoughts (based on 48 years of marriage). 1. Your wife is always right. 2. Even if she's wrong, she's right.
  2. Open the tailgate. The two screws are located on an extension on the assembly. After you remove the screws, the tail light is removed by pulling straight out. You may have to wiggle and massage the assembly to get it free. But it will pull free eventually.
  3. enigma-2

    engine cover

    Was looking at a 2016 MKX today. Thick foam *and* chrome letters. (I'm jealous). Darn, now where cam I buy chrome letters?
  4. If the coolant level was 'not' down, could it be possible that it was actually washer fluid instead? The hoses run over that area and are more likely the cause rather that a head gasket (although that is a possibility). Did you just assume it was coolant, or confirm?
  5. enigma-2

    engine cover

    Why because it says "LINCOLN" in nice big letters across the engine, that's why. (Btw, it's real plastic in the Lincoln version, not the cheaper foam, in the Ford version). Shame it's not chromed, but hey, they have to hold costs somewhere. .... (Yes. I'm kidding). BTW, on my 09, it's listed as a "engine appearance cover".
  6. Sounds like the TSS & OSS need changing. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/20201-ford-edge-2007-2010-tss-and-oss-failures-will-happen-symptoms-explained/?do=findComment&comment=149803
  7. Thinking out loud, wonder if possibly you have reached the maximum amount of keys permitted? A real possibility if you bought the car used. Once a key is programmed it stays in memory until manually deleted.
  8. enigma-2

    engine cover

    You could also ask in the "LevittownFordSuperCenter" forum. They are Ford parts suppliers and members of this forum. Discounted parts prices too.
  9. If you have AWD it could be the ABS module pulsing. Try Removing the fuse for the ABS and see if it stops.
  10. Why not just bypass the resistors and just plug in LEDS where you want without any fear of hyperflashing. https://www.superbrightleds.com/blog/led-turn-signals-blinking-too-fast-hyperflashing/275/
  11. Why not just bypass the resistors and just plug in LEDS where you want without any fear of hyperflashind. https://www.superbrightleds.com/blog/led-turn-signals-blinking-too-fast-hyperflashing/275/
  12. Wow, 2010 and only 22k. Like a brand new car. Outstanding. Welcome to the forum.
  13. I pulled this from another post in the this forum. If I'm not mistaken, the speed sensor connects to the transmission (but I've never really looked for it). "In the Edge, you can find this wire coming from the PCM (Powertrain Control Module), which is under the hood on the passenger side of the engine. It is the purple/orange wire."
  14. Believe when I let it run low, it pops up in that same neighborhood. I would guess that city driving, 40 or 50 miles would be more than enough. Highway 80 or 90 would be more appropriate.
  15. Kimda sounds like this either a buy-back, repair and sell as used or Avis noticed it was leaking again and dumped it for a different car to avoid the difficulty of having it repaired again. They did the repair, checked and found no leaks, and now six months later it's leaking again. Either the repair was poorly done or the sealer is a stop-gap and is prone to fail over time. Whatever the cause, it's a real concern. How many others on the road have failed or will fail? I think it be wise to avoid any Edge or MKX that was built during the "quality is job 2" phase and either go with an earlier or later model. What the hell happened to the quality control at that plant? Thousands of cars with the same serious defects.
  16. Wasn't Columbine Truman's Air Force One? Why does that name sold familure?
  17. I would take it to dealer and have the power point replaced. It's probably defective and kicking out at the wrong value.
  18. The manual states that it will temporary turn off if the voltage drops below 11 volts or is overloaded. Thinking put loud. As it's unlikely the voltage was low, any possibility that your daughter had more than the computer plugged in? Headphones, mouse, running a CD or DVD, wifi, etc? The computer's rating is for the base and doubt it would include any additional loads plugged. (You may have checked while the power point was still off do to overheating).
  19. There's also the possibility that the fault is in the charging cable.
  20. There's also the possibility that the fault is in the charging cable.
  21. Believe I read somewhere that the low fuel lamp comes on based on your driving style. Inasmuch as the manual tells you that it's unreliable during the first thousand miles, would seem that it's developing a history to operate off of. (I'm making an assumption based on the information on page 179 of the owners manual).
  22. Relates to being a Marine in Vietnam and a certain series of spiritual experiences that occured in May, 1970.
  23. Did that once with a half bottle of Bacardi. Your right, weird noises. Lol.
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