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Everything posted by enigma-2

  1. Rattle soulds have a way of coming from one place and traveling to a different part of the car. I would start by looking under the car at the catolitic converter heat shield or a metal bracket supporting a body panel (esp the panel under the passenger door). As it's "speed sensitive" I would expect you find the metallic part nearly tight, but just loose enough to generate sold due to buffeting. For a bracket, remove the plastic fastener, slightly bend the bracket and reinstall the fastener. This will put extra tension on the parts and make the assy tighter. For a heat shield, sometimes the thin mounting tabs break and allow the shield the vibrate under specific loading conditions. Sometimes a high heat adhesive can be used to secure the shield to prevent rattling. .
  2. I have 20's on my MKX. They are rougher and a little louder, but not so much as to make a big difference. Lot better looking, the difference is minor imo.
  3. There are several based on equipment. You can look it up here: http://www.fordparts.com/Commerce/CatalogResults.aspx?y=2013&m=Ford&mo=Edge#Search
  4. I believe it's 3,500 lbs for a 3.5 with factory tow pgk (also includes upgraded cooling and suspension, gearing differences, maybe larger brakes as well, don't remember what all was changed). Without factory tow pkg, I believe it's 2,000 lbs. (Table on page 249). I believe that would include the 1,400 lbs for the boat + the weight of the trailer. If you have a grade-assist butyon on the side of the shifter, pressing it will automatically turn off overdrive. .
  5. Here's one place to look up state lemon law information. http://www.dmv.org/automotive-law/lemon-law.php
  6. If only the glass is broken, you can buy a new, OEM glass with heated, and spot mirror for $123. http://m.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Edge-Lincoln-MKX-Right-Passenger-Side-View-Mirror-Glass-w-Heat-Memory-OEM-/321919688352?nav=SEARCH (Just plain glass will run under $20). If the whole mirror needs changing, you should be able to find a used one on Ebay for $170 or so. http://m.ebay.com/itm/2009-2010-2011-09-10-11-Ford-Edge-Passenger-RH-Power-Heated-Mirror-OEM-D0137-/331702671189?nav=SEARCH
  7. Once you're in Sirius mode, you can change the band by voicing the command: "Sat 1","Sat 2" or "Sat 3". You can also switch bands and select a specific button by saying "Sat 2 preset 2" (for example). The would switch to Sirius band 2, and whatever is stored on preset button #2.
  8. I don't use Spotify but here's an article on the Spotify website that talks about how it interacts with Ford Sync. https://support.spotify.com/us/article/ford/
  9. OEM bracket https://www.amazon.com/Genuine-Ford-BT4Z-17A385-C-License-Bracket/dp/B006QLIU3Q Different one http://www.partsgeek.com/catalog/2015/ford/edge/body_mechanical_-ar-_trim/license_plate_bracket.html
  10. You can use an aux port to USB adapter for around $5 off Amazon. Mixed reviews, but there are several available. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00I6H153K/ref=s9_simh_gw_d0_g147_i1?pf_rd_p=1c5f02ae-183e-4906-990b-5a293310a66c&pf_rd_s=blackjack-personal-1&pf_rd_t=Gateway&pf_rd_i=mobile&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=9QAX8HMRMWAZRNBEB5EB Check this out as well. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00IRVQ0F8?psc=1
  11. I'm under the impression that if the plug gap gets too large it can cause excessive current to flow in the coils and that will weaken or damage them. (Was told this by an experienced Ford service mechanic.)
  12. Are the Edge's and MKX's cross-castered vehicles? (Thinking they are from the above specs). If they are, that would explain why several were reporting their Edge's drifting to the right when properly aligned. I think Ford does cross-caster for safety (causing a car to drift right if the driver is unresponsive, the car goes to the edge of the road rather the into oncoming traffic.)
  13. First, there are a lot of Chinese junk out there. Anyone who can supply drawings and pay for 10+ where's can sell them under any name thew choose. Forged and no certification. Check put what your thinking of, are they an established, well-known manufacturer? Are the wheels certified? What kind of warranty do they have and what is the return policy? Don't buy cheap, don't buy off-brand. You get what you pay for and the cheap wheels can (and will) fail while driving. Give wheels MORE suspect than tires, there is a lot to consider, and your life can depend on your decision.
  14. Hi Lex. Is this what your looking for (don't know how close the seller is to you, but he's in the Netherlands). The link uses the mobile version, you may have to convert to full site by replacing "m" with "www". http://m.ebay.nl/itm/Ford-Edge-2007-2011-18-inch-COMPATIBLE-Wheel-Rim-/161859414908?nav=SEARCH Another offer http://m.ebay.nl/itm/2007-2010-FORD-EDGE-wheel-rim-18-3674-SILVER-OEM-OE-7T431007CC-/321966147936?nav=SEARCH
  15. My guess is they are attempting to prevent people from buying used SD cards of Ebay and not pay retail.
  16. Was given a 2016 Lincoln MKX as a loaner last week and the nav unit was unable to track my position because the display had the error "no sd card inserted". Is the nav unit in the MKX different from the Edge?
  17. There's one for sale on ebay for $115. http://m.ebay.com/itm/2011-FORD-EDGE-LIMITED-REAR-LIFTGATE-BACK-HATCH-DOOR-PISTON-POWER-MOTOR-/142009782556?_trkparms=aid%253D222007%2526algo%253DSIC.MBE%2526ao%253D1%2526asc%253D20150519202348%2526meid%253D4de51e3939ca46ac9e6aae4a8d90a51b%2526pid%253D100408%2526rk%253D1%2526rkt%253D1%2526sd%253D121996716445&_trksid=p2056116.c100408.m2460
  18. It took me awhile but with SeaFoam, you have to run it into the carb and let it sit. It works slowly and will eventually disolve the gum if at all posdible. (Snowblower took a week to clear). Echo blower never did clear, had to tear it apart and clean the jets manually. But if you can get the chemical to work and have the time to wait, it saves having to tear it down. When I do tear a small carb down, I use a small ultrasonic cleaner, works so much faster.
  19. I was taught in auto class (long ago and far, far away) to hold the filter up to the sunlight and see if you can see the sun through it. If you can, knock the dirt out of it and replace in car. If not it's dirty and needs replacing. Don't know if the same logic holds for modern cars.
  20. After I read akirby's post, I looked it up. Good fluid is clear or translucent. Rust colored means that it's absorbed water and should be flushed. Blackish color means brake problems and everything needs to be examined.
  21. Not in North Carolina. ......
  22. Actually I did on Monday. Had mine in for the gas tank recall. (They found that is was leaking, and changed it). Dealer brought up a new MKX for me to use as a loaner. (Told me it was a perk for being a Lincoln owner, otherwise I'd have gotten a Fusion. Ploy to get me to drive a new MKX of course. :-) Thought the sound system was excellent. Seemed to have speakers everywhere. Very clean even a loud setting. When I returned it, talked with the service associate and he said that the Revell system is really the high end speakers. Suff about waveguides and balancing, etc. Nothing about the radio or amp. Never thought to ask if it was surround sound, but I would imagine that it is.
  23. Sorry for beating a (long) dead house, but I was wondering what (if any) THX system has? Surprisingly there doesn't seem to be any topics on this in either forum. I get the surround sound aspect, demo built in sounds great, but does anyone actually sell surround cd's? Anyone ever use their surround system capabilities? Like to buy a great sounding cd, perhaps something 'not' classic. It works with DVD movies really well, but nothing seems to be available for CD music.
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