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About enigma-2

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  1. Any chance the parking brake is malfunctioning? (On mine, there are shoes, but don't know if they changed the design on electric models.) Usually the front go first. I changed my front twice before the rear. I know that certain 2017 Edge models are having problems with the rear brake hoses. While the problems reported by NHTSA have been brake failure when the hoses ruptured, I wonder if its possible that the hoses are bent or have a reduced diameter. (Allowing high pressure to apply the brakes, but not allowing the fluid to drain back properly; keeping the pads in contact with the rotor.) .
  2. Don't know where else to stick this thread. Passenger seatbelt is constantly locking on wife. She has to unbuckle and let it go slack to get it to release. I was able to free up the mechanism by using WD40 a couple of years ago; but it's back with a vengeance. Took to the Ford garage, told them to put a new belt assy on. Oh, nay, nay, you fool. They don't sell seatbelts for such an old car. Had them spray some PB Blaster on the mechanism, but it didn't help. Guess I'll go to ebay and buy one from a wreck. Anyone else having a similar problem? .
  3. I believe that the reason is because the front seatbelts have pretensioners which put an additional load on the latch mechanism. Because of this, there is considerable more tensile forces on the front seats compared to the back. When we used a booster seat for my grandson, we found the seatbelt was tight as well. Went to Ford and got one extension for the back seat (they only stock one at a time as they're free and not in high demand.) Before that however, I discovered that putting my knee in the seat to push it as deep into seat as possible allowed extra length on the belt. Its easier with the extension however. Why don't you just bite the bullet and buy a couple off ebay? BTW, tell the parts dept that you need the extenders for your wife's mother and father. They're overweight and unable to fasten their seatbelts. That they just hold them pretending to be wearing them. (Parts guy told me to use this excuse as they hate to order them unless it's a "safety issue".) .
  4. $58 for a 2024 Edge manual. https://www.helminc.com/helm/Result.asp?Style=helm&Mfg=FMC&Make=FRD&Model=EDGE&Year=&Category=&Keyword=&Module=&selected_media=
  5. All cars exhibit this frosting problem when still cold and human breathing causes excess moisture to fill the cabin. Heating the interior hot enough will cause the interior windows to clear. It sounds like either the recirculating / fresh air door motor is stuck in the recirculation position, or the defrost door isn't reaching the full open position. Q. Do you have a strong defrost airflow? Does it sound like the door is switching between recirculating and outside air? The other possibility is that there's not sufficient heat being directed to the cabin interior. This is usually attributed to a blockage in the heater core due to mixing diffetent coolants, etc. Q. Does the heater warm the interior of the car? Warm enough to peal off your hat and coat? Along with this is insufficient airflow in the cabin. Running the heater in the recirculating position can cause this. Also junk under the seats can block airflow rearward. Air circulation is critical.
  6. Little weird. I was looking in the 2024 Edge Owners Manual and the relay was #40, fuse was #50. But in the 2024 Lincoln Nautilus there's no horn fuse or relay listed.
  7. Must have been on earlier years where I remember reading this.
  8. Don't know if you progressed on this since posting, but I'd certainly pay the diagnostic fee as its probably serious (or will be.) Just curious, FWD front or AWD?
  9. New bearing greased properly? Grease on splines where shaft flexes in and out?
  10. @CrackedDSM wasn't too specific as to the exact location. His advice was to start checking the wiring at each sensor (each wheel), follow up into car and then to ABS module. He found his break in the harness under the back seat. Its more likely that a break would occur under the car where it's subject to ice, snow, road debris like rocks and stuff. Under the back seat sorta tells me he had shoved something under the seat, hitting the harness. crusting. I'd also check the connector at the ABS module for green crusties.
  11. VERY COMMON PROBLEM being reported with the S25. The S25 seems to have been optimized for use with the Samsung charger which limits max current when charging. The higher current causes the phone to get hot and shut down. When cooled, it starts to charge again. Then repeats. One user reported (Samsung forum) his charger (which worked perfectly with his S23) was drawing higher current when needing more charge (weak cell battery.) His fix was to charge the phone using a cable (connected to the 12v power port) to about 2/3 charged, then finish it off with the wireless charger. Said this solved the problem.
  12. I'll assume that both remotes are OEM. Sounds like the fob's are registered (as they seem to function.) Unlikey they'd both fail at the same time. So the next thing I'd check is to test the car's battery. May be failing. (Must check the CCA reserve, not the voltage. Even weak batteries can test over 14 v before cranking.)
  13. This Ford website might help. https://veteransfordtampa.com/which-ford-vehicles-can-be-flat-towed#:~:text=Why Flat Towing?,for planning your next adventure.&text=Ford has a diverse lineup,the open road without limitations.
  14. If I'm not mistaken, the single horn doesn't use a relay, where the dual horn assy requires the relay.
  15. As an additional thought, have you tested your cold cranking capacity Amperage, of your vehicle battery? Low voltage can also cause the shift solenoid from functioning and cause various other systems from responding.
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