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All Hat No Cattle

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Everything posted by All Hat No Cattle

  1. And we have liftoff!! Wife likes it. It is the smaller one in the picture. X-Plan price, plus $100 Doc Fee, minus $3850 in rebates. Only good thing about the delays, lot better rebates. Now to move on to other things.
  2. It's raining Edges, LOL. Of course, the wife has something scheduled for most of tomorrow, so Thursday looks like it.
  3. Hey, wait a minute. I just remembered that I told you guys about this back in May 2016, LOL. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/20434-edge-shop-manuals/?hl=%2Bfactory+%2Bmanual
  4. Yes, they are legit. There is a long thread on the F-150 forum by people that have bought one, including me. What they do is buy a 3 day subscription from Ford using your name and VIN. https://www.motorcraftservice.com/Home/Index Then they have a way of downloading all the PDF files applicable to your vehicle and compiling it into one download. That being said, you can do the same thing yourself. Some guys on the 150 forum did it. But, it is very time-consuming, many hours of downloading. That is what you are paying for, and why it is as legit as you buying the subscription from Ford and having your nephew do the downloading. My F-150 Manual is 10,343 PDF pages. I will be ordering one as soon as my freaking Edge actually shows up. I bought the basic manual, and it works. But, it takes a lot of reading and searching to compile the info you may want. The Enhanced version has the PDF links that actually work, so you can skip from section to section without paging thru 100 pages. Get it if you are going to be in the manual a lot.
  5. No. If you have a mortgage, the mortgage holder will require you to have a policy that protects their investment. But if you own it free and clear, who is going to force you to buy homeowners insurance? No one. Back on topic. Maybe if you are on the fence about ESP, you might scroll thru the 2009-2014 section of the Forum. Like for instance, the 6th post down in the 2010 forum. Like I said, do you feel lucky? If you do, act accordingly. It is your money, either way.
  6. Thanks. This is probably our 20-25th new vehicle, 13th or 14th Ford, so we don't get that excited about a new vehicle any more. I'm recounting this experience because of the first dealer screw-up, and the AS delay, so others can learn from it. BTW, talked to the dealer today, unrelated to the purchase, and he mentioned that it is passing thru Utah, right on schedule. We'll see how it goes.
  7. Take heart, it is probably the circuit board in the wiper motor. Even those are high tech now. About a year ago, my wife says that the rear wiper is running by itself. So I completely disconnect the control switch, and the damn thing still runs. Long story short, Googled it and found out that the circuit board in the motor screws up and sticks on. Order new motor from RockAuto, problem solved. But mine was a lot older than 3 weeks old. Stuff happens, hope that motor is all there is for you.
  8. The 2017 Titanium I have on order shows HID Headlamps on the Window Sticker. Does anyone have an opinion of how well they work?
  9. Lots of valid points on both sides. But it does boil down to one question. Do you feel lucky? One additional thought that I did not see covered. If you trade in, this does not apply to you. But, if you always sell your old vehicle yourself, you can get a good chunk of the ESP cost back on resale. Say you have an 8 year ESP Premium and you are selling your 6 year old vehicle. How much more do you think you could charge over KBB or NADA appraisals if you could pass on your Premium ESP, with 2 years of coverage, to your buyer? How much extra would you be willing to pay for 2 years of ESP Premium for a vehicle you were buying?
  10. Now that would be cool! BTW, my first post on this thread about ETIS still applies, LOL. Man, I hope I don't end up with a 2015 Leaker!
  11. It looks like I am the only one on the Forum that has an Edge on order, if I am following this thread correctly, LOL. But, for future reference, if your salesman is not giving you updates like this, I would ask, why not?
  12. Considering that this maintenance video is out there, has anyone seen any recommendations from Ford about how often the tracks should be cleaned, and what Ford recommends for the best lube? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-IErNktk7A
  13. Correct. I dug up my 2016 F-150 VIN and ETIS has a 15.02.2016 Build Date, delivered March 4. European format for sure.
  14. OK, more good news. ETIS finally updated the Build date, to 06.05.2017. So, I'm assuming that is May 6.? That is interesting, because the 6th was Saturday. From the dealer. Ford Marketing, at 1-800-334-4375, gave me an ETA of May 25 today.
  15. All 4 dealers in Vegas have a $499 doc fee ( I'm sure that is a coincidence), LOL. With X-Plan my current dealer charges the max allowed, $100, my previous dealer charged $75. See for yourself, ignore the security system charge, it ain't happening. Order002.pdf
  16. On the actual deal paperwork, they start with the X-Plan price, and added sales tax, doc fee, title. There is no mention of an advertising fee.
  17. Are you sure? This is what is available today in my zip code, 89156 .http://www.ford.com/suvs-crossovers/edge/2017/pricing-and-incentives/?searchid=617102366%257C29034412714%257C281363587393%257C&gclid=CI24xJqyqtMCFQKRfgodYSYJuw&ef_id=WPQhagAAADGZfhdc%253A20170417015913%253As&s_kwcid=AL!2519!3!175721279956!e!!g!!ford%25202017%2520incentives&gnav=footer-shop
  18. If anyone is interested in A, Z, D and X Plan pricing, this is how it works for an Edge. I like the shipping weight note, 3957 lbs., but Transit Days- 18 seems slow? Edge 4 27 17 ~ invoice.pdf
  19. So today, this showed up. And this!!! 2017Edge windowsticker.pdf
  20. That $350 is Ford's pricing with the floor mats, take $125 off for the mats and you are at $225, which is reasonable. But remember, that $225 is to add heating coils into the wheel, and some programming and a relay, to turn it on and off. On my Platinum, the Wheel heater is turned on in the SYNC Climate screen, upper left icon. It looks to be the same in the 2017 Edge manual. So wiring for the wheel already there, maybe? But programming needed to get the icon? For sure.
  21. You absolutely can. On my 2010 Lariat, in for some minor door handle recall, the SA gave me his card and said to ask for him for any problems in the future. Just did not need him, luckily. The SA's know if they treat you right, they'll get rewarded with a good rating. On the current Edge order, it was put in March 1, but the Drivers Package was the definite holdup, at least the AS part of it. If the build goes thru next week, it is all downhill from there.
  22. Exactly right. Look, the Cold Weather Package for the Heated Wheel and Floor Mats is listed at $350 on the Build Site, today. But, they also list the Floor Mats as a separate option for $125. There is no rational reason why the Heated Steering Wheel could not have been offered as an option for $225. None! So for principled people who don't choose to spend $125 for a junk item, their only option is to pass on the package. And who loses more money, the customer or Ford?
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