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About bob_loblaw

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  1. They're booked out a week but they told me I could try leaving it inserted in while the battery is unplugged. One change i made was get a working thumb drive(somehow my old one broke) and put the files on and it's working now that i tried leaving it in while battery was unplugged. I wish it wouldn't have allowed me to install the files to begin with on the sd card if when it resets it looks for a usb drive. At least it's good now.
  2. Tried the Fuse and got the AM station but still got the "trying to install no usb" screen. Looks like i'm taking it to the dealer and hopefully they can look at it tomorrow.
  3. Thanks, i'll try the cabin filter. That hasn't been replaced in 2 years almost.
  4. Our A/C doesn't blow on high even though the setting is on high. It comes on 5 minutes later or 25 minutes later. It occurs at least once a week sometimes more and typically after the car has sat out in the heat during the day at work. Other wise it cools perfectly. The dealer can't diagnose it since they can't duplicate. Anyone else seen/heard of this issue?
  5. I hate to start a new one of these but I'm not finding it in the search. Tried updating my 2013 Edge Limited last night. I guess my first mistake was using a SD card? It took it! But it found the files and started the process with no issues. Once it went to restart and finish that's when it went haywire. It said something like Updating sync Image waiting for USB. It sits for a minute or so then says it finds no usb device and says it's cancelling the update. Then it goes black and never comes on. I tried sticking my SD card into a USB dongle but it wouldn't take that either. I tried reformatting twice and putting the files back on with no luck. Yes it's FAT32 and yes I unzipped like it said in the instructions. I updated once before with no issues and was impressed, this time not so much. So my question is Can I reset this by unplugging the battery or taking out the 29 fuze? I tried the battery unhook last night but when I went to start up I got the am station with buzz like some people say happens but then I made the mistake of pushing the ac down(still no touch screen) and then it looped about the update. Should I give this another try or am I SOL? I really don't want to go to the dealer over this as it seems so silly to not be able to update something with their software. Plus they don't have any appointments til next Wednesday!
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