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Everything posted by dgreco23

  1. Ya i think youre right. I think we should go ahead with the full tint in the medium....or to the level you think is best to match the exterior colour of my truck..... get back to me with what i do to complete this transaction and get this into action.... thanks Sincerely Dave Greco
  2. Here are 2 more pics that are photoshop'ed better..... cant wait to actually get these tails done.... please give me feedback on what to do Black Out with White Stripes
  3. Chad sorry for not getting back to you sooner, schools getting busy, I definitely want to go ahead with the purchase, but i cant decide what shade of tint and if to leave white areas open. HELP!!!! Im having a hard time deciding exactly what to have done by Chad for my 2008 Ford Escape Tail lights. I was hoping that you all could give me feedback on what would be the best option or style for tinting my trucks back end. Ive included a few picture samples that i have worked with on photoshop to get an idea of what i may want. Ive included the light, medium, and dark tinted rears with either the white area left un-tinted or the entire light tinted. I just don't know which way to go. Also I've been reading the forum and i understand that alot of people are ordering lamin-x from Chad, because its easy to remove and not permanent. This might be another option to consider for myself due to the fact that the truck is being leased for 4 years. Anyways I hope you guys can help me out and give me some feedback about this issue. Thanks. Sincerely, Dave Greco Standard Medium Tint Medium Tint with White Medium Tint in action Medium Tint with White in action Dark Tint with White Dark Tint
  4. Hi, im actually new to this forum, my names Dave Greco. I live in Toronto, Canada and after shopping for a new Ford Truck, I was caught between the new 2008 Edge and the 2008 Escape. Well after going through financial's, i have recently bought a brand new black escape, although i wanted the edge, and thought that maybe you could help me. I want to tint my rear lights (taillights and 3rd brake light) but im not sure what i should ask from you. I have paypal and could pay through that no problems asked, but i wanted to know how exactly do i get the lights to you? How long does this process take? Where are you located? I really like the process that you are doing here and would really like to have you help me with this issue. Please get back to me as soon as you can, by either emailing me at dgreco23@hotmail.com or giving me a call at (1 519 574 9323). Again my names Dave Greco, and i am really interested in this product.. Thanks alot and i hope to be hearing from you... Sincerely, Dave Greco Ive also included a picture of my 04 sport trac that sadly i had to give back from its lease.... just so you guys know im a truck guy too...lol.... keep up the good work, all of the edges on this forum are beautiful, it really is a unique and good looking truck...thanks
  5. Pictures of my 04 Sport Trac unfortunalety it was only a lease and was given back. Cant wait to sharpen up my new Escape, and post some pics...... And by the way i wanted the Edge and am hoping to get it when the Escapes lease is over....
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