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  1. I have a 2014 Edge. Took it in 4 weeks ago because check engine light came on. Took them two days to let me know that the oxygen sensor was bad and they would have to order the part. They said I could drive it until they called about the part. I was told the part was in and took it in. They kept it to fix while on vacation. Had the vehicle for 10 days. When went to get it was told the part had not come in. I am still driving it with the check engine light on. It makes me nervous doing that because if something else were to go wrong that would normally make the light come on, how would I know? I have noticed that gas mileage seems really bad. Should I be driving it like this? Am I doing damage to my vehicle? I am not happy that they don't seem to be able to get the part. We are leaving again and will be driving on a trip which will include mountain driving. Again I am not comfortable taking it on a long trip. Advice please.
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