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Official Ford Motor Co.
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Everything posted by FordService

  1. Have you considered bringing your Edge to a different dealer? Let me know and I'll get in touch with your CSM. Todd
  2. Hey WHaylett, Please PM your case number and I'll see what I can do on my end. Todd
  3. Let me know how the dealer visit goes and I'll jump in if needed. Todd
  4. I understand your frustrations. If you'd like me to document your dealer feedback for internal review, let me know. Todd
  5. Hey all, Have you discussed your concerns with the dealer? Let me know and I'll look into available options. Todd
  6. When was your Edge last at the dealer, Daniel? Send me a PM with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and dealership name; I'd like to look into available options on my end.
  7. Hey Mark, I work primarily with customers in the United States. I recommend contacting Customer Service Operations at +1 (1) 313 594 4857. Todd
  8. Hi April, I'd like to connect you with your regional customer service manager, who'll work with you and your dealer to come to a swift resolution. Please send me a PM (private message) with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, and servicing dealership. Todd
  9. Hello Tom2, Congrats on your new Edge! I'd love to see a pic. I've spoken to my technical advisor, and he has informed me if you wish to leave a fob in the vehicle, you would then would be able to lock and unlock the doors with the key pad. Let me know if you have questions. Todd
  10. Sweet! I look forward to hearing from you on Monday. Sooner if you have questions. Todd
  11. You're welcome. I'd like to put you in touch with your regional customer service manager, who, along with your dealer, will find a swift solution for this concern. In many cases, CSMs share resources with dealers that may not have been immediately available prior to this escalation. They'll also guide you through the process and answer any questions you might have. In order to proceed, please send me a private message (PM) with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership. Todd
  12. Hey adoble, I'll help with the transmission issues. Please send me a PM (private message) with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, and preferred servicing dealership. Todd
  13. Hey Normandy, Have you been to the dealer for this concern? Let me know and I'll look down possible avenues of assistance. Todd
  14. Hello JAS11, Is your Edge currently at the dealer? Please send me a PM with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and preferred servicing dealership; I'll put you in touch with your regional customer service manager, who is in the best position to assist. Todd
  15. Hey friends! I'm back; I know you missed me. I'm currently going through my PMs, and will address everyone ASAP. Thank you, WWWPerf_ZN0W; I'm good to go for another thousand miles. Todd
  16. You're welcome, misterfixit. The CSM assigned to your region will contact you and the dealership, but not to worry; this isn't seen as a bad thing. CSMs can open up a few more options to dealerships to more quickly resolve customer concerns. I've never seen a case where a dealership has been upset by this. We're all on the same team. Todd
  17. Hi everyone, I'll be out of the office from 8 p.m. ET tonight until Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. ET for a medical appointment. Crystal will be monitoring the board in my absence. See you Tuesday! Todd
  18. Hey FordLVR, I'd like to put you in touch with your regional customer service manager, who'll work with you and your dealer to find a resolution. Please send me a PM with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership. Todd
  19. Hey misterfixit, I'd like to loop in your regional customer service manager, who'll work with you and your dealer to come to a resolution. Please send me a private message (PM) with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and preferred servicing dealership. Todd
  20. I sure can, and did! Thanks for the updates as well, Scott Hennig. Hey sharafink, Welcome to the forum! I'm Todd, the Ford Service rep. that'll be hanging around for the duration of your stay. I'd like to loop in your regional customer service manager, who'll work with you and your dealer to come to a solution. Please send me a PM with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and preferred servicing dealership. Todd
  21. You're welcome! Check your PMs; I responded. Todd
  22. Hey Michael Sherrod, I just replied to your post on another thread (regarding weather stripping). Check it out. Todd
  23. Hi Michael Sherrod, I'd like to put you in touch with your regional customer service manager, who is in the best position to assist. Please send me a private message with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, and preferred servicing dealership. I'll get the ball rolling. Todd
  24. Hey Scott Hennig, I sent you a PM; please let me know once you've received it. Also, delete the above message to protect your privacy. Todd
  25. Hey Scott Hennig, This certainly isn't the type of experience I want for you or any of my Ford Edge Forum friends. Send me a PM with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership; I'll see what I can do. Todd
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