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Everything posted by Shotym

  1. Sorry for long winded story. Had a black screen of death and took it in to the local dealer. I told them to specifically test the APIM. When I picked it up they told me it was the FCIM(the trim panel with the fan and volume knobs) and it was $1400 to replace as well as the laundry list of other things they checked that need to be replace(oil change, windshield, tires,etc). Charged me with 1/2 hr labour. I knew it was wrong so took it to another dealer and they were familiar with the problem and also said it was a 2 hour procedure for diagnosis of the APIM. Anyway they came back with faulty APIM. When they replaced and I was checking it over in the lot, the nav was not there. So go back in and they look up the build, no nav listed. They then did a window sticker look up and it showed nav installed, so they took it back in and reprogrammed with nav licence. All is good so far. The question I have is can the backup camera function be enabled just that easy as well? Would be nice to add without a lockpick.
  2. Got a call from dealer that the block heater install will take 5 hours,tot al cost of just under $1100. I bought a 250 watt stick on pad heater, glued it to the bottom of the oil pan and hope this will suffice until spring when I can get a good look at it. Cost $550 to get the two power steering hoses replaced so am unimpressed with the new ride in the first 100km.
  3. cut a 6" piece of 3/8" brake hardlline double clamped both ends and no leaks so far. Will drop it off at the dealer tonight and if it don't start tomorrow they can deal with it. Have had this thing for 10 days and have not actually used it yet.
  4. I have a 40 x 40 shop on the ground that will definately be ready by snow next fall and so will the attached garage. Got it started yesterday but the power steering filter blew up and puked all the ps fluid out. -30 and I'm on my back in the snow Can't get a filter in town so got a piece of 3/8" steel fuel line and some clamps an will try to get it to at least run tomorrow. Also have it booked in with the local dealer on Thusday for the block heater install.
  5. Got under it today, no heater installed, just the hex plug. Will try to get a stick on pad heater at CT to try get it to start tomorrow. Supposed to be -32 tonight.
  6. New to me 2011 Edge SEL, picked it a week ago. Temp went south of -30 last night and it won't start. Tried to find block heater cord in the dark last night but no luck,Had a better look this morning and there is no cord. Anyone have a pic or diagram of where the element is located on the block? Maybe just missing cord, hopefully. Car was purchased new in Calgary so would assume a block heater would be installed. Checked the build sheet and no mention of a block heater as standard or an option so it may not even have one(will be seriously pissed). I thought that the canadian base equipment required a block heater.if it does not have one can a magnetic heater be stuck on somewhere? Thanks
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