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  1. Thanks a lot autom8r for the info. We went back and took the front strut assembly apart again to see if the damper was not connected properly. I have attached a couple pictures of the setup once we got it apart. I don't think it was seated perfectly, I also don't know if we lost a couple bearings or if it's suppose to have a little bit of space in the ring. We greased it back up again and clamped it together tight and bolted it back to the strut, and released the springs back in place. I took it for a test drive and the clicking/tapping metal sound that i was hearing over small bumps disappeared but then there was a pulsating clicking sound with rotation of the wheel, would come and go, started more so when turning wheel to the left. We thought it was CV joint, so we took wheel off again and cv boot to make sure everything was engaged well, we made sure it was jammed back in tight and engaged, then put wheel back on and it was drastically better but still has a little clicking when the wheel is turned hard to the left...scared to mess with it anymore! We probably played with it more then we should have consider our level of expertise...which is low! Any thoughts or similar experiences? Could the CV become slight disengaged? It is fine to drive now, just a little click on hard turn...should I worry about it?
  2. Question for any spring experts or guys who have installed lowering springs. I am not an, so bare with me! Install went perfect but on the last spring (front left) we had springs compressed and were loosening the shock tower/mount and it came apart exposing the ball bearings, which we likely lost a couple. We put it back together and it seamed sealed but once everything was reconnected and I took it for a cruise the front left was rattling over bumps. Sounds similar to a bad ball joint sound, but not quite as loud.
  3. Mike, how much do the HR's drop you? Do you get that double bounce you can sometimes when you drop a ride without changing the shocks. Or is it just stiffer, I would probably like it a bit tighter. Debated going with a 55 tire height to eliminate the wheel well gap, can't stand that! Scared it will mess odometer up too much. Thoughts?
  4. thanks Mike thats perfect, exactly the info i was looking for. Your edge looks great. I just put the sport style grill on my kodiac brown edge, plan to put the tsw matte black rims and lower it as well. what did you use for springs? harden the ride up too much?
  5. Hi Guys, In need of some input, I am planning to order tsw 20x8.5 donington rims. The edges rires always come 245 but I can get 265/50's for a better price and wouldn't mind having a wider tire. Will I run into any problems with the wider tire, it's not that significant but any experience out there? Also should I stick with the 40mm offset that is typical? looking for a nice flush look. appreciate any help!
  6. Sorry I mean't if I went with 50's and put lowering springs on it ,would I rub, say with a 2" drop? What width of tire on 20's would start to cause problems? Wouldn't mind putting a bit wider tire on the 20's then 245 but don't want to mess up speedo or decrease mpg too much, not sure if that would or not. Would 255's work? Thanks
  7. Thanks for the info....so in that case I can assume that then dropping it a couple inches wouldn't rub? Anybody setup like this? curious what the ride quality would be like as I will be living in it. Thanks,
  8. Question for you guys on rims. I am looking to upgrade my 18's to 20's likely one of the two listed below. I am a sales rep so I put in a lot of windshield time...so I don't want to go with too low profile of a tire or really drop the ride that low as it will make for a rough ride. My question is what can I get away with as far as tire height? Can I put 55's on 20's without rubbing or use 50's and maybe drop it a bit without rubbing? Trying to improve the look without jeopardizing the ride too much. Any help would be appreciated. http://www.tirerack.com/wheels/WheelCloseUpServlet?target=runWheelSearch&autoYear=2008&wheelModel=Z25+Luni&autoModClar=AWD&wheelFinish=Chrome+Plated&wheelMake=Zinik&sort=Price&autoMake=Ford&autoModel=Edge+Limited&initialPartNumber=Z2590047S4273SAMF http://www.tirerack.com/wheels/WheelCloseUpServlet?target=runWheelSearch&initialPartNumber=308012H4079BSSL&wheelMake=Avarus&wheelModel=AV3&wheelFinish=Bright+Sil+w%2FPol+Stainless+Lip&showRear=no&autoMake=Ford&autoModel=Edge+Limited&autoYear=2008&autoModClar=AWD&filterSize=20&filterFinish=All&filterSpecial=false&filterBrand=All&filterNew=All&sort=Price
  9. shooter

    2013 Edge

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