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Everything posted by csal1129

  1. Hmm... I didn't think about that. I will try this tonight and hope it works.
  2. Not sure why I would need to calibrate it. I'm getting no codes or anything. Anyway, update... starting to get pissed off. Dealer did the flush for me at no cost. They did verify the coolant wasn't the best and that some let over crap was cleaned out. Passenger side blows nice and hot... drivers side is somewhat warm, but goes ice cold if I crank up the fan speed. Some things I noted. Passenger side stays hot (when dual is on) all the way to 19C... when I put it to 16C (coldest setting), it immediately goes cold. Drivers side isn't affected. I can see the actuator moving. My worst fear is that the door itself may be broken inside the heater box, in which case I'm probably going to have some fun by taking apart my dash a second time. Leave it to Ford to srew up an HVAC system in multiple areas... as if it wasn't enough that heater cores corrode or stuff inside the system flakes off and clogs the system, they have to ensure that actuators get stuck or blend doors fail as well. Sorry, just venting (get it?)... but it's been frustrating when my back and ass stay warm from the heated seats, but my face gets nothing but ice cold winter air.
  3. We played around with the actuators, blend doors, linkages. Everything works as it should, and we double and triple checked it. I'm pretty confident I just need the super duper mega flush.
  4. So another update. Lost heat on the drivers side. Gets pretty bad while driving, then warms up slowly. Passenger side heat isn't bad, at least it is sufficient enough to keep the interior from freezing, but it does get uncomfortable after awhile. I figured I should have at least changed over the coolant, which I didn't because I'm an idiot.. lol. I went to another dealership, and weirdly enough they said the flush should have been done regardless at no cost to me... so they agreed to do it for me next week. Service tech was surprised I managed to change it over myself.. so kudos to this dealership at least. Again, the heat was awesome for 3 weeks, which then went away slowly on the drivers side. My only thoughts are that there was still contaminants in the coolant so the core is plugged a bit again, though not as much as before. Tim911pcar: When we originally did troubleshooting on the vehicle, water was flowing through the core... but since it was plugged for sure (huge weight difference old vs new when I removed it), my only guess is that water will still flow through taking the shortest route possible. It wasn't completely plugged, but since the passages are super thin, it doesn't take much to clog them.
  5. Well, update on this. For whatever reason, Ford wanted me to pay upfront to troubleshoot the vehicle, which they then said if it meets the eligibility for warranty work, etc... they would reimburse. I didn't want to gamble on that, and I thought it was strange to say the least. Anyway, determined the heater core has to be at fault, no other explanation. So I said screw it, I'll do it myself. I sourced a new heater core and spend the Sunday with a friend changing it out, which yes, involved removing the dash. All the labor was the dash... it took me 2 minutes to swap the cores. Upon closer inspection, you could definitely tell the old heater core was made with cheaper stuff. It even look cheap, and surprisingly enough, there was a considerable weight difference between the two, leading me to believe it was definitely clogged. Dash reassembly was faster than removal, and everything fit as snug as before, so kudos to Ford for at least designing it with easy remova//reassembly in mind. Total time it took was 6.5 hours.
  6. Anyway, just to update. Spent 4 hours yesterday troubleshooting the heat issue. I checked all the actuators, linakges, blend doors, etc. and they are all moving just fine. Manually operated them with my hand as well. There is hardly any heat on the drivers side... the passenger side will occasionally get warm, but not much. I started playing with the mode buttons, going from panel to floor to defrost, and I would lose heat completely, and then it would warm up slightly again. At other times, the Edge would simply idle, and I'd play with the blend doors manually and get a suddent blast of hot air from the passenger vent, which would trickle away after a few minutes. I'm absolutely baffled at this point.
  7. I looked at that document already. I was curious if there was a document for the heater box itself. This one shows the actuators, I'm curious about the doors itself.
  8. I have an 08 Edge SEL with the dual climate controls. I have heat coming from the passenger side, but the drivers side does not change temp. When set to single temp mode, the temp barely changes at all, but when in dual mode, passenger clearly has heat. Did a good coolant flush and checked heater core. Also checked the mechanisms (actuators) and they are moving, so my only guess is the blend door is stuck, jammed, or inoperative on the drivers side. Anyone know if the blend door part can be ordered, or how I would get at it? I've seen some of the diagrams here, but none go into detail as to how to get to the blend doors itself.
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