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Everything posted by 2011edgese

  1. Good post. someone said to spray wd 40 because it work, not the case.lol
  2. I like the red morr! But blue looks nice at night! Good luck with it. Beautiful cars but with quirks.
  3. have them bleed the ABS pump, and passed to be the ABS pump.
  4. Yup.... nothing you can do on the passenger side. I ended up staying a whole can of electrical cleaner on the latch. I bent the straw every which way to get the liquid inside and much as possible, it does reach it and did help me.it was stuck on fully and the cleaner actually made it better. I sometime have to open and close the door 2 times and it works. Been like this for 2 months now.
  5. Here's the product that works. and let me correct myself, I don't think it was one second, it was more like half a second that I gave it. so I highly suggest everyone to buy this product, its was only $8.50. It's worth the try since dealers are charging up about 300 to 500 dollars to have this replaced. You can't beat A simple $9 fix.for those who have not read the whole thread, here's a brief on my experience. I sprayed the door latch inside the door on the side and sprayed inside the keyhole. I sprayed the whole can last time and top it off with a little spray of wd-40 just to add lubrication. And that gave me a whole year of no problem. And beware, if you spray only wd40 or any type of lubrication on the latch or the keyhole that's a large amount, it's guaranteed to keep the light on. For some reason wd40 on the circuit makes it fail, it's block the connection that makes it ground itself off. Trust me I spray the whole can of wd-40 on it to see if that would fix my issue and its only made it worse. Good luck everyone, I still love this car tremendously. And I do get compliments on how nice the car look.
  6. okay I have an update. So after almost a full year of the electronic spray actually working for me a hundred percent, 2 days ago the light came back and now it's fully lit and no matter how many times I open and close the door the light is on. So about 30 minutes ago I ended up going to the auto store and bought a whole can of electrical cleaner from the C and R. And this time I did a new test, since another member said that if you put in the key on the key lock and open close open close the key lock that somehow fixes the problem, I just decided to put the little red straw inside the keyhole and give it a one second burst. And guess what? The light is gone. So it looks like you don't have to spray the latch like I did initially a year ago, but spray inside the locking mechanism in the keyhole. So anyone with the same problem give that a shot, the light is completely gone and its been over an hour now.
  7. ya... stay away from wd40. If it hits the part of the sensor that if faulty, it makes the issue worse. Use strictly electrical cleaner. My ps door handle Newham doing this problem about 1 1/2 month ago. Sprayed a whole can inside every angle that I could and is alot better. Sometimes I have to open the door and close it 2 or 3 times and the sensor reads it right. Better than sick always open thou. I got extremely lucky with the DS. That got fixed 100% with electrical cleaner.
  8. First time I bought a Ford and I'm also kind of having regrets because of their customer service
  9. update us if you do replace it. I wonder if it will fix it. So soome peeps, it works and others. ... the problem returns.
  10. Did you really put it on a dyno? What we're the numbers?
  11. I read back on this thread. Didn't see anyone state they got it done for free under warranty. I might have read it elsewhere. But yeah. ... apparently it's easy to replace yourself and you can find it under 200$ through rockauto. I hate dealers touching my car.
  12. carefull! I think some people got the repair free under warranty. Anyone remembers?
  13. I cant try the keyhole. Passanger side has no key hole.lol. but I wasnt aware of this trick. Too bad because when I hosed down the Driver side I also did jam the spray straw inside the keyhole amd sprayed wd40 and electrical cleaner and topped it off with a squirt of wd40 since it does need a little lube. I wonder how much success that actuay did besides hosing down the latch.
  14. give my method a shot. It's only 12$ in 2 cans. Mines prior to spraying was stuck 100% on the ajar light. Now its about 3 out of the 10 door close will not triggervthe ajar off. So spaying DOES do something.
  15. Too bad we don't have more opinions. I would like to see you succeed in this project.
  16. Guess what? My problem is back. But it's the otherside now. Lol. I got lucky with the DS door.. that is solid now. So. .. I did the same procedure yesterday. And yes... spaying it does have a effect. The light had been on for 4 days straight. . And nothing worked. Slamming it hard dud nothing. But once I got the wd sprayed in.. viola... it went off and on. So I finished it with the electrical cleaner and it improved 70%.I only had half a can of the electrical cleaner so I didn't hose it down like I wanted to. So this weekend ill hose the death out of it.
  17. Make sure you are not blocking any of the circular sensors on the front and rear bumpers.
  18. Came across that link when I Google PTU. Seems like the awd version had more issues than the base.
  19. http://www.seegerweiss.com/law-practices/class-actions/product-liability-actions/ford-edge-ptu-failures/
  20. Did the k n filter give you a power increase you can actually feel? Most Pele day no. So I wonder if it's snake oil.
  21. whats awful is how we still dont know what causes this. There had been members here who had it changed by the dealer and the problem came back. So me think ee are looking on the wrong area.
  22. This is what I have. .. bought it Ford certified used with 20k miles. They have me a pamplet and dealer seller said its 100k powertrain warranty on all ford certified cars. Pamplet says " relax! Its ford verified! 100k power train warranty!" From reading this. .. does that mean it's free of charge ?
  23. Watch "Mechanic abuses customer's car" on YouTube Mechanic abuses customer's car: http://youtu.be/bn4xvNbD5BM Reason I mentioned the shot gun strapped to your back is because of this video that really scares me.......
  24. Mcali..one more question, when you went inside the dealer did you go with the TSB in hand and a 12 gauge shotgun strapped to your back or did they inspect the car and told you its a tsb fix?
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