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About 2011edgese

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  1. Possible latch issue. I got lucky, turned out to be a weak battery.
  2. I solved mines I think. Weak 2 year old battery. Had a AGM battery that was low on voltage. Never suspected it since it was 2 years old. But did notice it was cranking slower than usual. Finally killed it one day when I left the radio on without running the.engine for like 25 minutes. Figured change it since that how long my batteries last. And after swapping it out, trunk opens up everytime.
  3. Do a mix. But more stop and go I side city. California. I'm in a warm area and do hit the desert area about 5 times a year. I get the O'Reilly batteries or Auto zone ones. I think they are the Ever Start ones... if that's the name. I do charge a lot if devices while on the road for work. Cells, laptop, drones, Dslr. But always when the engine is running. Sometimes if not a lot if times with it idling. Never used any battery condition devices. Just drive the car and wait till it dies. My last battery was a AGM 300$, thinking it's my solution. Also died within 2 1/2 years. But that's the pattern I noticed since owning Edges for the last 9 years. 2 /12 years average.
  4. Thxs. I'll check it out. Do you remember how much it cost you?
  5. Both my edges [2011 and 2015] kill my batteries in 2 1/2 like clockwork. I've even tried AGM Batteries. Same time length.
  6. Anyone gotten a copy where you don't have to sell your first born?
  7. Yeah. Aware of the 2 key process. Just have 1 key.
  8. Have you guys found a website or store besides the dealer that can duplicate the kept on for a reasonable price? Dealer wants over 400$. Wondering if you guys found a place. This for my 2015 edge.
  9. Honestly in my case, my prior 2011 did it all the way to the trade in [2017]. Clicked for 4 years. My newer 2015 started doing it last year. Exact same noise. I'll have them look at it when it's forces to the shop.
  10. 2011edgese


    Thanks for the link. That might be what I'm hearing. Just glad it's that and not a tranny about to go! Can it be left alone in your opinion? I remember my old 2011 did it forever and never really got past that tik noise.
  11. Oh wow. This might be what I'm hearing. Good to know it's it the tranny.
  12. 2011edgese


    I've owned a 2011 6cyl edge and a 2015 ecoboost 4cyl edge. Both had this sound but nothing ever failed. Wondering if you guys have heard it and what the heck is it? When in a stand still and give it a little gas let's say a normal stop and go stop sign scenario.... You hear a "Tap" sound. I noticed it's also sounds when the auto tranny switches gears to 2nd but you don't hear it on the other gears. I personally hear it at take off all the time and sometimes when coming to stop and you feel the tranny drop to 2nd or first gear. It's always a audible "Tap" sound. Both my cars do it. Anyone else know what the heck I'm talking about?
  13. OK. Maybe someone can explain this odd event. Yesterday while driving normally in a city street, my RADIO shut off completely. It went all black like power shut off. Car was 100% fine. Just the radio turned completely off. Kept driving it to my destination. Figured the car is breaking down electronically since the trunk is dead. Got out the car... locked it. Didn't even want to deal with it. A hour later got back to the car and started it. The Radio came back and it was fine. And guess what? The electric trunk now works. Wtf? :/
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