I actually own 4 polishers (two rotary, two random orbital). Two of them (PC 7336 and Harbor Freight Rotary) are in Chicago. The ones down here with me are a Porter Cable 7428 rotary and an Ultimate Detailing Machine Random Orbital (Has the same feel as a PC 7336). Microfibers? I have a LOT of them in both places. In fact, I just picked up some Blackfire Microfiber cleaner and conditioner today. Will give my feedback on how it works. Pads? I have Meguiar's and Sonus Foam pads down to 4" pads that I use for buffing the glass.
Detailing products: I personally have items by P21S, Klasse, Autoglym, Sonus, Einszett, Pinnacle, S100, Meguiar's, 303, Menzerna, Poorboys, Rain-X (Just picked up some of their bug and tar remover) name a few.
I realize that no car corrects the same, regardless of make. However, I wanted to know the clearcoat type so that I can correct the finish properly. I don't want to attack this with something as potent as Menzerna Power Gloss when I may not have to.