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Everything posted by PrinzII

  1. Every now and then, I get the itch to wax and polish my center console. I did that this weekend.
  2. Yeah, I got them from Dan. I just have them until I get the $$ for the LMZs.
  3. What's been done lately: Changed the HID bulbs on the Edge Gave it a bath Filled it up What's on the list: Full exterior detail Carpet Cleaning Brakes Tranny flush Tires (Another set of YK 580s)
  4. At the time, I used it as a LSP over Klasse AIO and Sealant Glaze. I know the guys that used to wash my cars freaked when their towels literally slid off....lol
  5. I also have P21S which works well. Not as much depth as the Souveran or XMT 180 but pretty durable.
  6. One thing I am doing that really is paying dividends is a two step process to get the console shiny again. The first thing is to apply Klasse All In One to polish the console. Second step is to apply a nice carnauba wax (In my case, Pinnacle XMT 180). Another thing I am doing is polishing the "pillars" between the front and back door as well as by the rear vent window with Klasse All In One. That gets rid of any water stains.
  7. Nothing like the fresh smell of pine.....along with picking up the resultant needles.......lol
  8. The price of the Latitudes is always going to be an issue. Don't get me wrong, they are good tires but they have been consistently running $200+/tire.
  9. Turns out I am actually close to the 60K period on these tires. I got them at 77,580 and I am at 128K.
  10. As previously mentioned, the power draw from these LEDs is much lower which will result in less heat. I still want to check out how they hold up in the AZ heat.
  11. PrinzII

    Free and Clear

    I know you are singing "Hallelujah!" right about now. Congrats.
  12. Hey, Mac. Looks like you are going to have some company in the high mileage club. My 2011 Edge is at 128k.
  13. Up next: a) New tires: My Yokohamas are pretty close to their 60k warranty and are wearing down. New reverse LED bulbs from Dan c) New puddle lamps from Dan d) Brakes For those who said it couldn't be done, mine got installed at 77k and the Edge is at 128k with the Yokohamas.
  14. Based on macbwt's thread and my own experiences with high mileage (100,000+ miles), there needs to be a section where issues and maintenance for higher mileage and severe usage can be discussed.
  15. I am seeing that as well. May have to look into replacing.
  16. I am considering the kit from VLEDs that is 45w and 4500 lumens per side. I think it's the LMZ Platinum. For you: Low beam is H11 http://www.vleds.com/bulb-type/headlights/h11-h8-h9/h11-ultra-lmz.html High Beam is 9005 http://www.vleds.com/bulb-type/headlights/9005-hb3/9005-ultra-lmz.html
  17. Nope. Straight plug and play. The kits I used were all 35w.
  18. When I had my 2008, I installed high and low beam 6000K 35w kits. The road would be illuminated for 1/2 mile or better.
  19. Although I have a 2011 Limited, the issue is the same. Shortly after I bought it, I upgraded the Halogens to HID (Simple plug and play kit, will not void warranty). Most 35 watt HID kits such as the ones by Morimoto (www.theretrofitsource.com) or Drive Bright (kc300's company) will not have any issues. If you go to a 55 watt kit, you will need a relay that connects directly to the battery. Typically, the light output from these HID kits is 3200 lumens (total) which should be sufficient enough for general illumination. Now, with all of the driving on dark roads that we do in places like Paradise Valley, Queen Creek, Maricopa, or Sedona, I am looking to potentially upgrade from that to LED (Light Emitting Diode) which has the added benefit of lower wattage draw but (with the VLEDs kit) higher output of 4500 lumens per side.
  20. Lately, it's been Arco and QuikTrip that's been pretty decent for me. Mobil and CircleK are second. Shell is third. Chevron is still the worst.
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