I know it's been a while but my focus has been to get my 2017 list of things done for the Edge starting with replacing the Yokohamas with the new Pirelli Scorpion Verde Plus. #wtfyokohama
What's been done lately:
Changed the HID bulbs on the Edge Gave it a bath Filled it up
What's on the list:
Full exterior detail Carpet Cleaning Brakes Tranny flush Tires (Another set of YK 580s)
At the time, I used it as a LSP over Klasse AIO and Sealant Glaze. I know the guys that used to wash my cars freaked when their towels literally slid off....lol
One thing I am doing that really is paying dividends is a two step process to get the console shiny again. The first thing is to apply Klasse All In One to polish the console. Second step is to apply a nice carnauba wax (In my case, Pinnacle XMT 180).
Another thing I am doing is polishing the "pillars" between the front and back door as well as by the rear vent window with Klasse All In One. That gets rid of any water stains.
As previously mentioned, the power draw from these LEDs is much lower which will result in less heat. I still want to check out how they hold up in the AZ heat.