I am a Ford Senior Master Tech and also have an 2012 edge 2.0 ecoboost with mft non-nav. I have reseached this topic for months now. There is no way at this time to turn on nav sort of replacing the APIM(accessory protocol interface module) ... I have been able to reprogram my APIMmodule which is the MFT screen with info from a like vehicle with nav, and I also have the correct nav card for the maps. The Navagation and HD radio did get turned on, but the screen and fuctions but did not work correctly due to the diffrence in the APIM. The only diffrence the Nav and non nav is the APIM Module part #.. You could get one for a vehicle with nav and then program it with that vehicles info(vin #) in my edge with no nav. Ford does have the abilty to reprogram nav with modified as-built data. this will also enable this function by bypassing the mac address issue. I have spoken to the rebuild company for all of are radios and they are of the same though, but they have the abilty to modify the radio to enable nav. Im also working on a way to turn on the reverse camera with a new buttion on the mft screen or steering wheel button, and the abilty to watch video on the screen driving down the road..with a engineer friend of mine. Hes been able to add sync radios on vehicles that were never made with it. He can also wire in cameras to your MFT or older style displays with buttions on the steering wheel to comtrol them. He uses the blower motor button on the steering wheel for the camera control. Front and Rear Cameras!