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Everything posted by oskar27

  1. My 2016 Titanium 2L Ecoboost has 51k kilometers so far has been a wonderful car. Looking to see what you will do. Sorry for your troubles.
  2. Finally the mystery noise is solved, had a chance to go to the dealer and the noise comes from my shock absorber. Dealer will order the parts and will call me to have the work done. Many thanks to all for the help.
  3. Thanks for the help mate, something new to look for but I will be very surprised if its the shock mounts. As I mentioned I am sure my noise is related to the reclined rear seat cause when the seats are up the noise is almost gone and when the back of the seats is down the noise is there in every pot whole/bump. Didnt have the time yet to check but eventually I will.
  4. The problem persist and best alternative is the dealer but due to weather and bad traffic (have to cross a bridge which now is under repairs and chaos to cross) I always postpone to make an appointment. Trying to remove the big side panel by the loading area is impossible for me, pulling up and away from the wall it feels I will damage it. However I noticed when the rear seats are up the noise almost disappears or not as frequent so I now believe this noise is related to the rear seats recline mechanism. Reading on the web they say the 2 motors under the rear seats are connected to the switch on the drivers side rear panel via a "tunnel". I also noticed there is a steel cable per motor which goes towards that rear panel. If the "tunnel" is metallic then the noise I hear is that, a steel cable banging on the walls of metal. To view the motors mechanism properly under the rear seats I am able to lift the one pc seat but there are cables attached to it and before removing the seat I should first disconnect these cables. Is there any schematic available of all wiring / mechanism involved on the 2 reclining motors? (2016 Edge Titanium) Thanks
  5. Had a quick look tonight to remove the panel but I think it is a big job for me. Will have another look tomorrow and decide if going to the dealer is a better alternative.
  6. Thank again Haz, I do have the Sony and that makes me believe that module in banking inside the cavity. I will check it tonight or tomorrow and report back.
  7. no I have seen no answers and have forgotten this subject but last summer the a/c was working good. Maybe I had set the function of the dual mode in the wrong position? Good luck
  8. Much appreciate your time Haz and many thanks. I did remove the lift gate panel and found nothing wrong. Tomorrow I will take a drive with the wife at the back seat to see if we can pinpoint where the noise comes from. I dont expect any major discovery so my plan is on Monday to call the dealer for an appointment. Soon I have news I will post the results here
  9. Empty the trunk completely including the spare tire and drove around and the rattling noise still there. Looked under the car and see nothing neither expecting to see anything cause the noise comes from the inside of the car and in particular on the driver side and just behind the inside of rear gate. Thats the side where the gas tank is. The rear gate closes tight so its not her making the noise. The rear gate at the bottom is about 3" to 4" thick, is it possible something inside the gate came loose? The license plate is not loose neither any of the rear lights. I just cant figure it out. Next try will be on the weekend and have wife sitting on the back seats and see if she can pin point something other wise I will have to go to the dealer but with X-Mas approaching most likely I will do it in January.
  10. Well the annoying noise it becomes now a PITA. Test driving today it definitely comes from the drivers side and just behind the rear gate. So I stopped, lower the backs of the rear seats and pushed the trunk floor cover towards the rear seats. No the sound again is there. Next step is to empty the trunk including the spare wheel and give it a try. When I get a chance to do this work I will post back
  11. I'm going this Thursday to Ford dealer for 2 recalls in my record (22N12 and 22S43). One of the recalls is for a flexplate possible crack and the other for a bushing on the shifter and although I'm sure nothing is wrong in my car regarding these recalls (hear/feel nothing) I got to get it done. I'm approaching the 50k kilometers with my 2016 Titanium 2.0L ecoboost FWD and I'm more concerned with the dreaded "engine coolant intrusion" than anything else. Since I will be at the dealer, is there anything I can ask the dealer to check regarding the possibility of the coolant intrusion without of course taking the engine apart? Many thanks
  12. Many thanks for the tips, I will check them out. Freezing rain here so test drive will take place perhaps tomorrow
  13. Yes It is the panel in your first picture which feels "loose" in my car. I remember when I used to lift that panel to access the storage spaces under it, after it used to kind of "fit or locked" somewhere / somehow. Now it sit loose and yesterday when driving I noticed the end of it by the rear gate was flopping up/dn and making the rattling sound Last night I play with it and now somehow "feels" its stuck somewhere. Will test drive it today or tomorrow and post back. If noise is still there I will test drive without that panel. Thanks for your time
  14. Kind of funny problem guys but its annoying. I have my 2016 Titanium FWD since new with zero problems. In Canada we change to winter tires every December and been doing this since new but this time after I finish (have to remove the trunk floor over the spare tire to get the jack etc.) there is a rattling noise on the back and close to the inside of the tail gate. No way I can find out why/where but I'm sure its the floor over the spare tire which is some kind of board covered with black thin carpet and feel it is loose. Does this board some how attaches to somewhere to keep it in place? Thanks
  15. Thank you for the post, wow....what can I say, I had seen that video before but didn't pay too much attention. Now its a wake up call and I wonder how long my luck will last. My only comfort is that I'm not a "racing" driver and my car has never seen anything over 110 km/hr. In addition, as a habit I always wait for my engine to warm up a bit before I hit the hwy and so these habits may extend my luck. Reading thru this forum thread and seen all the money people spent for their new engines I question myself how Ford can get away with it. Obviously its a manufacturing fault here and well documented and Ford should have issue a recall. We will see when my time comes up. Many thanks again for your time.
  16. Was able to remove the cover and took the picture. Does the 420 has any meaning ?
  17. Could not take a picture of my engine sticker, not able to remove the top engine cover perhaps cause the engine is still warm but thats what I got: 420 Clevelant Engine Plant EF01A16096111426 08-Apr. 2016 FC 910 AA 2.0L I4 GTDI (the "I" not sure if its a letter or just a scratch) Perhaps I'm wrong but I gather the "Clevelant" plant is the one you don't want your engine to be from?
  18. Haz, I'm grateful with the info you provided, the best so far related to my car. I will look into it and I will post back my findings to help other forum members. Today I drove about 50 miles one way. When I started the car inside my garage the coolant level was about 1/2" below MIN but by the time I got to my destination the coolant level reached a tad above the MIN level. I bought a gallon of Ford pre mixed antifreeze to have handy as needed. Car drives like new but I must say I dont enjoy the ride as much since I'm cautious as to what may happen, Perhaps I will get used to it.
  19. Thanks for your time mate, I have gone thru this thread twice from page 1 to the end and although I have seen some videos, none are related to my questions. Perhaps I missed the information and if that's the case, well what can I say, there is tons of good information here and perhaps one day I will see it.
  20. Regarding my 2016 Titanium with 2.0L with 49k kilometers I had a look at the white sticker on the drivers side engine and this is what I got: ForMoCo BBSE 2A45i BD (not sure about the "i" after the 5) GEPTA MEXICO 00:45:47 0085 Do the above mean anything good/bad about water intrusion? And why "MEXICO" ? I thought all Edge were made in Oakville, ON Canada Also looked at my coolant level and its about 1/2" below MIN however car sits in the garage for 2 days now with about 0 degrees C outside and I must admit I have never checked that level before, I looked at it but never bother to notice the level. The oil on the dipstick is just clean oil.
  21. Thanks for the reply, I just re posted in the wrong section again until I found this thread, sorry. I have no problems so far with my engine she runs like new (knock on wood?) and my mileage is 49100 km. I have no extended warranty. Is it possible for me to ID the engine type I have (USA vs Spain) and if yes where do I look for it. I'm not equipped to remove anything to find this out. My VIN: 2FMPK3K90GBB63242 Are any steps recommended at this stage to take to prevent/extend the eventual failure? Should I get in touch with Ford right now or just wait? I agree with what I read here to deal with Ford vs dealer and have no problem dealing with Ford Excellent thread guys for help on this subject. Was thinking to go for a trade and get a new one but interest rates now are out of wack and perhaps I may do it after the new year since I believe in winter the rates are much better. Many thanks
  22. Recently I learned that my 2016 Edge Titanium 2.0L Ecoboost FWD with 49100 kilometers is a contender for engine coolant intrusion. I'm very disappointed that Ford was aware of the problem and does not assist the owners financially and I don't understand how they can get away legally. As the winter approaches I like to know what happens when the fault occurs like are you able to still drive the car or it becomes dead and you need a tow? Are any steps I can take now perhaps to verify if my car is a contender for this issue? The car at the moment has been maintained properly and it is like new inside/outside and one of the best I had next to my previous 2013 Edge Limited. Thanks
  23. Don't know if I'm going crazy or something folks but I posted yesterday here about my 2016 Edge Titanium 2.0L Ecoboost regarding engine coolant intrusion and I don't see my post. Was it removed/relocated? Thanks
  24. Recently I subscribed in FaceBook to Ford Edge Owners Group and learned about this major engine problem. Quite disappointed with Ford and especially since I love my 2016 Edge Titanium FWD with just 41k kilometers on the clock. I kind of worry with the winter ahead of us if I should trust now my Edge. Are any test possible to verify if my engine belongs to the "scrap" book? I understand that Ford ignores the problem and I wonder if there are any updates where Ford stands on this issue now. Thanks
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