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Everything posted by Craiger

  1. I just installed chrome door handles and mirror covers from the MKX on my Edge and wow...does it look sharp. I will try to get some pics up soon.
  2. Well i'm very frustrated with my McCullogh kit and would be willing to give yours a shot. From someone who has tried 2 brands of kits now with no luck, i'd be more than happy to be your ginea pig and test out your system in the Edge. Let me know if you think you could set me up with a great deal on this kit, and then i will take pics of the entire install and document how well it went and how the final product looks. Just an idea if you are interested I'm sure with my experience and proof, you could sell alot of kits. I think Edge owners are hesitant right now as there are so many people out there like me who have had any luck with these supposedly "plug n play" kits. I know I am just about to give up.
  3. BTW, i did disable my DRLs. I thought that would be the easy fix to my problem...apparently not.
  4. I'm in Kingston, Ontario. About 2.5 hours East of Toronto. Don't know if I can return my McCullogh kit but I will definitely try. If not, I'll put it on ebay, I'm sure it works fine in some vehicles. Please let me know if you can set me up with a good deal on an MTEC kit. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks. I'm actually in Canada but if you are willing to ship me a kit, let me know. I'm just about to give up on this whole hid thing but might give it one more shot if you are sure this will work. Thanks!
  6. One more thing, can you tell me where to get an MTEC kit if i was willing to give it a shot? Thanks again.
  7. Hi Tiffany, thank you for the information. That's too bad because I spent alot of $$ on a McCullough kit as I heard they were very good. Might have to look into this a little more. By the way, are your HIDs 6,000K?
  8. Ya, after i posted, i checked the Ford US website and couldn't find any lease rates. Very strange, it looks as though they are trying to hide the rates. On the Canadian website, the rate shows for both leases and financing and changes as you change the term. I think your best bet would be to call a few different Ford dealers in the area and ask them what their current rates are and see if you get any discrepancies or whether they are all consistent.
  9. Hey Noles, I'm in Canada so I'm assuming Ford Canada rates may be different. Maybe not though so make sure you're not getting a raw deal. Ford USA website should have the official current rates. In Canada, it's 3.1% for 36 months with 0 cash incentive right now.
  10. Thanks for the info...i'm going to get some relays. I don't think it's a ballast problem because how could all 4 ballasts be faulty (I did my fogs too). Does anyone know where I could get relays other than ordering via the net? I called Parts Source and Best Buy and neither of them had any idea of what I was talking about. And, yes Lex. That is a great idea. I was stranded without headlights last night...not good. Had to leave the Edge behind
  11. Thanks Lex, I've PMd him so hopefully he has some insight.
  12. Hello, I installed a plug n play hid system (McCullogh) in my Edge yesterday (please no lectures on pnp hid kits) and I can't seem to get it to work. When i turn on the car, they come on for a few seconds, flicker then go out. I've deactivated the DRL and still no luck. It's not blowing fuses so I don't think a relay would be needed (plus, these kits don't seem to require relays). If you think a relay is needed, can these be bought anywhere locally instead of having to order one online. I would image Best Buy's car audio section might carry that sort of thing? Can anybody with HIDs in their Edges please help me out. Thank you very much!
  13. Thank you so much for the info. I had no idea that the $2,000 allwance was no longer being offered. I may get some sleep tonight after all. Sorry for not listening akirby...thanks for the relief. Almost a complete wash after considering that.
  14. I'm pretty sure Subaru does have a 3-month price commitment and the Saburu was the other vehicle I was considering. Oh well, I figured there was nothing I could do, I'm just very upset about it right now. I know I'll get over it, just hard to take, especially given the reason I almost didn't go with the Edge was their high interest rates.
  15. BTW, I'm not trying to get into a debate about specifics. Whether it's $50/month, or $70/month, the point is that it's ridiculous that had I bought this today instead of 3 weeks ago, that my payments and interest would be significantly less. I appreciate the calcs, just doesn't help how I'm feeling about this purchase right now. I'm still trying to find out if I can swap the lease to a purchase but I'm sure that won't be possible either.
  16. Ok, my numbers are just estimates...it's about $70/month less so about $2.5K out of pocket. I get your point about the other adjustments but residuals as far as I understand are adjusted quarterly so Jan 1 was an adjustment, and Feb 1 would be the same. 3 weeks time cost me quite a bit...I'm pretty frustrated with the whole thing. Just got off the phone with Ford Canada and they basically told me "too bad, so sad". Swore I'd never buy a Ford and less than one month after giving them a shot, I'm already regretting it Won't be quite as happy driving that thing around anymore. :angry2:
  17. I wish there wasn't that big of a difference on a monthly payment but that's not the case. I'm an accountant so I always work the numbers. With purchase price and everything else being equal, From 6.1% to 3.1% over a 3-yr term reduces my monthly payment by $65 and a reduction of interest paid over the term of almost $2,800...that is pretty significant. Man, I was going to wait until this month to buy...oh man, am I ever regretting I didn't.
  18. Hello everyone, I've been lurking on here for a while but never posted. 3 weeks ago, I finally decided on a new vehicle and of course, went with the Edge. The biggest issue I had pulling the trigger was that the lease rates were very high compared to the competition. I ended up getting a 6.1% lease rate for 36 months (still bothers me to admit that). Anyways, that was January rates. I would have purchased if the financing rate was much better but they weren't so went with the lease. Well, I just happen to notice that their lease rates dropped in Feb to 3.1% for the same lease term and 0% for up to 60months financing. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper. Do any of you know if Ford offers any kind of lease rate guarantee within a 30-day period. Of course, a guarantee longer than this wouldn't make sense but I picked it up 3 weeks ago!! Works out to almost $3,000 less interest paid over the term. If they don't, do you think they would allow me to transfer my lease to a purchase to take advantage of the 0% finance rate? I'm wating for a call-back from my dealer. I'm in Ontario, Canada by the way. Thanks for any help you can give me, Craig
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