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About gene328is

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  1. are there any storage solutions for 2011-14 models?
  2. Thanks for the reply. This is for the 3.7. I was told you should do coils and plugs together so that’s why I was looking it up... have you ever heard of that?
  3. I am planning to do my shocks and struts soon, thinking about bilstein b6 shock/strut and H&r springs while we are at it. I’m trying to get clarification on what the difference is between these two parts: the front strut mount and the front upper strut mount. These are separate parts Based on the numbers? Do you need both when replacing front struts? also, for the rear shocks - is the a rear shock mount to change? I can’t find anything from Motorcraft, etc. and I don’t see anything online? lastly, should I be replacing the front lower control arm / ball joint and the front stabilizer bar link? Any other rear components to look out for? thanks a lot!!!! Sorry if the questions are simplistic.. gene
  4. This might be a silly question, but does lowering an edge on h&r springs have any negative effect on the suspension components and axle? Or it handles the change well?
  5. I am approaching 100,000 miles and thinking about a maintenance tuneup. I want to replace ignition coil on plugs and spark plugs. So far for ignition coils, all I see as options are the Motorcraft coils or TSP coil (https://www.carid.com/tsp/ignition-coil-on-plug-mpn-jm6810-6.html?singleid=2081878887&url=796363) does anyone have any experience with the TSP ignition coil on plugs? any recommendations for spark plugs with some added performance? thanks for any feedback!! Gene
  6. Hi everyone, as title suggests, today I observed my tire guy jack my car from the lower control arm to fix a puncture... I was a disappointed he did not use the jack points... is this something I need to worry about? He assured me it was safe...?
  7. Thank you Onyx and Tuna! I got them from Detroit Wheel and Tire. They do exchange program where you ship them your wheels as a core and they send you the PVD blacks. They are OEM not replica. https://www.detroitwheelandtire.com Here is the eBay auction: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F112391669179
  8. Thank you for the reply and video but this is not a sport 3.7, it’s the 3.5...with that said would magnaflow 16871 work with 3.7 awd? The 3.7 uses model #15482 according to magnaflows site
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