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Everything posted by KingMike

  1. KingMike

    IMG 3183

    From the album: My whips

    Gotta finish another day.
  2. EGR, I have a question that I messaged you. Hit me back up.
  3. Very nice! I seen the ford logo ones after I got mine haha. Wish I seen it before hand!
  4. Day time pic. Can't wait to do the rest.
  5. Thanks That sounds like a pretty sweet idea. I had the honey comb 3rd brake light cover on my cobra, I can only imagine how good that wold look all over the grille.
  6. I took this pic the other night and fell in love with it, so I figured it'd be a good idea for a post. Post the pics you've taken of your Edges that you feel could be a professional pic, something you feel could be put on the background of your phone, computer or whatever. If it was the lighting, background, or just whatever that makes you feel it could a photographer pic.
  7. KingMike

    IMG 3176strip

    From the album: My whips

    3M Vinyl over the grille section... Will do the rest in the daytime
  8. KingMike

    IMG 3175strip

    From the album: My whips

    3M Vinyl over the grille section... Will do the rest in the daytime
  9. KingMike

    IMG 3166cal

    From the album: My whips

  10. KingMike

    IMG 3165

    From the album: My whips

  11. Yes, I'm an idiot and did it at night... lol. I had the 3M for a week or so now and never got around to putting it on. I got out of my car tonight and looked at it and was like fuck it, it's going on now lol. I'm going to wait until day time to do the strips over the lights. I'll post daytime pics tomorrow. I think the black goes nice with the red.
  12. More pix of it. I really think the caliper covers add a nice spice to the look of the truck. I've gotten tons of compliments on it already.
  13. Check out my post 'Red Calipers on Red Edge Sport" or whatever its called, it came out great. It would give a nice look to the black too.
  14. Brembos are great but they're more for performance. Even the edge sports don't need those... The brembos are so much money and we don't need brakes like that. So it's not worth the money or install trouble. These are caliper covers, $200 for the 4 set and rvinyl is the name of the website. They screw right on to the calipers. Much better choice. And yes, us with 22' rims usually don't have the room for that lol
  15. I've been on this website for about 3 months... I've been searching Edges since I got mine a little over a year ago... And I haven't seen many with different color calipers yet... And I don't know why. I think they look great!
  16. Annoying? True. Shows Ford sold 7 Million cars worldwide in 2011. That number has already grown for 2012. If they charge $100 to paint the emblem color and 3.5million (half of the Ford buyers) choose this option, thats $350 million per year. But now say all of us and everyone else say wow, Ford is selling differen't color emblems, now we can order them from Ford! Say another 3.5million around the world order, that's 700 million off of just coloring emblems. That's like selling 55,000 Ford Fiesta's... I'd be up for it if I were them.
  17. So was mine. I understand that you can't, my point is that they should offer it.
  18. If you have the sport then you don't need much, just for the chrome strip. Order the smallest amount they have available, it's more than enough. I'm doing mine either today or tomorrow.
  19. Those emblems are huge though, you could eat dinner on them. Much easier to take up than the edge emblems.
  20. Yeah, i love how my overlays came out but when you get right up on it you can still see a tiny bit of blue, plus people could just peel them right off... i would have got the option for custom color emblems added to my finance for $200 juat for it to be a factory perfect emblem. Dells multi color laptop selection is one of the few things keeping them afloat right now. People buy them just because they'd have a pink or red or whatever color laptop to spite them being such a shitty brand compared to almost all of their competitors. Plus I'm sure if ford did it Chevy, dodge, Honda, Toyota would follow suit soon or a later.
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