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Everything posted by Haz

  1. When saying "selling dealer", I meant the dealer that sold the vehicle to the customer. When saying "not as supportive", I meant the out-of-town dealer may not provide a no-charge loaner because he knows I'm just passing through. In the latter case, my ESP coverage reimburses me for the loaner rental charge. Sorry for the confusion my expression created. Good luck!
  2. These previous posts may be helpful: #1 and #2 and #3 and #4. Good luck!
  3. The car rental reimbursement benefit is immediately available once you sign-up. Your selling dealer may provide you a no-charge loaner while your vehicle is being serviced, however, an out-of-town dealer may not be as supportive if you are traveling and your vehicle requires repair. Good luck!
  4. EdgeSE: While I cannot answer your question, attached below is a photo of what the entertainment system in your SE-level vehicle probably looks like. Just to help clarify your question for other Forum users -- You are asking about the function(s) of the telephone-style numerical keypad in the upper right of the photo ? I expect if you want to directly tune to a radio station, you would key in the specific radio frequency using that numerical keypad ? Good luck!
  5. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/7913-edge-in-the-middle-east-dubai-a-few-differences-ive-spotted/?p=62943 Welcome & Good luck!
  6. EdgeSE: Sorry, I missed your question from the other day --Mine is a 2012 MKX. Good luck!
  7. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/1890-yakima-q-towers-and-bamr/ and http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/5984-snowboard-roof-rack-with-the-vista-roof/?p=48745 Good luck!
  8. No experience of pulling or veering with my MKX running on 18" wheels & stock tires. Good luck!
  9. EdgeSE: Thanks for your good research and a nice report. Good luck!
  10. I'm aware that Rack Attack has several retail stores in Canada, though it appears their website is USA-focused. If you have not already, perhaps you could contact one of their Canadian stores to determine if the pricing disparity you describe is simply the result of currency exchange rates or if the higher Canadian prices are caused by something else. Good luck!
  11. Will S: I am uncertain if you can access the Forum Personal Messenger system due to your current number of posts, but I have messaged you some information. Good luck!
  12. Jetz: Setting your geographical humor aside, you offering your rims & tires for sale in Nate's thread may have been the cause of Edgie's concern. Good luck!
  13. While I provided the above download link, I'm not an iTunes user nor a playlist maker. I obtain most of my music via SoundCloud, using the Search feature at the top of the page to locate a desirable song, or artist, or genre, with no signup required. I just copy the MP3s from my Temporary Internet Files folder to a flash drive and use the Shuffle setting in my vehicle to cause the musical sequence to be a surprise. Good luck!
  14. A GUI version of iTunes Export that runs under Adobe Air is also on that page and is directly downloadable here. Good luck!
  15. Now that you've filled the tank of your vehicle several times and you've driven hundreds of miles, have you done the math to calculate your vehicle's actual miles-per-gallon performance? Discussions on fuel economy by other Edge/MKX owners can be found here, here, here, and here. Good luck!
  16. If your Edge's fuel consumption history is 14 miles per gallon, then 252 miles would be normal. Good luck!
  17. EdgeSE: Help us understand your comments. You seem to be describing: 1) you recently bought this vehicle; 2) several times, when you attempt to fill the gas tank, it only accepts 14 gallons of fuel; 3) the vehicle's gas gauge shows FULL every time you fuel up the vehicle; 4) the "Distance to E" shown on your Message Center display is usually about 252 miles. When you are fueling up the vehicle, once the pump automatically shuts off the first time, do you stop pumping gas and hang up the nozzle, or do you manually continue pumping gas into your vehicle until the tank is absolutely full? Asked another way -- Are you certain your 18-gallon gas tank is filled to its 18-gallon capacity? Good luck!
  18. Many of us of various models & years have this problem, though not everyone. Here's the latest of several discussion threads on the topic. Good luck!
  19. One of these would be perfect for cleaning the grille of my MKX... Good luck!
  20. Rags: Welcome to the Forum! As you've observed from your research, you are not alone in the need to manually pump the final few gallons of fuel into your vehicle if you want an absolute fill-up. Patience is the only solution that I'm aware of. Good luck!
  21. Hey Oskar: Did your Husky mud guards fit your Edge like the mud guards in the photos on this post ? Good luck!
  22. Dirk: When we spoke, you described that -- despite your best efforts with two dealerships' Service departments -- there is a communications disconnect between the Service Writer and the Service Technician being able to recognize the knock in your MKX's engine, which is otherwise regularly evident to you upon idle-down after a cold start. I recall from our conversation that you were considering taking your vehicle to a third Ford dealer on the advice of the Ford Customer Relationship Center. While it's unclear from your post if you've been to that third dealership -- and especially if you have not yet done that -- I would suggest you contact the Ford Customer Relationship Center once again at (800) 392-3673. Request your vehicle's case be escalated in order to provide for a corporate-level Ford Service representative to be physically present at the third dealership when you take your vehicle in and/or for the corporate-level Ford Service representative to be physically present when you & dealership personnel cold-start your vehicle. It might be useful for you to request that someone from the Ford Lima Engine Plant also be involved, since Lima Engine is not that far away from your location. Your description of the Ford Customer Relationship Center rep's prior interest to coordinate with the third dealership in advance of your visit is a positive sign, however, the patience you have exhibited is deserving of a corporate-level Ford Service representative onsite at that third dealership to ensure the knock is successfully assessed and a proper repair is affected. Good luck!
  23. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/12023-best-place-to-buy-ford-esp-extended-service-protection/ Good luck!
  24. Gentlemen: Your "debate" of opinions-expressed-as-facts may only be a NY vs NJ rivalry, but your gross display of mutual disrespect is unnecessary and downright childish.
  25. KC: I don't have an Android device, but did some searching and your complaint is rampant among Android phone & tablet users with a variety of Apps, including Chrome. If you're using the SwiftKey App, many are feeling your pain. If the problem only occurs when you're on Forums and not with other Apps, you may wish to try the Tapatalk Forum App, which appears to be highly rated by users. Good luck!
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