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  1. The 2020 Edge Workshop Manual offers descriptions of Dealer Test Mode / Engineering Test Mode, analog fuel gauge operation, and an informative introduction to a diagnostic Pinpoint Test relating to incorrect or fluctuating Distance To Empty values... ============== Dealer Test Mode NOTE: The table lists the displays as they appear when navigating using the down arrow button. To enter the IPC engineering test mode or dealer test mode, begin with the ignition OFF. Press and hold the LH steering wheel switch OK button. Place the ignition ON and continue to hold the button for 5-8 seconds until the display indicates Test or Gauge Sweep. Press the up or down arrow buttons to navigate through each of the display windows. To exit the IPC dealer test mode, press and hold the OK button for 5-8 seconds or place the ignition in OFF. Each down arrow button press advances the viewing window to the next set of items. IPC Display Description Engineering Test Mode Use Right Up/Down to scroll screens Initial entry display into the dealer test mode. ANALOG GAUGE TEST Carries out the gauge sweep of the analog gauges. When the sweep (zero to maximum then return to zero) is complete, the actual data is displayed. TELLTALE AND COLOR TEST Illuminates all cluster microprocessor controlled LED telltales or indicators. Also displays a color palette of boxes below the title. PartNo: xxxx-xx Core: xxxx-xx Cal#1: xxxx-xx ECU S/W: xxxx-xx Displays the IPC part number information. Man Date: xxxxxx B&A Config Bytes xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Displays the manufacturing information. Date in the format of YYMMDD. B&A configuration bytes DTC: HIST CURR xxxxxx x x xxxxxx x x Displays all of the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) set (history and current Diagnostic Trouble Codes [DTCs]). An X in the HIST or CURR column means the DTC is active. Three Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) display on each screen. If more Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are present, there will be additional screens listing them. If there are no Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) in history or current, the display will only be the title row. Vehicle Speed: xxx.x km/h xxx.x MPH Tach: xxxx RPM NOTE: These are the filtered values used to drive the gauge positions, not the actual positions. Displays the digital representation of the speedometer gauge in mph and km/h. Inst Fuel: xxxx FLPM: xxxx.xx Displays the instant fuel level and filtered fuel level in percent. This is used for a single sender fuel level input. Inst Fuel1: xxxx FLPM: xxxx.xx Displays the instant fuel level and filtered fuel level in percent. This is used for the fuel pump assembly input on a dual sender fuel tank configuration. Inst Fuel2: xxxx FLPM: xxxx.xx Displays the instant fuel level and filtered fuel level in percent. This is used for the fuel level sensor input on a dual sender fuel tank configuration. DTE: Inst 01 Disp km xxx xxx xxx mi xxx xxx xxx Displays the values used for calculating the DTE function. RAFE RAFE_01 xxx.x xxx.x 1/100km xxx.x xxx.x MPG xxx.x xxx.x km/l Displays the running average fuel economy. The values are derived from the DTE function. State Val #ofVS Szero: xxxx xxxx Off: xxxx xxxx On: xxxx xxxx Displays the key ON initialization, key OFF reference, and zero speed reference fuel level values in fuel level for a single sender fuel level input. State Val #ofVS Szero1: xxxx xxxx Off: xxxx xxxx On: xxxx xxxx Displays the key ON initialization, key OFF reference, and zero speed reference fuel level values in fuel level for the fuel pump assembly input on a dual sender fuel tank configuration. State Val #ofVS Szero2: xxxx xxxx Off: xxxx xxxx On: xxxx xxxx Displays the key ON initialization, key OFF reference, and zero speed reference fuel level values in fuel level for the fuel level sensor input on a dual sender fuel tank configuration. Coolant Temp (°C): xxx Displays the digital representation of the coolant temperature gauge indication in degrees Celsius. Odo cnts: xx Trip A: xxxxx.x km Trip A: xxxxx.x mi Displays the values from the odometer count signal and the trip A statistics. Odo cnts: xx Trip B: xxxxx.x km Trip B: xxxxx.x mi Displays the values from the odometer count signal and the trip B statistics. Fuel cnts: xxx Fuel A: xxxxx.x l Fuel A: xxxxx.x g Displays the values of the fuel flow display signal from the PCM and the approximate fuel used for the trip stats A. Fuel cnts: xxx Fuel B: xxxxx.x l Fuel B: xxxxx.x g Displays the values of the fuel flow display signal from the PCM and the approximate fuel used for the trip stats B. Battery: xx.xV Compass: xx Last Chime: xx Displays the current battery level. Displays the compass direction. Displays the number of the last chime sounded. Dim Step: xx Dim Gauge: xxxxx Dim Pointer: xxxxx Displays the first screen of dimming information. Dim step is the dimming level. Dim gauge is the internal illumination number for the gauge backlighting (1 to 10,000). Dim pointer is the internal illumination number for the gauge pointer backlighting (1 to 10,000). Dim Step: xx Dim PRNDL: xxxxx Dim Display: xxxxx Displays the second screen of dimming information. Dim step is dimming level. Dim PRNDL is the internal illumination number for PRNDL backlighting (1 to 10,000). Dim display is the internal illumination number for the display backlighting (1 to 10,000). PDS: x LWS: x Park detect switch (0 = open/not park, 1 = closed/park). Engineering Test Mode Use Right Up/Down to scroll screens Repeats the test display cycle. ============ Analog Gauges Fuel Gauge The IPC sends a reference voltage to the fuel level sender(s). As the fuel level changes, a float actuates the variable resistor fuel level sender, raising or lowering the fuel level signal voltage. The IPC monitors the changes in voltage from both senders and commands the fuel gauge with a corresponding movement of the pointer. After a fuel fill up, the time for the fuel gauge to move from empty (E) to full (F) ranges from 2 seconds to 55 minutes depending on which operating mode the fuel gauge is in. The IPC uses 4 different operating modes to calculate the fuel level: Anti-slosh (default mode) Key OFF fueling Key ON fueling Recovery The default fuel gauge mode is called the anti-slosh mode. To prevent fuel gauge changes from fuel slosh (gauge instability due to changes in fuel sensor readings caused by fuel moving around in the tank), the fuel gauge takes approximately 40 minutes to go from empty (E) to full (F). The key OFF fueling mode (2 seconds to read empty [E] to full [F]) requires 3 conditions to be met: The ignition must be in the OFF mode when refueling the vehicle. At least 6% of the vehicle's fuel capacity must be added to the fuel tank. The IPC must receive a valid ignition ON fuel sensor reading within one second of the ignition being put into the RUN mode. The key ON sample readings are considered valid if the fuel sensor reading is between 10 ohms ± 2 ohms and 180 ohms ± 4 ohms. If these conditions are not met, the fuel gauge stays in the anti-slosh mode, which results in a slow to read full (F) event. The key ON fueling mode (approximately 60 seconds to read empty [E] to full [F]) requires the following conditions be met: The transmission is in PARK (P) or NEUTRAL (N). The ignition is in the RUN mode. At least 6% of the vehicle's fuel capacity must be added to the fuel tank In key ON fueling mode, a 30-second timer activates after the transmission is put into the PARK (P) or NEUTRAL (N) position. When the 30-second time has elapsed and at least 9% of the vehicle's fuel capacity has been added, the fuel gauge response time is 60 seconds to read from empty (E) to full (F). When the transmission is shifted out of PARK (P) or NEUTRAL (N), the fuel gauge strategy reverts to the anti-slosh mode. The key ON fueling mode prevents slow to read full events from happening if the customer refuels the vehicle with the ignition in the RUN mode. Recovery mode is incorporated into the IPC strategy to recover from a missing fuel level input after a refueling event. Missing fuel level inputs result from intermittent opens in the fuel sensor or its circuits. Recovery mode (empty [E] to full [F] approximately 17 minutes) is initiated when the following 2 conditions are met: The IPC is in the anti-slosh (default) mode. The actual fuel level in the tank is 5% different from what is being displayed by the fuel gauge. =============== Fuel Level Sender The fuel level sender is mounted to the fuel pump and sender unit or the fuel level sensor. The fuel level sender is a dual sweep potentiometer style resistor connected to a float mechanism. The dual sweep design provides a second resistance measurement that reduces the intermittent loss of data due to corrosion between the resistor wires and the sweep arm. As the fuel level changes, the float rises or falls with the fuel level moving the sweep arm across the resistor wires. This movement either increases or decreases the resistance through the unit. The fuel level sensor resistance ranges from 180 ohms ± 4 ohms at empty (E) to 10 ohms ± 2 ohms at full (F). When the fuel level is low, the fuel level sensor resistance is high. When the fuel level is high, the fuel level sensor resistance is low. Both the fuel pump and sender unit and fuel level sensor are hardwired to the IPC through separate signal and return circuits. The fuel level return circuits are grounded internally in the IPC . The IPC provides a reference voltage on the fuel level signal circuit. As the fuel level changes, the change in resistance raises or lowers the fuel level signal voltage depending on the resistance of the fuel level sender. ================================== The DTE Display Is Incorrect Or Fluctuates Normal Operation and Fault Conditions NOTE: The DTE display and the fuel gauge both use the fuel level input from the fuel tank to provide their respective functions. If the fuel gauge doesn't function correctly, both the fuel gauge and the DTE display are affected. NOTE: The actual DTE can be higher or lower than the DTE displayed in the message center due to changes in driving conditions. It is important to understand how the DTE is calculated and the factors that impact the DTE display when determining how to address any DTE concerns. The DTE is calculated in the IPC using the Running Average Fuel Economy (RAFE), which is the fuel economy over a much longer distance than the Instantaneous Fuel Economy (IFE), and the fuel level input from the fuel sender(s) to determine how many miles the vehicle can be driven based on the remaining fuel in the tank. NOTE: Even if the fuel economy is relatively constant, the DTE can vary in the short term by up to 50 miles, but is usually within 10 miles. The IPC defaults to a base programmed fuel economy when the battery is initially connected and adjusts upward or downward based on driving habits and conditions. Since the DTE is calculated and averaged over a longer period of time, varying driving conditions can have a significant impact on the current or short term DTE as opposed to the displayed DTE . This difference often leads to customer complaints of incorrect or invalid DTE . The following list provides some (not all) of the driving conditions that may lead to an incorrect or fluctuating DTE concern: Changing between towing/not towing Changing driving between city and highway Allowing the vehicle to idle for long periods of time Using the remote start feature (if equipped) frequently or allowing the vehicle to warm up, particularly when parked on a grade Parking or driving on grades Not using a type of fuel (E85 or non-ethanol based) consistently Over-fueling or not filling the tank completely (partial refueling) To better illustrate the affects of how driving conditions can affect DTE , please refer to the examples below. The example below illustrates how the following observations are normal and expected since the low fuel reminder is triggered from a fuel volume and not from a fixed distance to empty. If while driving, the low fuel reminder (low fuel indicator and low fuel warning message) displays when the DTE equals 94.4 km (59 miles) and the driver adds 11.36 L (3 gallons) of fuel, the new DTE may become 124.8 km (78 miles). After continued driving, the low fuel reminder may now display when the DTE equals 83.2 km (52 miles). The next example (below) illustrates what occurs when idling on an incline. In this example, the customer should be made aware of how the condition will correct after a few minutes of idling on a level surface. If the customer stops and parks the vehicle on an incline in a driveway, then in the morning remote starts the vehicle, allowing the engine to idle, the DTE may now equal 184 km (115 miles). As the customer drives, the low fuel reminder displays when the DTE equals 148.8 km (93 miles). Finally, after 5 more minutes of driving, the DTE is back to 80 km (50 miles). In this example, the fuel gauge and the DTE display can be out of sync, but self-corrects after several minutes of driving. Possible Sources BCM concern Fuel gauge concern Changes in driving conditions such as: towing extended idle times parking on any grades alcohol in the fuel refueling patterns IPC configuration Visual Inspection and Diagnostic Prechecks Make sure to record the Running Average Fuel Economy (RAFE) prior to disconnecting the battery, removing the IPC fuse 13 (7.5A). If any of the previous conditions occur, the vehicle must be driven over time to allow the DTE calculations to adjust. PINPOINT TEST AD: THE DTE (DISTANCE TO EMPTY) DISPLAY IS INCORRECT OR FLUCTUATES AD1 REVIEW AND INVESTIGATE THE FOLLOWING DRIVING CONDITIONS WITH THE CUSTOMER Determine whether the driver changes the following driving conditions: changing between towing/not towing, city/highway driving use of extended idle times use of remote start frequently (if equipped) parking/driving on grades use of E85 fuel exclusively or switching to non-Ethanol fuel over filling the fuel tank or not filling the tank completely (partial refueling) Does the driver change driving conditions? Yes Advise the customer how changing driving conditions can affect the current short-term DTE as opposed to the displayed long-term DTE . Good luck!
  2. Much gratitude to omar302 -- I blanked-out on the fact that Davidoo has an ST. (Not ST) exclusion added to discussion subject line. Good luck!
  3. MooseMate: omar302's images in this recent discussion may be helpful to your dealership... Good luck!
  4. Relating to the DTC you mention, the 2014 Workshop Manual offers this diagnostic Pinpoint Test... Pinpoint Test C - DTCs C0044:28, C0044:49 and C0044:64 Normal Operation The ABS module uses internal pressure sensors to determine proper operation by monitoring internal Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) hydraulic pressures. These DTCs set if the brake pressure sensor signals do not match. This fault could set by either an internal ABS module failure or a pressure sensor failure. The pressure sensors are internal to the HCU and cannot be serviced separately. Unintentional brake fluid pressure applied when the ABS module is expecting no brake fluid pressure can set this fault. DTC C0044:28 (Brake Pressure Sensor "A": Signal Bias Level Out of Range / Zero Adjustment Failure) — this DTC sets if the brake pressure sensor signals do not match. This fault could set by either an internal ABS module failure or a pressure sensor failure. DTC C0044:49 (Brake Pressure Sensor "A": Internal Electronic Failure) — this DTC sets if the brake pressure sensor signals do not match. This fault could set by either an internal ABS module failure or a pressure sensor failure. DTC C0044:64 (Brake Pressure Sensor "A": Signal Plausibility Failure) — this DTC sets if the brake pressure sensor signals do not match. This fault could set by either an internal ABS module failure or a pressure sensor failure. This pinpoint test is intended to diagnose the following: Brake pedal position switch/bracket ABS module HCU PINPOINT TEST C : DTCS C0044:28, C0044:49 AND C0044:64 C1 CHECK THE BRAKE PEDAL AND BRACKET Inspect the brake pedal position switch and brake pedal assembly. Verify there is no brake pedal pressure unintentionally applied due to incorrect brake pedal position switch or brake pedal installation. Are the brake pedal position switch and brake pedal OK? Yes GO to C2. No REPAIR or INSTALL new components as necessary. REFER to Section 206-06. C2 CHECK FOR DTCS C0044:28, C0044:49 AND C0044:64 TO RETURN Ignition ON. Using a scan tool, clear all CMDTCs . Test drive the vehicle at speeds greater than 32 km/h (20 mph). Enter the following diagnostic mode on the scan tool: Self-Test — ABS Module . Are DTCs C0044:28, C0044:49 and C0044:64 present? Yes GO to C3. No The system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by air trapped in the hydraulic brake system. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. C3 CHECK FOR CORRECT ABS MODULE TO HCU TORQUE VALUES Verify all ABS module-to-HCU fasteners are tightened to their correct torque specifications. Are the ABS module to HCU fasteners correctly torqued? Yes For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL an ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. GO to C4. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. No TIGHTEN all ABS module-to-HCU fasteners. CLEAR the DTCs. GO to C4. C4 CHECK FOR DTCS C0044:28, C0044:49 AND C0044:64 Test drive the vehicle at speeds greater than 32 km/h (20 mph). Enter the following diagnostic mode on the scan tool: Self-Test — ABS Module . Carry out the ABS module self-test. Are DTCs C0044:28, C0044:49 and C0044:64 present? Yes INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. No Repairs complete. The system is operating correctly at this time. ...and relating to the above-mentioned torque specs... Torque Specifications Description Nm lb-ft lb-in ABS module screws 2 — 18 Brake caliper brake tube-to-Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) fittings 20 — 177 Front wheel speed sensor bolts 7 — 62 HCU bracket-to-frame bolts 25 18 — HCU bracket-to-HCU bolt 11 — 97 Master cylinder brake tube-to-HCU fittings 28 21 — Rear wheel speed sensor bolts 9 — 80 Additional relevant Workshop Manual sections are below as PDF download links... Brake System Component Tests - 2014 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Brake System Bleeding Procedure - 2014 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Component Bleeding Procedure - 2014 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) Removal and Installation - 2014 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf? You mention you could not get the ABS Service Bleed to work, presumably with your scan tool. Do you have Forscan capability? Try searching YouTube where many 'Ford ABS Service Bleed using Forscan' videos are available, or try searching the same procedure for your specific brand/model scan tool. Good luck!
  5. If you sense transmission slippage, it would be worth you having your dealership's Service Advisor and/or Transmission Technician test drive it. This could be a costly repair that I expect you would be very happy to not pay for after your Edge's warranty expires. I presume the 5,000 miles means the slippage caused by these damaged seals presents itself early in the vehicle's usage and that it requires this repair to eliminate the slippage. If it's truly slipping, you already have a problem that the properly trained transmission tech can correct. This Special Service Message was just released by Ford via the Professional Technician System website as an OASIS Message, so you may need to explain it to them... Good luck!
  6. Switches in the Liftgate Latch indicate the latched/unlatched condition to the Rear Gate Trunk Module (RTGM), which communicates an Ajar condition to the Body Control Module (BCM), which sets the Liftgate Ajar warning in the gauge cluster Message Center and sounds the warning chime. Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) may exist in your Edge's electronic modules which specify diagnostic procedures to assess whether wiring, the latch assembly, or the RTGM may be causing the problem. Do you have code-scanning/Forscan capability and a multi-meter to perform wiring and module diagnostics -- or -- are you likely to turn this job over to a dealership technician? If you're technically capable, or have a friend/relative who is, I can provide wiring diagrams, electrical connector details, module locations, removal & installation procedures for involved components, and the Pinpoint Test diagnostic guidance -- after you tell us your Edge's model year. Otherwise, a dealership technician can easily perform the diagnostics and make certain the faulty component is repaired or replaced. Good luck!
  7. SSM 51011 Various Vehicles - 8F35 - Transmission Slip On Acceleration From A Stop When Hot Less Than 5,000 Miles (8,000 Km) - Built On Or Before 16-Mar-2022 Some 2018-2022 Ford and Lincoln vehicles equipped with the 8F35 transmission built on or before 16-Mar-2022 may exhibit transmission slip during acceleration from a stop when hot. This may be due damaged internal case half pump seals (7N265). To correct the condition, remove the transmission and replace the internal case half pump seals. Refer to Workshop Manual (WSM), Section 307-01.
  8. On August 1, 2022, Ford issued Special Service Message 50982 to dealership Service Department personnel, acknowledging various 2018-2022 models have a charging pad incompatibility with iPhone 12/13/Magsafe technology hardware, and recommending that owners employ USB cabling to charge these phones while in their affected Ford & Lincoln vehicles. Good luck!
  9. The following diagnostic routine relating to DTC C0020:13 is from the 2012 Edge Workshop Manual: Pinpoint Tests Pinpoint Test A: DTCs C0020:13, C0020:71 Refer to Wiring Diagrams Cell 42, Vehicle Dynamic Systems for schematic and connector information. Normal Operation The ABS module uses an internal solid state switch to operate the ABS pump motor. The ABS module tests the ABS pump motor by activating it for 30 milliseconds. While the pump motor is being activated, the ABS module monitors the voltage drop across the ABS pump motor solid state switch and the amount of current the ABS pump motor draws through the solid state switch. If the voltage drop is too high or if the ABS pump motor is drawing too much current, the ABS module sets a DTC. After 30 milliseconds have passed, the ABS module stops applying voltage to the pump motor and observes the voltage that the spinning ABS pump motor is generating. The voltage generated by the motor indicates how fast the motor is spinning. Voltage that is too low indicates the motor is not spinning freely and a DTC sets. Fused battery voltage from Battery Junction Box (BJB) fuse 5 (40A) is used by the ABS module to power the ABS pump motor. The ABS module provides ground for the ABS pump motor. Insufficient power or ground along these circuits causes multiple DTCs to set. C0020:13 (ABS Pump Motor Control: Circuit Open) — this DTC sets if the voltage supplied to the ABS module is less than 10 volts, if there is an open or high resistance on the ABS pump motor circuit between the ABS module and the Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) , or if the ABS module is faulted internally. C0020:71 (ABS Pump Motor Control: Actuator Stuck) — this DTC sets if the ABS module detects the ABS pump motor is not rotating when it is commanded to run. This pinpoint test is intended to diagnose the following: Fuse Wiring, terminals or connectors HCU ABS module PINPOINT TEST A : DTCS C0020:13 AND C0020:71 NOTICE: Use the correct probe adapter(s) when making measurements. Failure to use the correct probe adapter(s) may damage the connector. NOTE: Failure to disconnect the battery when instructed results in false resistance readings. Refer to Section 414-01. A1 CHECK THE PUMP MOTOR (PMP_MOTOR) ACTIVE COMMAND Connect the scan tool. Ignition ON. Enter the following diagnostic mode on the scan tool: DataLogger — ABS Module . Toggle the PMP_MOTOR active command ON. Listen for the ABS pump motor noise, does the ABS pump motor run for approximately 2 seconds? Yes GO to A2. No TOGGLE the PMP_MOTOR active command OFF. GO to A3. A2 CHECK FOR FAULT REPEATABILITY Clear the ABS module DTCs. Drive the vehicle at speeds greater than 20 km/h (12 mph). Bring the vehicle to a safe stop. Enter the following diagnostic mode on the scan tool: Self-Test — ABS Module . Are DTCs C0020:13 or C0020:71 retrieved? Yes GO to A3. No If any other DTCs are present, REFER to the ABS Module DTC Chart in this section. If no DTCs are present, the system is operating correctly at this time. A3 CHECK THE ABS MODULE GROUND EYELET AT THE CHASSIS Ignition OFF. Remove the bolt retaining G103 near the battery. Clean the body mating surface and ground eyelets. Install the ground eyelet to the chassis with the retaining bolt. Ignition ON. Enter the following diagnostic mode on the scan tool: Self-Test — ABS Module . Is the concern still present? Yes GO to A4. No The concern was caused by a loose or corroded connector. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT self-test. A4 CHECK THE PUMP MOTOR VOLTAGE SUPPLY TO THE ABS MODULE Ignition OFF. Disconnect: ABS Module C135 . Measure the voltage between ABS module C135-1, circuit SBB05 (GY/RD), harness side and ground. Is the voltage greater than 10 volts? Yes GO to A5. No VERIFY that BJB fuse 5 (40A) is OK. If OK, REPAIR circuit SBB05 (GY/RD). If not OK, REFER to the Wiring Diagrams manual to identify the cause of the circuit short. CLEAR the DTCs and REPEAT the self-test. A5 CHECK THE ABS MODULE GROUND CIRCUIT FOR AN OPEN Ignition OFF. Disconnect: Battery Negative Cable . Measure the resistance between ABS module C135-16, circuit GD121 (BK/YE), harness side and ground. Is the resistance less than 5 ohms? Yes GO to A6. No REPAIR circuit GD121 (BK/YE) for an open circuit. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. A6 CHECK FOR CORRECT ABS MODULE OPERATION Connect: Battery Negative Cable . Check ABS module C135 for: corrosion pushed-out pins spread terminals Connect: ABS Module C135 . Make sure the connector is seated correctly, then operate the system and verify the concern is still present. Is the concern still present? Yes For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. No The system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by a loose or corroded connector. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. PDF download links to supporting 2012 Edge Workshop Manual documents... Vehicle Dynamics Wiring Diagram - 2012 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module - Wiring Diagram 1 with BJB Fuses Identified - 2012 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module - Wiring Diagram 2 with BJB Fuses Identified - 2012 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module - Connector C135 Details - 2012 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf G103 ABS Ground Circuit Location - 2012 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Battery Junction Box Illustration - 2012 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Battery Junction Box Details - 2012 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Good luck!
  10. Safety Recall 22S43's permanent repair procedure was/is included as PDF download link at bottom of the original post, above, and will also immediately download from here... Safety Recall 22S43 - Technical Info - 07-05-2022.pdf Good luck!
  11. 1004ron: Your's is a rhetorical question, right? Good luck!
  12. The following is a relevant diagnostic procedure from the 2015 Edge Workshop Manual without VIN specified, which diminishes guidance... The Outside Air Temperature Display Is Inoperative or Incorrect Normal Operation and Fault Conditions See Outside Air Temperature Display. REFER to: Message Center - System Operation and Component Description (413-01 Instrumentation, Message Center and Warning Chimes, Description and Operation). If the air ambient temperature message is missing or invalid for less than 5 seconds, the IPC defaults the outside air temperature display to the last temperature reading, based upon the last message received. If the air ambient temperature message is missing or invalid for 5 seconds or longer from the PCM , the IPC displays all dashes (- -) in the outside air temperature display area. Possible Sources Communication concern Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor input to the PCM GWM concern FCIM concern PINPOINT TEST AD: THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE DISPLAY IS INOPERATIVE OR INCORRECT AD1 PERFORM THE IPC (INSTRUMENT PANEL CLUSTER) SELF-TEST Ignition ON. Using a diagnostic scan tool, perform the IPC self-test. Are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) recorded? Yes REFER to DTC Chart: IPC in this section. No GO to AD2 AD2 PERFORM THE FCIM (FRONT CONTROLS INTERFACE MODULE) SELF-TEST Using a diagnostic scan tool, perform the FCIM module self-test. Are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) recorded? Yes Refer to the appropriate section in Group 415 for the procedure. No GO to AD3 AD3 CHECK THE GWM (GATEWAY MODULE A) DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTCS) Using a diagnostic scan tool, check the GWM Continuous Memory Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) recorded? Yes REFER to: Communications Network (418-00 Module Communications Network, Diagnosis and Testing). No GO to AD4 AD4 PERFORM THE PCM (POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE) SELF-TEST Using a diagnostic scan tool, perform the PCM self-test. Are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) recorded? Yes REFER to the appropriate 303-14 section. No GO to AD5 AD5 CHECK THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE CONCERN Verify the customer outside air temperature display concern. Is the outside air temperature display concern for an incorrect temperature display? Yes GO to AD6 No VIN required to access Guided Routine (IPC) AD6 CHECK THE AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE INPUT TO THE PCM (POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE) Using an infrared temperature scanner or similar tool, measure and record the temperature of the ambient air temperature sensor body. Ignition ON. Using a diagnostic scan tool, view the PCM Parameter Identifications (PIDs). Select the ambient air temperature PID (AAT). Monitor the ambient air temperature PID and compare PID value with the recorded temperature of the ambient air temperature sensor body. Does the ambient air temperature PID match the recorded ambient air temperature sensor measurement within +/- 3° C (+/- 5° F)? Yes GO to AD7 No GO to AD8 AD7 CHECK THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE DISPLAY UPDATE Drive the vehicle above 33 km/h (20 mph) to allow the outside air temperature display to update. Did the outside air temperature display update toward the actual ambient air temperature? Yes The system is operating correctly at this time. Explain to the customer the operation of the system as it relates to the update strategy. No VIN required to access Guided Routine (FCIM) . AD8 CHECK THE AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR RESISTANCE Ignition OFF. Disconnect PCM C1381B (2.0L Engine). Disconnect PCM C1551B (2.7L Engine). Disconnect PCM C175B (3.5L Engine). Measure: 2.0L Engine Positive Lead Measurement / Action Negative Lead C1381B-51 C1381B-18 2.7L Engine Positive Lead Measurement / Action Negative Lead C1551B-51 C1551B-18 3.7L Engine Positive Lead Measurement / Action Negative Lead C175B-47 C175B-51 Compare the ambient temperature sensor resistances using the table below. Outside Air Temperature Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Value Celsius Fahrenheit Resistance (K ohms) -1.1° to 4.4° 30° to 40° 27.49 to 33.47 4.4° to 10° 40° to 50° 22.06 to 28.86 10° to 15.6° 50° to 60° 16.63 to 23.10 15.6° to 21.1° 60° to 70° 11.74 to 17.32 21.1° to 26.7° 70° to 80° 9.34 to 12.14 26.7° to 32.2° 80° to 90° 8.49 to 9.62 32.2° to 37.8° 90° to 100° 5.93 to 7.87 37.8° to 43.3° 100° to 110° 4.78 to 6.11 Does the resistance match the table specifications above? Yes GO to AD10 No GO to AD9 AD9 CHECK THE AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR RESISTANCE Disconnect Ambient Air Temperature Sensor C132 . Measure: Positive Lead Measurement / Action Negative Lead C132-1 Component Side C132-2 Component Side Compare the ambient temperature sensor resistances using the table below. Outside Air Temperature Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Value Celsius Fahrenheit Resistance (K ohms) -1.1° to 4.4° 30° to 40° 27.49 to 33.47 4.4° to 10° 40° to 50° 22.06 to 28.86 10° to 15.6° 50° to 60° 16.63 to 23.10 15.6° to 21.1° 60° to 70° 11.74 to 17.32 21.1° to 26.7° 70° to 80° 9.34 to 12.14 26.7° to 32.2° 80° to 90° 8.49 to 9.62 32.2° to 37.8° 90° to 100° 5.93 to 7.87 37.8° to 43.3° 100° to 110° 4.78 to 6.11 Does the resistance match the table specifications above? Yes The ambient air temperature sensor is operating correctly. REPAIR the circuits for high circuit resistance. No GO to AD11 AD10 CHECK THE AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE (AAT) SENSOR FOR OBSTRUCTIONS OR DEBRIS Check the area around the Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor for any obstructions or debris such as leaves or paper. Is the area around the Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor free from any obstructions or debris? Yes GO to AD11 No CLEAR all debris or obstructions as necessary to allow for the free flow of air around the Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor. AD11 CHECK THE AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE (AAT) SENSOR OPERATION Disconnect Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) Sensor C132 . Inspect the connector and wiring: water intrusion corrosion damaged pins pushed-out pins Are there any signs of water intrusion, corrosion, damaged or pushed out pins? Yes REPAIR the Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor connector or wiring for any water intrusion, corrosion, damaged or pushed out pins. No INSTALL a new ambient air temperature sensor. With a new Ambient Air Temperature sensor installed, and the Edge's past collision history, it's possible the Body Shop did not recognize and did not repair damage to AAT sensor wiring, since impact occurred in its immediate area. If no relevant Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are found, evaluating the new AAT sensor and its wiring using Pinpoint Steps AD8 & AD9 may be helpful. Connector detail documents as PDF download links... POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE (PCM) Connector C1381B Details - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE (PCM) Connector C1551B Details - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE (PCM) Connector C175B Details - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE (AAT) SENSOR Connector C132 Details - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Good luck!
  13. Relevant sections from the 2015 Edge Workshop Manual as PDF download links, below... Evaporative Emission Canister Ventilation Filter Removal and Installation - 2.0L EcoBoost - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Removal and Installation - 2.0L EcoBoost - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Valve Removal and Installation - 2.0L EcoBoost - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Evaporative Emission Canister Removal and Installation - 2.0L EcoBoost - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Evaporative Emission Blocking Valve Removal and Installation (if auto Stop-Start Equipped) - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Evaporative Emission Canister Components Wiring Diagram - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Air Cleaner Outlet Pipe Removal and Installation - 2.0L EcoBoost - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Quick Release Coupling General Procedures - 2.0L EcoBoost - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Good luck! Fuel System Pressure Release - 2.0L EcoBoost - 2015 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf
  14. Surprisingly, it appears from the 2016 Edge/2016 MKX Workshop Manuals and also from Ford's FordParts website, that no drain tube is installed. Component descriptions and removal & installation procedures (attached as PDF download links below) from the Workshop Manual contain no mention or illustration of a drain tube... Climate Control System - Dual Automatic Temperature Control (DATC) - System Operation and Component Description - 2016 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Heater Core and Evaporator Core Housing - Removal and Installation - 2016 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Evaporator - Removal and Installation - 2016 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Evaporator Inlet and Outlet Manifold - 2.7L EcoBoost (238kW-324PS) - Removal and Installation - 2016 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Heater Core - Removal and Installation - 2016 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Additionally, the illustration of the Heater Core and Evaporator Core Housing (19B555) and associated parts on the FordParts website shows no drain tube... In contrast to these 2016 Edge/MKX resources, the GEN1+ 2014 Edge Workshop Manual includes a Climate Control Housing illustration which calls out and includes its drain tube part number... detail Also, Workshop Manual removal and installation procedures detail the removal of the drain tube prior to removal of the larger housing component. Additionally, the FordParts website includes an image of the built-up housing assembly clearly showing the drain tube (red arrow) described above... Searching FordParts with 2016 Edge as the target vehicle for the 19728 Drain Tube yields 'This part does not match your vehicle', while designating the part number fits 2007-2014 Edge and 2007-2015 MKX. Good luck!
  15. If you can scan your Edge -- or have it scanned at a local auto parts store (sometimes at no cost), these brake-related Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) may indicate ABS module failure and/or HCU failure requiring component replacement(s)... DTC Charts NOTE: This module utilizes a 5-character DTC followed by a 2-character failure type code. The failure type code provides information about specific fault conditions such as opens or shorts to ground. Continuous Memory Diagnostic Trouble Codes (CMDTCs) have an additional 2-character DTC status code suffix to assist in determining DTC history. ABS Module DTC Chart DTC Description Action C0001:49 TCS Control Channel "A" Valve 1: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0001:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0002:49 TCS Control Channel "A" Valve 2: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0002:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0003:49 TCS Control Channel "B" Valve 1: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0003:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0004:49 TCS Control Channel "B" Valve 2: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0004:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0010:49 Left Front Inlet Control: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0010:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0011:49 Left Front Outlet Control: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0011:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0014:49 Right Front Inlet Control: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0014:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0015:49 Right Front Outlet Control: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0015:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0018:49 Left Rear Inlet Control: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0018:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0019:49 Left Rear Outlet Control: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C0001:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C001C:49 Right Rear Inlet Control: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C001C:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C001D:49 Right Rear Outlet Control: Internal Electronic Failure This DTC indicates that part of the ABS module has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. REPEAT the self-test. If DTC C001D:49 returns: For vehicles without adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new ABS module. REFER to Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. For vehicles with adaptive cruise control, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0020:11 ABS Pump Motor Control: Circuit Short To Ground This DTC indicates that part of the HCU has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. TEST DRIVE the vehicle. REPEAT the self-test. If C0020:11 returns, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. TEST the system for normal operation. C0020:12 ABS Pump Motor Control: Circuit Short To Battery This DTC indicates that part of the HCU has failed internally. CLEAR the DTCs. TEST DRIVE the vehicle. REPEAT the self-test. If C0020:12 returns, INSTALL a new HCU . REFER to Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) in this section. Additional Workshop Manual resources on ABS Module and HCU as PDF download links... Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Description and Anti-Lock Control Operation - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) and Anti-Lock Control Diagnosis and Testing - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module Location Illustration - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module - Removal and Installation - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) - Removal and Installation - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Module Wiring Connector C135 Details - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf The failure of the brake booster in our 2012 MKX initially exhibited normal boost-assist, but with a somewhat lower pedal height for about three weeks without any audible symptom. The catastrophic failure happened at stop sign, where the pedal went all the way to the floor, with braking only occurring with very high stand-on-it effort level, and a noticeable hissing noise when the pedal was at floor level. At no time did normal braking behavior reappear, until after the brake booster was replaced. Driving it to the dealership, there was no boost or progression to braking -- just high effort and harsh braking at floor level. Good luck!
  16. TSB 22-2309 - Modem Authorization/Remote Commands/Location Issues In App After 3G To 4G Modem Upgrade - 8 Inch Or Larger Center Display Screen This bulletin supersedes 22-2230. Model: Ford 2013-2017 C-MAX Energi 2013-2018 Focus BEV 2013-2020 Fusion PHEV Lincoln 2017 Continental 2015-2017 MKC 2016-2017 MKX 2015-2017 MKZ 2015-2017 MKZ Hybrid Summary This article supersedes TSB 22-2230 to update the Issue and Action. Issue: Some 2013-2017 C-MAX Energi, 2013-2018 Focus battery electric vehicle (BEV), 2013-2020 Fusion plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), 2015-2017 MKZ/MKZ Hybrid/MKC, 2016-2017 MKX and 2017 Continental vehicles equipped with 8 inch or larger center display screen may be unable to complete modem authorization after 3G to 4G modem upgrade was performed. No Authorization Pop-up will be displayed on the center display screen during the Authorization process. The vehicle may also not have proper functionality of remote app features such as remote start, return odometer, fuel information, or vehicle location incorrect in the app. This may be due to the SYNC software. To correct the condition, follow the Service Procedure to toggle Valet Mode. Action: Follow the Service Procedure to correct the condition on vehicles that meet all of the following criteria: • One of the following vehicles: Warranty Status: Eligible under provisions of New Vehicle Limited Warranty (NVLW)/Service Part Warranty (SPW)/Special Service Part (SSP)/Extended Service Plan (ESP) coverage. Limits/policies/prior approvals are not altered by a TSB. NVLW/SPW/SSP/ESP coverage limits are determined by the identified causal part and verified using the OASIS part coverage tool. Labor Times Description Operation No. Time Perform A PMI On The TCU And Toggle The Valet Mode Following The Service Procedure (Do Not Use With Any Labor Operations Outside Of This Article) 222309A 0.4 Hrs. 2017 C-MAX Energi: Check For Later Version Of IPC Software And Install (Can be Claimed With Operation A) MT222309 Actual Time Repair/Claim Coding Causal Part: 14G229 Condition Code: 04 Service Procedure NOTE: During the new 3G to 4G modem upgrade, the Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) scan tool must be at software level 126.04 or higher and connected to the internet. 1. Start a new IDS session for the vehicle. NOTE: Do not use a previous session for the VIN. If the IDS asks to select a prior session, choose None of the Above. 2. Perform a programmable module installation (PMI) on the telematics control unit (TCU). 3. For 2017 C-Max Energi vehicles, check for a later version of instrument panel cluster (IPC) software and install the latest software if available. 4. Turn the ignition key to the ON position. 5. Access valet mode in the center display screen, Settings > Vehicle > Valet Mode, or Settings > Valet Mode. 6. Enable (turn on) valet mode, when prompted, enter universal PIN 3681. Repeat the same PIN as necessary. 7. Turn the ignition key to the OFF position, allowing the center display screen to fully power down. 8. Turn the ignition key to the ON position. 9. Disable (turn off) valet mode. (1). To disable (turn off) valet mode, when prompted, enter universal PIN 3681. Repeat the same PIN as necessary. 10. Turn the ignition key to the OFF position, allowing the center display screen to fully power down. 11. Using the latest version of the FordPass or LincolnWay app, remove and then re-add the VIN to the mobile app. NOTE: The same VIN can be used in multiple FordPass or LincolnWay devices. Any mobile device that might have previously had the VIN in the mobile app needs to have the VIN removed and then added back for proper remote functionality to return. 12. Select Allow when the pop-up appears on the center display screen. If no pop-up appears, repeat the previous steps to enable/disable valet mode. 13. Perform a remote lock/unlock and a remote start from the mobile app. TSB 22-2309 - 2016-2017 MKX + Other Models - Modem Authorization-Remote Commands-Location Issues In App After 3G To 4G Modem Upgrade - 8 Inch Or Larger Center Display Screen - August 2, 2022.pdf
  17. SSM 50982 was first displayed yesterday on the opening screen of Ford's secure (valid User ID & Password required) Professional Technician System website as an OASIS Broadcast Message, dated August 1, 2022... Since yesterday, additional OASIS messages have been added, so they will have to scroll down if they are looking for it on the PTS website opening screen. It is the third of three OASIS Broadcast Messages that are dated August 1, 2022... It is valid, and, if you provide this locating advice, they should easily find it. Good luck!
  18. The referenced & recent ambient lighting discussion, started by Davidoo... Ambient lighting won't stay on. Good luck!
  19. I have offered my reply on the duplicate post in the Brakes, Chassis & Suspension forum, in order to facilitate future searches for information by topic. Good luck!
  20. No similar experience apart from your description of failed brake booster symptoms in our 2012 MKX, which was replaced under the 13N02 warranty extension. To provide you a starting point, the following is a partial symptom list edited to include your Edge's brake system behavior, from the 2011 Edge Workshop Manual... ion procedures don't In addition, below as PDF download links are relevant sections from the Workshop Manual that provide the same inspection and evaluation guidance that a dealership technician would employ toward a potential $200 review of your Edge's brake system. Many of the evaluation steps involve inspection & performance observation and do not initially require disassembly of components, though component removal procedures are also included... Brake System Symptom Chart - Brake System Diagnosis and Testing - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Brake System Inspection - Brake System General Procedures - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Brake System Component Tests - Brake System Diagnosis and Testing - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Power Brake Booster - Removal and Installation - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Brake Master Cylinder - Removal and Installation - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Brake Pedal and Bracket - Removal and Installation - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf Stoplamp Switch - Removal and Installation - 2011 Edge Workshop Manual.pdf If your efforts reveal a questionable condition that you prefer not to address yourself, at least you'll be able to speak with your dealer about what you looked at and found, perhaps allowing their diagnosis to occur more quickly and less expensively. Good luck!
  21. Ford is acknowledging possible wireless charging compatibility issues with iPhone 12 & 13... SSM 50982 2018-2022 Various Ford and Lincoln Vehicles - Wireless Charging Pad Inoperative/Slow Charging - iPhone 12/13 Users Some 2018-2022 Ford/Lincoln vehicles equipped with a wireless charging pad may exhibit one of the following if the customer is using a Magsafe iPhone (iPhone 12 or 13): slow charging, inoperative, notification that the phone has been mispositioned on the charging pad and/or the phone charging icon in the center screen display is not showing. This may be due to a compatibility issue between the customer's phone and the wireless accessory charging module (WACM) that may make it difficult for Ford and Lincoln vehicles to wirelessly charge these specific phones. The phone can still be charged using the USB cable if the vehicle experiences the above symptoms. If the customer is using a Magsafe iPhone such as an iPhone 12 or 13, verify the wireless charging pad works with a Qi certified phone prior to any part replacements. Good luck!
  22. SSM 50982 2018-2022 Various Ford and Lincoln Vehicles - Wireless Charging Pad Inoperative/Slow Charging - iPhone 12/13 Users Some 2018-2022 Ford/Lincoln vehicles equipped with a wireless charging pad may exhibit one of the following if the customer is using a Magsafe iPhone (iPhone 12 or 13): slow charging, inoperative, notification that the phone has been mispositioned on the charging pad and/or the phone charging icon in the center screen display is not showing. This may be due to a compatibility issue between the customer's phone and the wireless accessory charging module (WACM) that may make it difficult for Ford and Lincoln vehicles to wirelessly charge these specific phones. The phone can still be charged using the USB cable if the vehicle experiences the above symptoms. If the customer is using a Magsafe iPhone such as an iPhone 12 or 13, verify the wireless charging pad works with a Qi certified phone prior to any part replacements.
  23. Did you mistype 2012, or are you driving a GEN1+ EcoBoost FrankenEdge? So that I may pull the proper diagnostic procedures: Is that a 2.0L or 2.7L ? The generic DTC descriptor from the 2022 Edge Workshop Manual... DTC Fault Trigger Conditions PCM P0299:00 Turbocharger/Supercharger 'A' Underboost Condition: No Sub Type Information Sets when the PCM detects the actual turbocharger boost pressure (TCBP) value is less than the desired turbocharger boost pressure (TCBP) value by 27.6 kPa (4 psi) or more for 5 seconds, indicating an under boost condition. Check tubing for restrictions, cracks and incorrect fitting connections. Check the turbocharger wastegate regulating valve solenoid for correct operation. Good luck!
  24. Possibly a misbuild outcome, where the wrong wiring harness was installed in the door at the Assembly Plant. If you have Ford ESP/Ford Protect extended warranty -- or even if you don't, it may be worth checking with your dealer. Good luck!
  25. Providing confirmation to akirby's wise view on the Parking Aid Disable Switch, from the 2015 Edge Owner's Manual online/HTML version (link to website), information that is not included in the printed Owner's Manual... Good luck!
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